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Any Older Trialers Out There?


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I am in fact also an old fogie (34) and yes I do ride, you spoon, why else would I be on a trials forum? There's no tits on this site. :sleeping:

Go for it Middle age man, be ready for pain, youre probably not as bouncy as these young wippersnappers and don't expect to be as good as them either!

I came back to trials after riding BMX and freeride for a couple of years and have found it much easier on my poor old bones.

Best advice I can give is think like a kid and then you won't get a case of "the fear" and pike out of things.

Have you come into trials 'cold' or been riding other stuff?

And 39 aint that old anyway.


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Thanks for the replies fellas. I was beginning to feel like an old toad in a pond full of frogspawn.

This encouraging news was just the motivation I needed.

The Mechanical Bear - I used to BMX, Mountain bike and cycle race (road, time trials, cyclo cross and track)

but a lot of alchohol has passed under the bridge since then! A large part of North Wales'

parks, tracks and roads still carry the scars of my mishaps, so I don't mind a bit of pain.

Robin M - I think it's great you and your son are enjoying the sport together and sound like your doing well. I've got an 11 year old son who,

i'm sure, i'll be embarrassing shortly.

Henrik Y - loving the video.

but especially,

r2wtrials! I checked out your website and your content, (and as I was born in Somerset and lived in Berrow as a kid)

the photos of you mucking around in Weston were just the shot of Sanatogen I was hoping for!

Lovin your attitude guys.

Here's a photo of my present steed, 'The Reaper';


What do you think?


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Hey Middle aged man,

Check this video of a kid doing all the basic stuff on the flat (good place to learn as you don't fall as far).

Kid doing trials

Learn all the stuff he does and your well on your way.

I wouldn't start off trying to get up things as this can be very disheartening when one fails.

Have you got a bike yet?


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see now sometimes i think to my self am i getting to old for this ? aged (20).....

age in my eyes dont really matter if your fit and healthy or even if your not give it a go........its a bloddy good sport ...and ive met some verry verry cool people that i hope il still know and possable ride with in a good 10 /20 years

social side of the sport is really really cool aswell ...meeting people you wouldent normaly meet



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