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The Duck

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Organise more big rides, like the DJ memorial but about 1 a month, and ask for donations for a trials park in his name.

Set up a paypal account and ask for donations from forum members, ask Tarty if they want to sponser it if you put big TartyBikes stickers all over it.

When we get told off, we always just say, well we know it's wrong, but we're going to do it anyway, or, ok, we'll come back in 10 mins, depending on who it is.

Hell yes!!!! DJ ride was mint even though i wasnt riding, it got the publics attention aswell trials needs to become more mainstream like BMXing ( much cooler though B) ) then parks will get built every where and old people wont get arsy

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Sounds like you were being a knob ,irreseptive of what the woman was saying, you don't act like a twat just because someone else does.

What are people still confused about.....trials will get you unwanted attention and its not a great idea to add to this or play off it, generally speaking most trials (on street) is probably wrong and the police/authoritites will have many reaons why that is so...anti-social behaviour/criminal damage/trespassing - basically it is wrong ,why people still try and prove some pedantic, pathetic point is beyond me. Just deal with it, be polite and move on - why object and be a dick about it and give trials a further bad name?

What are you really trying to achieve, that there is no legal reason that you can't ride on some shitty wall......grow up its just a f**king wall - go elsewhere, don't piss people off and get used to it, we all have to deal with it, you're not being some macho guy by standing up to some woman who works for the council - big deal you were slightly sarcastic to her....... big man!!

Its funny that even though i have been stopped/had my name taken down or my actions noted countless times i've never been threatened with arrest or further trouble...i wander why that is? Because im polite apologize and move on, and i'm not some arrogant little willy with a point to prove to someone who is clearly never going to understand where you are coming from, or what the hell the sport is around, they will only see you as a trouble maker and theres nothing you can do about that.

Threads like this are getting beyond a joke with so many comments like....''yeah i was going to tell them to f**k off'', ''i was going to hit him'' and so on....for f**ks sake why does it seem lke this sport is full of such dicks?

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Its the same everywhere, I get a letter from the police most weeks, because security guards in the areas we ride describe us as a public nuisance ect..

although we try and talk to them nicley it always ends up slagging each other off

just ignore them

i cant see you going to court for riding a wall

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Just take it on the chin and go ride some other place. No point in arguing. been lucky a few times where security guards have told us to go away and come back when the place closes as they wont be there and they couldnt give a shit what happens then. they get paid to move people on etc, if they dont, not going to look good from the bosses point of view is it.

I kind of agree with the staying when someone tells you to f**k off though, if its public property, just get off your bike and sit on the wall and talk to her then, cant say anything to you. have to be careful when confronting people, be crafty about it :P

Ive been chase by old men with walking sticks before and had an old man swing for me before after he wouldn't listen to reasoning. there was like 5 of us aswell, wtf was he thinking! we arent in 1940's germany anymore.

Edited by Si-man
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The police here are like that too. More interested in making me push my bike along and getting me off the high street than dealing with stoned 11 year olds. I'm lucky though as my sister is going out with a Sargent so hes told them not to take my bike so I'm safe to tell them they're a joke and have their heads up there asses. In a nicer was though. Duff man hope u don't get shafted that would be a bit harsh.

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Hell yes!!!! DJ ride was mint even though i wasnt riding, it got the publics attention aswell trials needs to become more mainstream like BMXing ( much cooler though B) ) then parks will get built every where and old people wont get arsy

It's not as easy as that, the DJ memorial ride takes alot of organising and we are lucky enough people who knew what happened to him are supporting us by donating the equipment you all ride on each year, how long this will continue for i don't know.

You need to think smaller projects, like a sponsored 'No Swearing day' or something..you just need to get things started.

love Sue x :deej::bunny::deej:

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... moan moan moan...

buzz off mate, you obviously haven't read what I wrote properly.

Its the same everywhere, I get a letter from the police most weeks, because security guards in the areas we ride describe us as a public nuisance ect..

although we try and talk to them nicely it always ends up slagging each other off

just ignore them

i cant see you going to court for riding a wall

Yeah, we are polite when people are being polite towards us. We also normally ride on some walls near a registry office, when there’s a wedding on the lady comes out and tells us when it should be finished and we come back then. Thats fine, shes friendly, we are friendly - everybody’s happy. Also when we use the pallets round the back of Homebase, some old boy comes out and says would you mind comming back when we're closed? We go away, and go back when their closed.

I don't start being a smart arse, unless other people are unreasonable with me.

Just take it on the chin and go ride some other place. No point in arguing. been lucky a few times where security guards have told us to go away and come back when the place closes as they wont be there and they couldnt give a shit what happens then. they get paid to move people on etc, if they dont, not going to look good from the bosses point of view is it.

I kind of agree with the staying when someone tells you to f**k off though, if its public property, just get off your bike and sit on the wall and talk to her then, cant say anything to you. have to be careful when confronting people, be crafty about it :P

Ive been chase by old men with walking sticks before and had an old man swing for me before after he wouldn't listen to reasoning. there was like 5 of us aswell, wtf was he thinking! we arent in 1940's germany anymore.

Yeah, that’s our sort of 'normal procedure'. What really got to me is. In the same place where the police were taking our details yesterday, about a week before a police car was stopped in traffic next to us riding there. The driver wound his window down, started clapping and said 'Do that thing where you jump up the wall again!', the police woman sitting next to him was smiling and giving a thumbs up etc.

They just need to make their minds up what their policy is.


It's not as easy as that, the DJ memorial ride takes alot of organising and we are lucky enough people who knew what happened to him are supporting us by donating the equipment you all ride on each year, how long this will continue for i don't know.

You need to think smaller projects, like a sponsored 'No Swearing day' or something..you just need to get things started.

love Sue x :deej::bunny::deej:

Yeah we really need to start the ball moving...

Will email you now Sue.

Edited by Quackers
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Its a damn tricky situation. I've been riding trials on the street for a couple of years and a couple of months ago everyone in my family turned against me and said I should stop riding it! I do understand the pros and cons. The main issue is getting a criminal record. It doesn't seem like a big deal but when it comes down to future employment it is actually very important.

My sister is a lawyer and explained to me that although most policemen won't care, if you bump into one policemen, who is having a particularly bad day and feels like making an example out of you they can easily enough take you to court on any number of charges. If one member of the public when asked says you are disturbing them you can be charged. Also it goes without saying that if you damage any walls its without doubt classed as 'criminal damage'.

BUT This is a worst case scenario , what we need to remember is the chances of this happening are actually very very minimal. In a couple of years we've had one police woman telling us not to ride a spot because we could get in the way of people and another policeman telling a mate what he was doing was really cool but he doesn't fancy coming back if he hurt himself so he should stop. In conclusion its really a game of chance. I reacon 99/100 trials riders won't get in any trouble for riding on the street, its just crap if your the 1/100 because it can screw other things up.

I've tried out being lippy and being polite and being polite without doubt gets the best results. So just bite the bullet and move on with a smile and a sorry when people have a problem and ride it some other time because it aint worth getting screwed over about.

Thats just my view on things anyway.


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The thing is though it won't effect your future employment at all after a fairly short period of time (as long as you don't want to work with kids, the nhs, or the police) if you were charged with criminal damage unless you had a huge string of other convictions you wouldn't end up in prison. You may be fined, ordered to pay compensation, or do community service in which case you would have to tell your employer for 2 1/2 years if you're under 18 or 5 years if you're over. If you're lucky, you may just be discharged in which case you have to tell them for 6 months. it's all under the rehabilitation of offenders act. you won't wreck your future but it's not worth getting caught in the first place

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If I am asked to move on, then I do so. Whilst I am moving though, if there is a sarky comment or even just a word, usually me and my mates, will then put bags down quite roughly to prove a point and make sure we get in the way, anything more said then the insulting begins.

We were riding in a relatively quiet area of town, some little girls started bithcing, they were about 15/16 usual shit etc, then some faggot who we all know as "gay tom" comes over, starts giving us some shti because of what was goign on, he sat in the way, so as usual we carry on riding. Then we stopped for a drink and the p**** comes over and starts kicking my mates bike, bent his disc rotor as well which made a horrible noise.

At this point we left, we came accross some coppers who had actually seen the whole thing on CCTV, apparantly this guy causes a lot of trouble and we were told, by coppers, if he gives you any hassle hit it.

After moving on, about an hour later we went to pizza hut which was opposite the area we were before, to our disbelief the old c*** comes over with his possy of 15/16 year olds, starts giving us some shit, so my mate had enough, whacked him one, knocked him out and left him on the floor, the girls then left appropriately tails between there legs, nothgin more was said and the coppers turned a blind eye as they saw it all happen. Mainly because we had seen these coppers a lot and they know our situation with the council turning down plans for a trials park and the insurance issue with the skate park, so they are generally ok and just say "can you come back later its a little busy now" and we oblige no problems.

At times you need to move on, othertimes you have to stand up for your right of freedom. Generally I do not get too many problems as I tend to ridein the evening so I can get to all the best spots without hassle.

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If I am asked to move on, then I do so. Whilst I am moving though, if there is a sarky comment or even just a word, usually me and my mates, will then put bags down quite roughly to prove a point and make sure we get in the way, anything more said then the insulting begins.

We were riding in a relatively quiet area of town, some little girls started bithcing, they were about 15/16 usual shit etc, then some faggot who we all know as "gay tom" comes over, starts giving us some shti because of what was goign on, he sat in the way, so as usual we carry on riding. Then we stopped for a drink and the p**** comes over and starts kicking my mates bike, bent his disc rotor as well which made a horrible noise.

At this point we left, we came accross some coppers who had actually seen the whole thing on CCTV, apparantly this guy causes a lot of trouble and we were told, by coppers, if he gives you any hassle hit it.

After moving on, about an hour later we went to pizza hut which was opposite the area we were before, to our disbelief the old c*** comes over with his possy of 15/16 year olds, starts giving us some shit, so my mate had enough, whacked him one, knocked him out and left him on the floor, the girls then left appropriately tails between there legs, nothgin more was said and the coppers turned a blind eye as they saw it all happen. Mainly because we had seen these coppers a lot and they know our situation with the council turning down plans for a trials park and the insurance issue with the skate park, so they are generally ok and just say "can you come back later its a little busy now" and we oblige no problems.

At times you need to move on, othertimes you have to stand up for your right of freedom. Generally I do not get too many problems as I tend to ridein the evening so I can get to all the best spots without hassle.

Haha was it Alex who smacked him one?


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I've tried out being lippy and being polite and being polite without doubt gets the best results. So just bite the bullet and move on with a smile and a sorry when people have a problem and ride it some other time because it aint worth getting screwed over about.

Quoted for truth.

The thing is though it won't effect your future employment at all after a fairly short period of time (as long as you don't want to work with kids, the nhs, or the police) if you were charged with criminal damage unless you had a huge string of other convictions you wouldn't end up in prison. You may be fined, ordered to pay compensation, or do community service in which case you would have to tell your employer for 2 1/2 years if you're under 18 or 5 years if you're over. If you're lucky, you may just be discharged in which case you have to tell them for 6 months. it's all under the rehabilitation of offenders act.

Seems like you're restricting yourself quite a lot just so you can be lippy to people in public?! I don't care if it goes away in 5 years, that's a LONG time. I used to argue with people all the time, but it just isn't worth it at all.

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I don't do it, i'm just saying there's no point in quiting trials over it or stopping riding street because it's not the end of the world and 1/100 is way out nearer 1/1000 is more sensible which is fair to say thats probs about your chances of being paralysed from trials which would be the end of the world for you really

so phils family should want him to quit because he could never walk again not because he might get something which has little effect and goes away after 5 years.

being polite is definatly the best plan because it usually annoys the person even more.

if you were given five years to live would you think of it as a long time? even the 60 years that I might be lucky enough to have left feels really short.

Edited by Gavyn L
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even worst than the police you get chased by for blacks on bmxs's and running! where were the police then aye, why do the police insist on stopping us riding are motorbikes on fields when we are causeing no harm to anyone same with riding are bikes, they should be out trying to catch the basterds who are mugging us and beating people up police are silly!

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even worst than the police you get chased by for blacks on bmxs's and running! where were the police then aye, why do the police insist on stopping us riding are motorbikes on fields when we are causeing no harm to anyone same with riding are bikes, they should be out trying to catch the basterds who are mugging us and beating people up police are silly!

Catching criminals isn't easy - however if you're sitting there breaking the law (Which lets face it, you are) they will do something about it.

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Catching criminals isn't easy - however if you're sitting there breaking the law (Which lets face it, you are) they will do something about it.


Riding motor bikes in fields is rather off topic. Bit of a difference between riding a bike on a 'public owned' wall and riding a motorbike on privately owned field.

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Well lets all just remember

Trials IS criminal Damage

Trials IS Tresspassing in some spots

Among all the other things the cop's can think of. It doesn't matter if you mean to go to bash... everyone does sometimes... which is exactly that same as somone with a hammer hitting the wall.....

It doesn't matter if the rail way / trading estate - has no-one on it... it can be tresspassing

Its all about just playing along... if its someone whos had 80 more birthdays that you or fat f**kers.... dont take too much notice

If they can beat you up or have some "offical" shit going on... smile nodd be nice move on.... then come back.

If you want to listen to security its up to you...... but just be pleasantly tell them to kindly f**k off

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its ok mate,

they keep banning everything or moaning about anything you do, no wonder young people in the uk are wankers that break stuff, your not aloud to do bollocks all!

sell the bike buy drugs and booze and a tracksuit and go break stuff like everyone else does..

cant believe how stupid some people are..

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Well lets all just remember

Trials IS criminal Damage

Trials IS Tresspassing in some spots

Among all the other things the cop's can think of. It doesn't matter if you mean to go to bash... everyone does sometimes... which is exactly that same as somone with a hammer hitting the wall.....

It doesn't matter if the rail way / trading estate - has no-one on it... it can be tresspassing

Its all about just playing along... if its someone whos had 80 more birthdays that you or fat f**kers.... dont take too much notice

If they can beat you up or have some "offical" shit going on... smile nodd be nice move on.... then come back.

If you want to listen to security its up to you...... but just be pleasantly tell them to kindly f**k off

Makes me think of canvey nick lol.

Never had any big issues with police, only name taken down and all that.

Usually if you apologise and start going nothing will happen.


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Does anyone know of anything that will give the Police a f**k load of paperwork to do? Say they want to arrest you for trespassing, could you try staging a fit an foam at the mouth, spaz out abit? Bet that'd put them off arresting you again if they have to write a 5000 word essay on what they did wrong.

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