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Am I Too Old For This?


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This maybe a stupid question but i was wondering if im too old for trials? i have just turned 22! i used to ride trials when i was around 15. im not a beginner but i am oldschool. it seems a hell of alot has changed since i last rode. I just wanted to get your views on it? i was wondering how old you guys are? and how long you have been riding? whatever your views i am still gonna start riding again, i just wanted to know what you boys thought.



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22 isn't old! Don't be put off by the average age of TF members being lower than this. There are plenty of riders in their mid & late twenties plus riders in their 30s and 40s I've heard. ;) I started getting into Trials riding in 1996.

Good on you if you're able to keep riding in your twenties! Naturally, opportunities reduce to get out riding as you get older and jobs, relationships, responsibilities feature more prominently in your life.

If anything, you need trials more as you get older in order to get some some fun & fittness to counter balance the necessities of working to put bread on the table plus a typically more seditory lifestyle.


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I stopped riding when i was 19, and have just started again at 23...

I find being a bit older and wiser helps in some respects, as you dedicate more time to learn, rather than just pissing about on your bike.

Ditto, I stopped at about 19, started again at 23 (this week!!!!!!).

Does anyone else sometimes feel like a bit of a wally thinking they look like an old man on a wired tiny bike, or is it just me?

Edited by Ash1984
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22? I hardly remember 22! I'm 35 this year and started about 2 years ago. If you're questioning it at 22 you need to consider taking up another hobby - putting ships in bottles perhaps. Go and ride.

Im 29 in 2 months and just picking up trials again, last rode properly about 3 years ago - cracked my old frame and not got round to it since :)

I can see my back, arms and shoulders hating me for a week or two :D

FWIW Ive been on bikes for the last 15 years and riding trials on and off for almost 11 years - still crap though!

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well i am only 15 but my dad is 41 and he has a play around on my bike every now and then just for fun he aint no good at it but he likes it he was thinking of getting a trials bike because he just simpily enjoys it but trials is a sport not a fun game that you grow out of like hide and seek lol hear that trials is even going to be in the olympics in 2012 :-

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22? I hardly remember 22! I'm 35 this year and started about 2 years ago. If you're questioning it at 22 you need to consider taking up another hobby - putting ships in bottles perhaps. Go and ride.

ships in bottles sounds fun. screw this trials shit im off! i did say that im still gonna ride woteva, i was just asking because when i used to ride trials seems like along time ago, so it just felt a bit strange getting back into it after such a long break.

how do they get those ships in the bottles!? hmmm.... :D

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Nah, your not too old. Its my 21st birthday tomorrow and i'm not gonna be giving up anytime soon. You won't have forgotten much either, it might take a couple of days to get back into the swing of it but you'll still be able to gap etc. You'll be back in action in next to no time at all.

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