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Ebays New Policies

that NBR dude

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I dont know if anyone else has been stung by this, but I recently have, selling a SLR camera on ebay.

The item has been sold and payed for straight away. I look in my paypal account to see that the payment is in "holding" and I cannot touch it. It says that until the buyer gives positive feedback, or 21days after the payment has been sent with no disputes, the payment will be held by ebay. And now, having recieved my positive feedback from the seller, my money still hasnt been released and Ive been told I cannot access my money until the 24th August.

So this means, that the seller is supposed to send out the goods, without actually having the money..? How many times have you bought something and forgotten to leave feedback? This would mean the seller would have to wait 21days before actually getting hold of the money, while its sitting in Paypals account, gathering interest.

They say its to protect the buyers from fraudulent transactions and will only happen in certain circumstances, but what about the sellers rights? I felt very uncomfortable sending out an item, without having the money in my hands. What if the reason I was selling was because I needed the money? How am I going to be able to afford to send the item out. Do I wait for 21 days until the money arrives in my account before I send the item?

If I went to a shop and asked if I could take a TV away now, but they wont get the money for 21 days, I'd be told to leave..

This seems absolutely crazy and I dont understand how they can legally do it!?

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This happened to my brother aswell when he sold his phone. I think they do it on certain products and i think its stupid aswell, I think the normal way works fine with them paying you, then you sending item, and if they don't recieve it they can contact paypal and they'll chase you up.

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Its as if they think people cant handle disputes with each other on their own, so they have to be a big bully and go "you havent described the item properly, so I'm keeping your money" while sticking their middle finger up at you.

I will not be continuing to use ebay if this policy becomes a regular thing

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Reading around the internet about it today, they will soon be introducing paypal as a mandatory payment, so you can ONLY pay via paypal...

With all this, and their new feedback system where sellers can ONLY leave positive feedback, they are going to put a lot of people off.

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just found on ebay Q&A:

Starting on 3rd June 2008, all sellers on eBay.co.uk must offer PayPal on all their listings. If you want to sell but you don't have a PayPal account, sign up now.

In addition, PayPal must be the sole payment method offered in these cases:

1) Sellers using a 1-day listing format

2) Sellers listing in these categories:

- Video Games > Consoles

- Consumer Electronics > MP3 Players

- Computing > Software

- Wholesale & Job Lots > Mobile & Home Phones

- Business, Office & Industrial > Industrial Supply/MRO

We'll alert affected sellers by email or in the Sell Your Item form.

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What the f**k?!

I don't use Paypal for the simple reason, I can easily be ripped off. Same as; I wouldn't want to pay £12,000 for a car on ebay, and that person just disspear. Ebay are useless at tracking people, as are paypal.

eBay and PayPal are the same company aren't they?

But yeah, new regs mean I'll never sell on eBay again.

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Why would they do this; yes people have been ripped off, but this is not the way to stop it. This will help them if anything to be honest.

I know as a fact I'm not going to not pay for an item on ebay, because I'm not that kind of person. I can also see where they're coming from, so you've got what you actually payed for before you pay it, but it's so easy to just go off the radar, and wack you're out of £30 - £100.

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They are indeed the same company.

I think its going to put a lot of people off selling on ebay, but in all honesty, its gone downhill anyway. I remember when it first started, it was a great way to find incredibly random stuff you wouldn't find anywhere else. Now its just shops selling stuff you can get for the same price on Amazon ect, but paying ebay and paypal for the privelige

I dont be selling on ebay again.

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That is ridiculous, I'm adding it to the very long list of reasons I'm moving my business out of the grasp of eBay and Paypal. From freezing my account with £2k in it and f**king my customers about when they're trying to pay, I have no option but to leave them to it.

There's some very shoddy practices going on. <_<

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I've been stung by that.

I sold a cheap used jump frame for about £35.

But I can't touch the money untill it's sent out and they have feedback.

I've sent it out and going to see what happens. It's a big pain though really.

Mainly, for big businesses, this would effect their cash flow hugely.

I don't particularly sending something out without having the money. That's what charge back disputes are for, if a seller doesn't send something, paypal will issue a charge back, hence there not being any need in this new system.

Also, what if the seller needs to use the paypal payment to purchase delivery (which you can do via paypal).

It's a daft thing they're doing, and ebay and paypal are pissing me off lately.

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Ebay will make an absolute f**king killing keeping every single transaction in an account gathering interest for 21 days. An unless the buyer leaves positive feedback, then I'm assuming Ebay get to keep the money.

edit: Can someone also point out the incentive of the Buyer giving positive feedback once he's got the item? Yuo could just give the seller negative feedback an piss them off for a laugh.

Edited by Gok Wan
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Ebay will make an absolute f**king killing keeping every single transaction in an account gathering interest for 21 days. An unless the buyer leaves positive feedback, then I'm assuming Ebay get to keep the money.

edit: Can someone also point out the incentive of the Buyer giving positive feedback once he's got the item? Yuo could just give the seller negative feedback an piss them off for a laugh.

Ye that's true, they'll make a lot on holding the money, when cheques are "clearing" it takes 3-5 days, when they could quite happily do it straight away, but theres a reason why they aren't but 21 days is silly.

But if you don't get feedback within 21 days they give it you, they don't keep it.

edit: Can someone also point out the incentive of the Buyer giving positive feedback once he's got the item? Yuo could just give the seller negative feedback an piss them off for a laugh.

You can dispute feedback, I think that's about it :S

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I just got out of them stinging me as it goes; I've just listed a couple of items, as pay on collection.. seeing as it is still an option.

Email through; saying they were going to terminate my sales due to infringement of t&c's.

Straight back saying, the Terms and Conditions which I had agreed to were not what they had stated, and that I suggested they overlooked the terms I was signed up to.

Nothing back yet.

Was I right in saying that? I did read the Terms and Conditions before I clicked yes :S...

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This thread has got me thinking - I've not used Ebay a hell of a lot, but I can see why they've introduced this new policy to protect buyers from big sellers with a few thousand positive feedbacks. I've seen lots of retaliatory negative feedback which affects people with low scores the most. Doesn't the new policy include something along the lines of buyers can't leave negative feedback until a week after the transaction, so they've had time to calm down and sort out any problems with the seller?

I don't think it's a very good policy from the seller's perspective mind, but I've generally dealt with good people on Ebay. My way of choosing who not to buy from is a bit like the T-F validation idea - don't buy from sellers who type everything in capitals, who can't be bothered to write full sentences, take photos in focus etc. Also not to buy expensive items because of the risk involved.

Paypal can only order a refund if there's money in the seller's paypal account (I think?), so holding the money for a while on expensive items seems like the only way to secure this?

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Had a moan to Ebay... got this back. Not quite as bad as it seemed, but still shitty!

As we recently announced, from 3rd April PayPal may decide to hold

payments related to specific transactions on eBay as a precautionary

measure to help ensure that things go smoothly for both buyers and


Here are the most common instances in which a payment may be held:

- You have been on eBay less than 6 months and sell an item above £50.

- You have a feedback score of less than 100 and sell an item above £50.

- You have a consistent history of transactions that result in

dissatisfied buyers.

- You have an average Detailed Seller Rating (DSR) of less than 4.5.

- You have received less than 20 Detailed Seller Ratings in the last 12


- You are listing your item in a higher-risk category such as Health &

Beauty, Video Games or Computers.

This measure is targeted at sellers who pose the greatest risk of

driving away buyers by not successfully completing a transaction. The

overwhelming majority of sellers will be unaffected. If you have

received more than 20 Detailed Seller Ratings (DSRs) in the past 12

months and your DSR average is 4.5 or higher, your payments will not be


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