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Everything posted by Walleee

  1. Walleee

    Problem Page!

    Check your PM's! Im glad your back!
  2. Walleee


    Andy I'm sorry to hear your going through this What I've quoted above is definitely the type of advice I would give, In terms of stress and such, if you have a good routine it will help you to distract yourself. Bear in mind that what you will be doing is treating the symptom of your stress rather than the cause, so it might be a good idea to have someone you can talk to. I am seriously stressed out about a number of things right now which is making me depressed and run down. I started a job today and the distraction is definately helping me for the most part. Hang in there
  3. I really anjoyed that thanks for posting. I don't normally watch bmx vids but that was great.
  4. Walleee

    Zhi Forks?

    NSE is fred savage. What's this about wheel base, do you feel cramped on your bike? if thats the case you need to look at your bar/stem setup rather than the length of the entire bike. Making you front wheel 5mm further forward is not going to change how the bike rides apart from moves to your front wheel......
  5. Walleee

    Axial Stress

    cheers shaun, Been intending in rounding up the figures to Pascals but didn't want to unless I was sure I had the fundamentals down. Looking at it now I suppose it's not all that peculiar... Thanks a million that's one less thing to worry about!
  6. Walleee

    Axial Stress

    OK I think i'm clear now, worked them out; For the top bit I get an area of 0.0019634m^2 so; -15000/0.0019634 = -7639808.5N/m^2 Just seems like a huge number is there something really obvious i'm missing out on?
  7. Walleee

    Axial Stress

    Cheers shaun, the tension and compression issues shouldn't effect my calculations should it? Stress still = force /area yes? So I just need to amend my calculations with respect to the forces involved yeh?
  8. Talk to her, tell her what you think about her. Why not go on holiday and have fun with your mates rather than having meaningless sex with some slag, when you can come home and the sex you will have with this girl will be so much better as you actually care about her. (not to mention will having a weeks worth of jizz stored up) definately talk to her and see where she thinks you two are going.
  9. Walleee

    Axial Stress

    argh. Now I can see your logic! Can anyone tell us who's right?
  10. You never have to be faithful, but it sounds like you want to. I'd be asking her out before I go.
  11. looks smart steve! I know i've said it allready but if you get a higher set of bars on it'll feel much much better! How'd you set up the tensioner like that? I allways had to run the chain over the puller rather than under it......
  12. Walleee

    Mike Hayes

    Yep, I know for sure if I had anything to do with it, it would have been hand delivered with a bunch of roses after partz' comment.
  13. Walleee

    Axial Stress

    Below is a problem I have, I need to work out the axial stress in each of the three differant parts, top bit is ok, When I get to the middle bit am I right in thinking that the value I use for force is simply 10kN because the forces are acting against each other and you take the smaller from the larger to find the overcoming force? Then for the bottom one I am looking at 15kN as they are added up?
  14. Saw the ex last night for a few cans of strongbow, I think we ended up falling asleep her in my arms before I woke up at half four in the morning alone. We slept in seperate beds and had planned to have dinner tonight but she wasn't too keen and we ended up having time to ourselves. As far as I can see she is dealing with it all alot better than I am, I guess it's a bit easier for her as she doesn't feel guilty about how she treated me and she has plenty to be keeping her busy. I am definately feeling better each day. Waking up this morning in her bed but without her (she slept in her mums bed as she's away on holiday) felt really weird, we got up early and had a smoke before going back to bed for another few hours it just felt wrong that the two of us don't share a bed. I mean we would have done that before when we were friends anyway. I suppose we just have to work on setting ourselves boundaries.
  15. geometry? are they just mods with small stems?
  16. I have never heard such utter shite in my life. You can achieve a solid feeling brake using oil.
  17. I had the older one of them, the gusset between the top and down tube was slightly differant. I loved that frame.
  18. The front monty rim? the holes are differant in it, the rear monty one has rounded squares similar to the koxx one above, but it's 19"
  19. no one will notice they will be looking at your gash frame. I joke - get a stacker on there!
  20. My, now ex, went on it ages ago while we were just seeing each other. She was raging about what I had said about her. Kinda wish she would have come on here the last few days to read what I havn't been able to articulate when i'm with her.
  21. Trials-Forum Video ->Full View • Download • Upload EDIT: there is a 12 minute long one? Do you mean riding at a differant location or the same place as the one I've posted above?
  22. Cheers for the encouragement I think I will go. It'll only be half an hour or so hopefully and a mate has asked me to go round to his and play COD 4 afterwards, he's got a huge HD TV hanging in his living room and his parents are away for a while so that is giving me something to look forward to. Feel like utter shite.
  23. You could probobly parcel force it in two or three packages for under £50.
  24. The lack of a smiley there confuses me......
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