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Valentine >.<


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I don't dive into the whole card/flowers/dinner thing. Definately avoid the commercial aspect. Getting some food is always good. you can talk and whatnot. Much nicer than a movie theater, as mentioned before. Although I thought the hole in the popcorn bucket was funny.

May be too sappy for a first date, mind you, but I usually try things like setting up a bike ride (helps if she's into bikes, so ad lib here) Pack up some sandwiches drinks and treats. Roll out to a nice spot with a view and minimal people around and have a picnic. Oh yeah, make sure to carry all the stuff for bonus points.

Works for me anyway.

Good luck to you!

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In that case, I suggest a nice little dinner somewhere, as i said before, make sure you book, take a little present along aswell, just something small, and you'll look a douche if you dont offer to pay.


This is the WORST plan in the world EVER. He's 14! When I'm 23 and trying to find someone with lots of money so I never have to work ever again then i may take a girl out to eat on valentines day, but at 14 its the last thing possible! The scum-bag shit places are charging £50 each round here, and lets face it, it doe's make getting your end wet that little bit more hard! ITS A SCAM! And as for paying! Pah! I pay whenever I'm out with my gf cos' i have enough money to, but the last thing you want to do on a first date is flash money that you don't have, inevitable crash and burn and be skint for the rest of the month!

Guide on how to really pull hanna;

- Add to MSN

- Be interested in her

- Don't ask her to get her babs out until you have done some inter-web foreplay


Seriously go to hers, ask her to cook you a nice meal, wack on a film and do as you please.

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Your posts are the only persons post I'm reading LOL.

Very helpful too i may add (Y).

Never really thought about it that way at the cinema.. Good point though.

She is 14, as am i :).

FYI, we wont be shagging.

f**kign shag her or your a gay fanny.


But she has "insisted" i go round to hers, how can a buy her a meal :P.

Hey excuse me.. Can i buy that off you please?

:P, Dont think it will go down too well lol.

Craig. :D

Get a f**king jon daki in knob'ed

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Just get her some chocolates, 1 rose, and make some time for her. Set the whole day aside, and just do some fun shit together. Then take her back to your house, give her the chocolates and rose, and watch a fiilm :)

I'll be taking her for a meal, giving her some random prezzies and a rose, going back to mine with my room lit by candles and let the night take us where it wants to! :)

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In that case, I suggest a nice little dinner somewhere, as i said before, make sure you book, take a little present along aswell, just something small, and you'll look a douche if you dont offer to pay.


What? Almost every girl I know would feel terrible if I paid for the dinner. Although I guess its different when you're younger. She's a girl, not a charity case...

A mate of mine broke up with his missus the other week because he pays for absolutely everything all the time; she got sick of it because she's constantly feeling bad about it! Sure, pay for the occasional thing but don't take the piss - it'll just look like you're trying to buy her.

Although I'd avoid a dinner if you don't know this girl amazingly well and can maintain a decent conversation - meals are all good, but the awkward silences are a killer. Personally I'd do something a little more active, bowling or some shit.

Edited by Baby Pizzle
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Just go somewhere you can have a nice quiet afternoon with her, and make sure you put her white stick in a place where no one will trip over it.

Or, just get your brother to shave his pubes and face, and get him to do all the leg work, he looks enough like you.

Edited by Fixed Pantsâ„¢
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