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Does anyone Rife The Zoo Pitbull?

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hi am new to this forum :closedeyes: , i been thinking about get anew bike & want the pitbull but hav heard some bad things about it i think it would ride sweet?

(ps i meant ride lol)


the 06 was meant to ride shit

the 07 is really nice to ride, not many bad things about it really.

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Well, it depends on what you are planning to do on the bike.

The 06 pitbulls have a higher BB so are nicer to sidehop when sidehopping a 'higher' wall and are all round great frames. Although many people have the view that the higher BB makes it hard to bunnyhop and tap, however I prefer this set-up when riding other bikes.

The 07 on the other hand has more of a 'standard' geometry feel to it and is an all around great bike and even comes with the option of 116 mm spacing so that a derailler/tensioner does not have to be run to keep the chain tight, so less money is spent in the long run. Also both of these frames are really quite strong and last ages.


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Ride like tanks :( but very very stiff and bomb proof :)

you must have rode a very horrible one then!

To be honest i love them, but only in the long model, probably due to my height but like everything this varies from person to person. i think they are absoloutely soild, i first bout the 04 python and since then i have been hooked, rode that for two years and now have a long 06 pitbull. Out of all of the stocks i have riden or owned 07 GU's KOT MS2's, BT's ect ect the only two i have liked are the long Adamant A1 and the 06 Zoo Pitbull long (I havent riden a 07 one yet so cant really comment there!) and to be fair they are great bikes! They are also as solid as you like!

So i would say yes, great, long lasting, nice to ride and look great.... Could you want anymore?

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the few i have riden have been ace! They have all been to short for me but still rode spot on, i found they were very steady and nice on the back wheel, it wasnt my bike so you dont take liberties but what i rode of it, it was very nice!

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My mate has the 05, although im not sure whether its the long or short but he can really beast it on street stuff, such as taps and sidehops as well as gaps but it also rides well on natural.

I've got the 06 short (cos im short :P ) and ive found that it just sits on the backwheel really nicely but doesnt allow you to get much preload when doing gaps. (unless its the way i do it...)

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