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How Strong Is


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I was just thinking, you get a lot of questions asking strength of products on here...

Are most frames / wheels not to the same high standard now? I could understand back in the days when seatless "nu skool" designs were fresh and still being tested, but surely most frames now are pretty damn tough?

The T-Raptor type bikes were a fairly new idea and you can see why they may have ben fairly weak, but after 5 more years of research surely most frames now are of a similar strength?

If not, they should be.

Of course the budget stuff won't be, but I mean Dob, Zoo, Echo etc...

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i very much doubt that frames are released now a days that have major floors in them like they used too,i personally would say that most of todays trials frame(excluding super light comp frames) are to a very high standard and must be really strong.for example todays frames take a battering and hold up,but imagine what riders such as neil tunnicliffe would do to a t-rapter ,surely this show the my point.


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i very much doubt that frames are released now a days that have major floors in them like they used too,i personally would say that most of todays trials frame(excluding super light comp frames) are to a very high standard and must be really strong.for example todays frames take a battering and hold up,but imagine what riders such as neil tunnicliffe would do to a t-rapter ,surely this show the my point.


most frames that use a tried and tested design eg the coust copy are fairly sound i would have thought, its only really when manufacturers completely change a frame that it might not hold up?

T-raptors were hardly weak were they? i mean akkers rode one for ages

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Personally i think it's all crap. The quality sucks on most of the trials parts i've seen. The leading brands like Echo, Koxx and Monty suck ass. It just seems all so rushed. I was speaking to a mate about it all and i think it all comes down to the fact there isn't a great market for it so it's got to be made to a lower quality. Well that's my opinion anyway, strong or weak, it's still the same.

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I agree it is kinda pointless to post asking how strong a certain component is , unless there is known to be a faulty batch . When it comes to strength it's pretty much impossible to offer solid advice as variables like rider weight and correct , careful installation and maintenance also play a role in product life expectancy let alone ...dare I say - unsmooth riding / poor technique .

Let's not forget also that some companies - Koxx especially , market most of their stuff as intended for competition ( thus neatly covering themselves from warranty claims ) and as such will fail sooner if ridden frequently .

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I think that your better off buying parts from UK companies that are UK made. Most of the Taiwanese/Chinese frames and parts from the likes of Zoo, Echo etc will all come from the same factory where the parts are made more with cost saving, money making exercises in mind rather than out and out quality. Understandably there is a place for cheaper parts as people cannot always afford Middleburn cranks but in the long term your getting much better value with a quality made part as it will probably last many years as opposed to months, also if you ain't buying from the far east your saving UK jobs, the UK economy, and probably helping the environment as its not shipped half way across the world and manufactured in a place where factories can pump anything they like wherever they like.

Sorry I'm probably going a bit off topic?

Edited by Ash1984
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