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Everything posted by Walleee

  1. NMC reply or what?? It's better?? At what?
  2. That would ride so much better if you used the backsweep on the bars as backsweep, rather than up sweep. tilt them back a bit and your bunnyhops will improve no end.
  3. They make a fantastic brake, Ben Savage runs brown's in metal backings, or at least did a while back.
  4. Those are the vids for anyone who can't read chinese , some of those sections look a bit stupid. Why do the chinese allways have really crazy stuff, anyone remember the section with the swinging punch bags like something you'd see on a kids game show??
  5. Some very interesting ideas on weight saving, when I say interesting I mean good. Maybe not for the harsher/heavier rider but I can see something like that doing me rightly. I'd maybe suggest getting a rat tail file and filing your chamfer's around the drilling bit's, mainly for aesthetics but in theory it would also remove any stress risers same would go for the rims too, but I'd imagine you've considered all this before taking the dremel/drill to it! still, very nice indeed!!
  6. Totally thought I had edited my post, apparently not. If you have other frames you want anodizing that are indeed aluminum then have a look in your yellow pages, or try directory enquiries, I'd assume you'll be after something fairly local to you so those two are probobly the best bet.
  7. You can't anodize steel, you need an aluminum frame.
  8. Learn to 'Pinch gap', you'll need to experiment tyre pressure's that will allow you to preload by squashing your tyre (like what big side hopers do) but will allow you to land without getting a pinch flat. It's more about technique than set-up i'd say, especially if your using a standard gearing ratio.
  9. Doesn't look like he will be able to put a fish eye on that. I think your looking for a Mini DV cam really, with a 27mm or 37mm threaded lens. No doubt johnny jones will be in soon to put you straight.
  10. How did ben do? Get any pictures/vid while you were there too? What's this about ot pi's weight saving?? sorry for all the questions.
  11. no. In my experience U brake's are very poor. I do know of some BMXers that have decent set-ups but not many.
  12. As far as I remember there isn't, but my bike is a few hundred miles away right now so I'm not 100% sure. if there is anything it'll be reach adjustment but I'm 90% sure there isn't.
  13. How much does it hit? does it still spin? My louise FR disc rubbed metal to metal but it's still spun. If that's the case just file a little off the outside, mine just made an annoying noise more than anything.
  14. Aaron!! You legend! Does anyone have a download link for the carles lopez one? It's what I was talking about.. Thanks again Aaron.
  15. Anyone remember the Bikeshow BCN from last year? Comas, Coust's hermance, diaz etc? The editing on it was amazing and it had some really cool dance track in it?
  16. I don't like KO bike's to be honest, but I'm glad to see you at least are giving mod a try again, I loved the monty vid(s?) you did a while back. Surprised that you didn't put monty bars on it from the start, as I know you know they are they shit......
  17. hasn't the koxx team taken the piss out of giles enough yet for him to stop wearing them shorts? The coust's have brought alot to trials, I hope we can forget about the shorts soon.....
  18. I think it looks so big because the rim is ground, as has been said I bet it's a f**kin' lush ride, but because it's the first mod i've seen with those tyres, i'm a bit about them.
  19. tyres just look wrong, maybe they will grow on me.....
  20. What's the chances of her getting up the 'duff when she's on the pill? edit: nevermind found out...
  21. It might not matter depending on the brake your using, but I know I have a tiny bit of play in my disc from where the pad's move inside the caliper, regardless of how hard I pull the lever. If the brake 'shoe' (or is backing a better term?) is deformed it will move a little, does it happn if you turn the bars to 90 degrees and rock the bike back and forth?
  22. What the f**k is wrong with that camera??
  23. umm, is that ben savage on a diamondback? Now I see the pics I think that I might have read it that he is riding with them, but can't think why he'd make the change????
  24. really? The only link on it that works for me is the rims one, the rest don't even appear to be links to dead pages....... Love the look of the B3 on the front page though....
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