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Dr Greenthumb

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Everything posted by Dr Greenthumb

  1. I quite like the mod frame, if it wasn't so rediculously short though.
  2. yeah that tit added me, he asked me what i had for sale i said nothing and blocked him. they get on my tits.
  3. agreed, in hindsight of the new t-mag having owned one, i wish i'd have saved up
  4. Overseer, hard trance i think tis well good
  5. new forks and rear rim then it will look mintaaaaaaaa
  6. haha YES! such a funny film, i've only seen half of it though. "i love beef stew" haha class
  7. Yeah agreeing with simon on lucky number slevin, awesome film, very clever aswell.
  8. Dear dear dear This topic is about as pointless as an ashtray on a motorbike. Why bother? You know it's just gonna start a huge rant off and will eventually get closed. Moron, in the future keep opinions like these to yourself and let people do what they want to do.
  9. My msn live lost all my contact yesterday, also EVERYTHING on my user account had been deleted, i don't know what's caused it. It can't have been msn can it?
  10. Yes indeed, i love it. The teriyaki boyz do a couple of songs on tokyo drift, japanese rpa/hip hop, well good. You don't happen to have that song do you? The software i use to "acquire" songs won't work
  11. That sounds like the one to me kcchan If it is i will officially love you
  12. hey all I've got the soundtrack from the fast and the furious tokyo drift, but there is still a song i'm after. In the film it's where the black guy shows the other guy his car in that weird carpark thing, the song goes like "my life be like ooh aah ooooooooh aah" and that's all i know. Any help much appreciated.
  13. Mark Anthony is an official Dickhead I might make him a certificate.........
  14. When i'm not riding i drive my vectra. I even drive my vectra with bike in back to wherever we are riding. Even if it's in town, 1 mile downhill from my house. I'm so lazy.
  15. Talk to Edd Potts or "dave85" on here He makes them, i'm sure you two can come to some sort of arrangement for just one, he's very good.
  16. You're just being overly paranoid. Does it not make you feel good that every guy looks at your girl but she chose YOU over all of them. So on that note, she chose to be with you so all these other guys can try and get her number/pick her up whatever but it doesn't necesseraly mean she'll go along with it does it? Just relax a bit, this can and will ruin your relationship if you're seen to be over paranoid.
  17. Also, concidering you run a business etc you would have thought you would take time out to correct spelling mistakes, doesn't look very professional. I can do it, i'm 18 and unemployed
  18. Pete shut up. The likelyhood of anyone believing you is minimal after all the shit you've posted on here before. Just grow up, this topic is irrelevant and immature to say the least. Pillock
  19. Love it. Erm i fit into the group "skinny mechanic" i believe.
  20. Ditto Likewise haha, hopefully people will remove those stupid pissing england flags from there cars
  21. Re - fooking - port! seriously, it's a massive red box at the top of new members page, how do you miss it?!
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