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Pins And Needles


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I keep getting pins and needles in my body.

I mean i know you get it from sitting lieing standing wierd ut i get it at random times especially on my right side of my body arm and fingers mainly.

I never had this befor is something wrong

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You can trap a nerve in your neck and get pins and needles down an arm. It's mostly older people that get it but young people can get it. Is it just in certain places? Describe where/when it is more exactly. Also is it brought on by funny neck movements? Might be worth popping to the GP anyway.

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You can trap a nerve in your neck and get pins and needles down an arm. It's mostly older people that get it but young people can get it. Is it just in certain places? Describe where/when it is more exactly. Also is it brought on by funny neck movements? Might be worth popping to the GP anyway.

hmmi dont feel ive done something to my neck i feel fine. Its usualy in the very end of my finger tips but my muscles are feeling week in my right side. But i swear once i heard something about having this means you have a blood clott or some form of illness type thing in your body

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Yeah random pins an needles can be all sorts of things, its related to so many illnesses. From gastrointeritis to a trapped nerve or reduced blood supply (blood clot as you say). If you've still got the pins and needles in a while, I'd get myself up to the hospital. Are you feeling okay otherwise?

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Think im ok. I just keep sleeping all day but thats due to not being able to sleep at night worried about the trouble im in.

Need my bike fixing pretty fast to get rid of stress lol

I think im fine i go sick alot lately though

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I would imagine it being a trapped nerve in your neck, apparently quite common in men.

Have a good strech, maybe a nice hot bath and chill out for a while. If problem persist please contact you gp (like they say on medicine bottles)

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just go to your gp, it could be anything from a neurological problem to just lying on your arm when your sleeping none of us can tell. Most of tf are not doctors and even the doctors can't do a cyber-examination.

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Ok, let's be serious here, enough joking.

Chronic spasticity is caused by blood restrictions to the muscles, hence the pins and needles pain (you get this if you sit on your hand, for example, because you restrict the blood circulation).

Eventually you'll end up, as I said, quadraspased, which is like Stephen Hawking is now. Except you won't get the motor chair and the computer because you're not clever enough. But it'll be ok, he did have a maid that 'serviced him' now and then, and they got married eventually, so there'll still be hope for you.

I suggest you go and see your doctor and ask for some advice on quadraspasaplegia, or chronic spasticity in general.

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Ok, let's be serious here, enough joking.

Chronic spasticity is caused by blood restrictions to the muscles, hence the pins and needles pain (you get this if you sit on your hand, for example, because you restrict the blood circulation).

Eventually you'll end up, as I said, quadraspased, which is like Stephen Hawking is now. Except you won't get the motor chair and the computer because you're not clever enough. But it'll be ok, he did have a maid that 'serviced him' now and then, and they got married eventually, so there'll still be hope for you.

I suggest you go and see your doctor and ask for some advice on quadraspasaplegia, or chronic spasticity in general.

Even though hawking has motor neurone disease...

there is a high chance it's stress related, or just a trapped nerve, don't go offing yourself yet, but get to a doctors, or your nearest Thai massage parlour and hope for a happy ending.

double entendre, BAM!

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