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Everything posted by Cap

  1. sorry, a hacksaw blade could do the trick but a dremmel would be best. now you know how, go and do it so we can see how long it takes until they snap
  2. I want you to cut them off so we can see how long it takes until they snap
  3. I like trials, I like watching Giacomo, I thought this was a bit of a let down.
  4. have you checked the NS Bikes range?
  5. The boarding was cool, the raging was not. Good watch though
  6. Wish the lego blocks I had were that big!
  7. If I could get to them places I would love to ride them, but I know what you are saying. Good solid riding from him. Agree with Ala on the music though.
  8. Cap

    Tra On Inspired Hex !

    I was expecting to hate this video, thought you would of gone all "bmx'y", glad to say I enjoyed it! The only two things I wasn't keen on in this video was too many non riding clips and the music but each to there own. Good to see someone using a hex for tgs style moves and you seemed to be having a good time, almost made me want to get one built up and give it a go! Looking forward to seeing more videos in the near future
  9. The quality was a shame, riding looked sweet from what I could make out of it.
  10. Telling someone to grow up then insulting a family member? Shame on you.
  11. Cheers for the comments people glad you liked it Ali your the tool!
  12. Cap


    Mines the same mate just can't see it in the picture because of the shadow from my nose
  13. Cap


    I love you for this.
  14. I've had many people give me abuse for riding my bike on the promenade, if I ignore it they usually go away but sometimes they persist so I will respond. If I was going to bash on everything I could understand but my tyres are not going to break much.
  15. Cap


    There was an actual cock in his mouth but Mark thought it would be best to photoshop it out.
  16. Was a good event, I wasn't quite used to the mud which is my excuse for falling off so much, still managed to have a good time. Cheers to all the observers and a big thanks to the guy that picked my bike off me on section 2 when I went flying, looking forwards to seeing the video of that! Cap
  17. Off subject, I think it is possible for him to be lifting that, im 90ish kg and im benching 261kg for 27.3 reps and curling 49.725kg for 19.5 reps. (Don't worry im only joking) On subject, I only have the occasional wrist pain but that is usually down to landing a front wheel move wrong, I do not run my bars facing down though...
  18. It's all for a good cause, besides I wanted a beasty tash for the end of the month, needed to get a head start!
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