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Max Quinn come to bournemouth it is good i promise haha and there are good nights out.

Should defo come down and check the nights out.

what course is it you are lookign at here?

to be honest with you thought since being here i havent done too much riding.

Sick, lookin at photography :)

Gotta do more research into Bournemouth cos i kinda just applied to fill a space.

Probably not your kinda thing, but dyou have any idea what the hip hop/d&b/graffiti/street art/skate scenes are like down there?

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Well the Media school at bournemouth is really good.

Nah sorry mate not really to sure on that i no the skate scene and bmx is alright with some cool parks but not sure on that.

I no scenes for electro and tech music is pretty big.

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Went to hertfordshire uni today, was ace few things worryed me though.

1 - I think that over 3/4 of the people were black / asian / indian, this doesnt bother me that much but as everyone always seems to do they group into races, and they were all trying to look threatening which made me LOL but my mum a bit worryed.

2- something i cant remember now.

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I've got unconditionals at all the unis, just need to decide which one I want to go to.

I've narrowed it down to London City and Anglia Ruskin, I like these two the best.

Pros of City are the location, it's about a mile from everything good in London, it has a good reputation, and i'll get piano lessons at the Guildhall conservertoire, which is really good. However I don't think the course is as good as Anglia Ruskin, the facilities aren't quite as good and most of the other students on the open day seemed to be total cretins.

Anglia has really small year sizes, 20 as opposed to 50 at city (75% of which are girls), really nice facilities and I really liked the teaching staff. However Cambridge is the most boring place on earth having spent several weeks there over the last year, it's in the bottom 5 in one of the league tables and my ex gf who i'd rather get away from goes to Cambridge uni.

I really want to be in london, but i'm there to study and i'm not sure about the uni, arrrgh what to do...

Edited by adamtrials
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Where are you going to have the most fun?

to be honest either I would think, but in different ways. I think cambridge has more of a community feel to it, but the quality of nights out might be lower (The proper uni tend to dominate the local clubs and their nights out are lame as f**k!). It is no doubt a lot cheaper than London though.

London has the advantage that I can get on the bike when I want and roll half a mile down the road to all the awesome riding spots, it also has loads of other stuff to keep me entertained. I think I should just f**k it and go to london, who cares about the debt :rolleyes:

On that note how do all you London people find finances? I don't get any of the income based money off things, I calculated the cost of tuition and accomodation against the size of the student loan and it left me with about £800 a year to live?

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On that note how do all you London people find finances? I don't get any of the income based money off things, I calculated the cost of tuition and accomodation against the size of the student loan and it left me with about £800 a year to live?

its been pretty harsh my end...my campus is in one of the most exclusive areas ever and trying to find accommodation near it is not easy. Its either live a bit further and end up paying a fair bit on travel (london transport is expensive...no doubt) or pay a bit more to live nearer and walk/cycle...i'm currently paying £120 a week exc. bills which is pretty average..you'll not find anything for under £100 realistically..unless you share (a room)? maybe east london is easier though..?

that means that i can't afford to pay the rent over the summer months when i'm not at college so i've moved back home every year and saved a bit. I started off doing some bar work to get a bit of money in the first year, but since then i've just worked full time over the summers and it's got me by.. 4 years in london has left me in some substantial debt and to be honest...london is nowhere near as much fun if you can't afford to do things! but then there's always something on..

still...definitely been worth it and i'm sure i'll miss it..one day


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