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The Tricks That Evade You...


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I'm sure all of you guys have certain tricks which you try hard to do but fail miserably. Mines a 360 spin on the back wheel.

No matter how hard i try i can only get it to 180. I'm starting to wonder whether i'll ever be able to manage it. Anybody got any advice?

Also, what tricks are other people struggling with?

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I'm sure all of you guys have certain tricks which you try hard to do but fail miserably. Mines a 360 spin on the back wheel.

No matter how hard i try i can only get it to 180. I'm starting to wonder whether i'll ever be able to manage it. Anybody got any advice?

Also, what tricks are other people struggling with?

Preload to the side you're not going to spin, then, pull round and back. You want to be nearly vertical when you hit 180, that's what it looks like when Martyn Ashton does it.

I can get 270

I wanna know how to 180 drop off a ledge

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Well heres my list of tricks to complete:


Basics mate, get yourself out there and practice your arse off. All else fails come along to one of the organised rides...you'll find you'll pick up loads just riding with other people.

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I can get a little more than 180 but never managed to make a 360 spin.

I really want to learn sidehopping high but I never get it right no matter how good and far I know to lurch

I know it's the same move as the lurch/pedalkick forwards but I still can't jump to the side...

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I really want to learn sidehopping high but I never get it right no matter how good and far I know to lurch

I know it's the same move as the lurch/pedalkick forwards but I still can't jump to the side...

Start small and work your way up, thats what i did. Start on a curb or something and gradually get bigger.

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Preload to the side you're not going to spin, then, pull round and back. You want to be nearly vertical when you hit 180, that's what it looks like when Martyn Ashton does it.

I can get 270

I wanna know how to 180 drop off a ledge

From 2 wheels, like sideways? or from backwheel?

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I can swing my back wheel round, but i can't lift my front end up until the back wheel's on the ground.

Just keep practicing this on the flat or off a curb. Just do an endo then practice pulling up hard on the bars when you're passing 90 degrees.

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I have alot of problems with spinning.. the only spinning moves I can do are a 270 drop of from the side, and a 180 endo drop off...

Just can't get the power into the spin, can't pedal kick into them aswell, just feels weird.

Can do a 180 static, but since I can't put in a pedal kick I move backwards quite alot, destroying the whole purpose of the move.

So here is my list I guess:

- rolling/static 180

- 360 on rear wheel

- Endo Hops

- Manuals

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- Endo Hops

- Manuals

These two are both ones where finding the balance point is really important. Needless to say you're probably gonna have to go past the balance point a few times (ie eat dirt).

With manuals i find it easier the faster you go. Make sure you've got your finger ready on the back brake just in case. Get up some speed, pull up on the bars and throw all your weight back behind the seat/ over the rear tyre. Just keep practicing and one day you'll just find the balance point and be popping manuals all over the shop.

With the endo hops, you'll need to find your balance point as well. Just keep practicing endos going as high as you can till you can judge where the balance point is. Once youve got that, just preload your body then pull upwards. Not so much with the arms thouyfgh otherwise the back end will just drop down. Try to get the movement coming from your legs/hips.

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I'm working on manuals, bunnyhops and taps lately. I can do a very very short manual but the wheel comes right down usually. If I do get near my balance point I feel like I'm falling over and tend to either brake or lean forward a bit to put the front wheel down. I'll get this, it's just gunna take a few months. Bunnyhops are fun and my technique is coming along but I dunno if I can clear a curb with a hop yet. Taps are fun. Weird, but fun. The pedal strokes are really important as well as timing. I practiced for two hours before I could properly get on top of something only about 6" off the ground. That pissed me off cause I knew I could just pedal and get the bike up but I also knew that wasn't correct.

Endos and Catwalks are a big one for me. I can endo just fine, but I dont have the balance point even close yet. The wheel comes up and goes down. I can hold it for maybe 2.5 seconds on a real good one. Usually the back just comes up and then goes down... another one that will come in time but can be frustrating. Catwalks are fun as hell and I'm getting better (now at least) I practice these because the balance point for this technique is gunna be pretty close to the same for manuals and backhops. Its like a threefer.

Oh... super frustrating. Trying to use a pedal stroke and then balance on the backwheel... up down up down up down. Think you got the wheel up high enough and your weight far enough back? Nope, sorry. Nope sorry. Nope not happening today, or tomorrow or the next day... I honestly dont know how people do it. I gotta dedicate more time to it but I feel its a bit more "advanced" and I dont need to worry about it much yet. But when I do try it (even with doing an endo first) it feels retarded.

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I've been trying to manual for over a decade and I still can't hold one for any length of time (It took me over 2 years to learn wheelies)... Record for front hops is about 5 - always hopping backwards too, so not making it to the balance point. Strangely I'm perfectly happy backhopping, stalling or pivoting on the back or front wheel on the edge of stuff etc. I'm guessing part of the reason I'm no good at those moves is that they're good for style, but not useful for actually getting a bike over stuff so I don't really practice them while I'm riding...

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I'm guessing part of the reason I'm no good at those moves is that they're good for style, but not useful for actually getting a bike over stuff so I don't really practice them while I'm riding...


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HOOKS! arrrrrrrrrrrrrg!!1 jus keep trying them and sure i can pwn on an angled wall but cant realy come close on a vertical wall :( i dont get what brakes i should have on etc or is there anyways i can practice the actualy hook bit to back wheel with out tryin the full hook.... like booning or what eva you call it??

i realy dont know where to start as know one i ride with can hook..

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