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Calling All Dj's....


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Well, i have a slight problem with tutorials and sampling tracks atm as my speakers are screwed and don't work. Is it easy to pick up once you get the hang of it?

Different for everyone to be honest, some people are naturally good, others aren't.

If you have a good ear for music you'll be fine usually :)

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Yeah not bad for beginners mate!

I started on £129 CD decks and £49 Mixer so yeah it's not bad...

Learning on less "user friendly" equipment is good anyway, once you buy (if you buy) more expensive stuff it makes mixing seem easy :)

Much like a bike I would guess.

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MP3's are £1.29 from most DJ download sites :)

Vinyl's are usually £6+

I thought he ment normal cd's to buy :| :(

Me bad

theres nothing wrong with vinyls chris, infact id rather use vinyl!

Remeber speaking to mike a while back and he said that he would use vinyl but there to big and take up to much space, like to go to a club etc like he does he needs say 200+ tuness. 200 tracks worth of cds is gona be alot smaller than 200 vinyls! (200 isnt the exact number, as im sure you would need more)

Edited by BenLeacock
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we're talking like 20p a cd, you all know how people get mp3s these days

and vinyls aren't 20p each, by a long shot


Most DJ's buy their MP3's... you can't afford to play a nasty 128kbps ripped track in front of a few hundred people :)

I never forget a local DJ playing the latest track with Polish radio presenters talking at the end! Haha, he looked like a right tit.

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Well im stuck with vinyl until i decide if im good enought to warrent getting a cd deck.


for what i'd rather do with decks, i'd rather use vinyl ones, but i don't mind since they're not mine. Be fun to give DJing a bash though. If I decided i really liked it I'd get me own setup, but i strongly doubt that.

Most DJ's buy their MP3's... you can't afford to play a nasty 128kbps ripped track in front of a few hundred people :)

I never forget a local DJ playing the latest track with Polish radio presenters talking at the end! Haha, he looked like a right tit.

well, he makes cds to doss with, and he buys cds from a shop called funkymonkey too, i reckon he uses those for live playing and not 128kbs tracks.

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for what i'd rather do with decks, i'd rather use vinyl ones, but i don't mind since they're not mine. Be fun to give DJing a bash though. If I decided i really liked it I'd get me own setup, but i strongly doubt that.

well, he makes cds to doss with, and he buys cds from a shop called funkymonkey too, i reckon he uses those for live playing and not 128kbs tracks.

cough... im selling a cheap starter set that ive got spare .. cough !

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cough... im selling a cheap starter set that ive got spare .. cough !

i get battered for playing my guitar too loud (just under half way!?? - everyone knows amps perform better in the mid-high range than too quiet (sounds poo) and too loud (exceeds the RMS, and trashes your amp and sounds poo) )

so i could never buy some, until i got me own house. :)

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