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Chris Elson

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Everything posted by Chris Elson

  1. so what can i expect in a second interview never had a 2nd one.
  2. yea dave u best be goin dans countin on you as your part of the team now lol shud be awesome
  3. nice vid arron pablo what a monster me and dan will be visiting u guys again in september cant wait to session sabadell again
  4. Chris Elson

    Dan Brooker

    Here's some footage of Dan Brooker riding in Bognor Regis. Just a mess around video found on pc a while back. Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload
  5. Anyone know what to expect in a second interview?? Bikehut section
  6. yeahhhh better watch out!! When u doing that portland video dan?? wouldnt mind that clip of me tapin that rock.
  7. Its ok dave your always going to be mine too we wil all share
  8. His mine boysss back off ha ha nice pictures.
  9. how does everyone know how much they have spent is there a way of seeing on tarty?
  10. Nice bike dude. makes me laugh how people write essays on topic's like these. Either you like it or you dont?
  11. 7th picture down , where the hell is he going from that sidehop is massivee!
  12. wow them pics are f"ckin amazing!!!!!
  13. Corrr some people really getting into this topic, yeah its bad doing it and i wouldnt even think about doing it , but people talking about respect us lot anit got none for some walls we destroy because we were once al beginners and you know what that means, smashed walls , dented and snapped benches?
  14. Chris Elson


    drive round bitch!
  15. Chris Elson


    whos that kid in the red t shirt
  16. Chris Elson


    anit working for me too. EDIT: yeah downloaded it , nice clips! good day too
  17. Think your my age now kennard anit you ? legal for driving not for drinking lol Happy Birthday hope see you tomoz at portsmouth.
  18. I thought alot of people on this forum knew alot about the hungrian riders, it was amazing to meet zoltan for the first, as i have watched a couple of his videos before.
  19. Well thought i might as well make this thread worth looking at so i added these pictures from the same night.
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