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I've Won 1000 Quid!

Wet Banana

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It is the fanboys like Charlie who make people think that every mac user is a retard. So by ranting, you do yourself or Apple no favours.

I concur. The reason why people moan about Apple is because of all the stupid fan boys, not because of Apple products.

Edit: What the f**k? You have a Steve Jobs quote in your signature? You really need to pull your head out of his arse. And I guarantee your computer not linking to the router is user error, not something to do with the actual PC.

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What to do with £1000?

You don't have to spend it all to treat yourself! Being serious, why not spend a couple of hundred but only if you promise yourself you're going to try to hang onto the rest and get the best value out of it. Why not start something really positive like a getting a saving habit going? 10% of your usual income is a great idea, as suggested by Alvin Hall (!) Worth posting a photo of him to inspire you :)


It's not to be underestimated the positive effect having a nice money buffer in the bank will bring to you. Not that I know anything about that will so many mouths to feed! Before then when we were looking to buy a house, it was quite cool to see the savings gradually build up.

Also, by starting a habit of putting money away you'll make you're own luck in life. It'll give you the advantage over those who spend their money instantly, more options for the future!


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What to do with £1000?

You don't have to spend it all to treat yourself! Being serious, why not spend a couple of hundred but only if you promise yourself you're going to try to hang onto the rest and get the best value out of it. Why not start something really positive like a getting a saving habit going? 10% of your usual income is a great idea, as suggested by Alvin Hall (!) Worth posting a photo of him to inspire you :)


It's not to be underestimated the positive effect having a nice money buffer in the bank will bring to you. Not that I know anything about that will so many mouths to feed! Before then when we were looking to buy a house, it was quite cool to see the savings gradually build up.

Also, by starting a habit of putting money away you'll make you're own luck in life. It'll give you the advantage over those who spend their money instantly, more options for the future!


look - common sense ^^

I still say you should give it to me

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It is the fanboys like Charlie who make people think that every mac user is a retard. So by ranting, you do yourself or Apple no favours.

how would i ever do myself a favor by ranting?

Also: What kind of mod calls forum users 'retards'?

Edit: What the f**k? You have a Steve Jobs quote in your signature? You really need to pull your head out of his arse.

Maybe i like the quote. If it has bills name next to it you'd like it. Why is my head in his arse. I respect him. and im sure you respect someone it doesn't mean you have your head up their arse.

Why are you called bill cosby?

EDIT: Changed sig just for you.

Pull your head out of his arse! :lol:

Charlie, shut up, no one cares, and stop being so ignorant, you obviously have no idea about Linux.

Well Linux is good for some stuff... so is windows i suppose. Like simple things like reading a dodgy drive. i had a drive once that was being a gay, OSX wouldn't read it. Windows did. They all have their uses I was a tad gay last night. Were all entitled to an opinion.

Sorry ({)

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I think what they're trying to get at, is that if you didn't suddenly get on your high horse as soon as somebody said something bad about Apple it wouldn't make you look like a twat. It'd also give Apple a better rep, because then it doesn't look like all their fanboys are desperately trying to cover them for some pretty average hardware in pretty cases and a OS that is basically Linux with slightly less open source. As for quoting Steve Jobs and calling him a Genious, don't you think that's abit extreme, he doesn't sit in his workshop and create everything that is Apple, he's got 1000's of people under him that come up with the designs and probably people that write scripts for him when he does his press releases an stage talking. So really quoting him an saying he's a genious makes you look very narrowminded. It's a fact that Linux has a better rep in the OS industry because you don't get fanboys bumming Mark Shuttleworth and rushing to cue up at stores nights before a product is released swearing by it and then not even caring when the price has been slashed by 50% a few months later or the unreplaceable battery dies, if your stupid enough to pray to Saint Steve Jobs and worship everything he does then I think you deserve to be taken to the cleaners.

As for Tomm, he didn't actually call any forum member a retard, he merely said Fanboys who rant, look like retards. (Read it again)

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Well, I read it again and he's still calling him a retard.

But why not? Everyone is WINRAR with RETARD.

WinRAR? Huh?

I think what they're trying to get at, is that if you didn't suddenly get on your high horse as soon as somebody said something bad about Apple it wouldn't make you look like a twat. It'd also give Apple a better rep, because then it doesn't look like all their fanboys are desperately trying to cover them for some pretty average hardware in pretty cases and a OS that is basically Linux with slightly less open source. As for quoting Steve Jobs and calling him a Genious, don't you think that's abit extreme, he doesn't sit in his workshop and create everything that is Apple, he's got 1000's of people under him that come up with the designs and probably people that write scripts for him when he does his press releases an stage talking. So really quoting him an saying he's a genious makes you look very narrowminded. It's a fact that Linux has a better rep in the OS industry because you don't get fanboys bumming Mark Shuttleworth and rushing to cue up at stores nights before a product is released swearing by it and then not even caring when the price has been slashed by 50% a few months later or the unreplaceable battery dies, if your stupid enough to pray to Saint Steve Jobs and worship everything he does then I think you deserve to be taken to the cleaners.

As for Tomm, he didn't actually call any forum member a retard, he merely said Fanboys who rant, look like retards. (Read it again)

I think he is a genious. I never said he builds the machines. If he wasn't a genius he wouldn't be were he is now.

And no. You read it again. He did call a forum member a retard.

ALSO: Whats with the different size type :S its tripping me out.

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Macs = Homework.

Windows = Business.

Simple.As.That. Macs are just completely impractical to any business...unless its clean, low demand and very, very simple. Fair enough a Mac can do things a PC can do....but a PC doesn't have to be expensive and brilliant white.

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Simple.As.That. Macs are just completely impractical to any business...unless its clean, low demand and very, very simple. Fair enough a Mac can do things a PC can do....but a PC doesn't have to be expensive and brilliant white.

What about the design business?


That's a nice example.

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Yeah I know where youre coming from, but not necessarily true.


Thats inside the new Nike iD store in London, but it is mainly the creative industry that that uses them, because of the way the system works. If people thought they were so shit then the market share wouldnt keep rising, and companies would stop developing software for them.

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as has been touched on...

macs occupy a huge area of the design industry. not just south park, but many many businesses i.e. product, film etc. at uni.. almost the whole design department staff use macs. dr'...not jus college students forming this stupid argument.

not sure that amy the administrator could work one though..

anyway windows is brilliant for conventional businesses that are not a function of creativity; visually.

imo..words and numbers for pcs. graphic based formats for mac.

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Well, yes...But theres not many working environments where a Mac would be appropriate; offices, warehousing, manufacturing, retail...A mac is seems more designed for home use...

Huh? Dont Graphic designers have offices? Dont video editors have offices?... I know what you are trying to say but i think it is wrong. Windows and mac's are both for home and office use. I personally think Mac's do both better.

Windows machines should be used for making spreadsheets and databases. All the fun stuff.

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Well, yes...But theres not many working environments where a Mac would be appropriate; offices, warehousing, manufacturing, retail...A mac is seems more designed for home use...

Over the last week we've sold 11 Mac Pro's and 33-35 iMacs which are just intended for business use. That's mainly for retail and offices for smaller to medium size businesses.

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Oh yeah, I forgot, Windows are terrible for gaming and Mac's are brilliant :rolleyes:

I have an xbox. Why would you want to use a keyboard to play a game. seriously? Plus... No halo 3

How the hell did you change your username? I changed my sig for you :P

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How and why has this turned into a Mac/PC/Linux debate. They are all fantastic in their own right.

I've not really used Macs in their recent guise but I can't see anything wrong with them except for the "fanboys" it's the same with PCs and with consoles. I love each one for different reasons and hate them all for the same one ("fanboys") you bastards are both hilarious and amazingly annoying all at the same time. I've been a Nintendo fan since my early gaming on a nes/snes but I can't imagine for a second that I'd dislike a different console just because it's made by Sony or Microsoft. It's like brand racism.


Edited by dan_brisa
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