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20" Tailwhip

Chris - Burman

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Tailwhip hops? also known as Whoppers? Man those are hard as hell... But it's very very punishing on the bike to learn.

Whereas, if you're trying footjam tailwhips... man, they're actually one of the easiest 'flatland' tricks there are out there... Hence why it's so commonly and heavily incorporated into Street BMXers' riding and other types of riding like for some trials riders. Fun fact: It's less scary to learn than barspins, and personally I find 'jam whips easier. :)

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Brakeless footjam whips take a bit of doing, but with a brake they're easy as hell. Just learn them to get the timing right, then start experimenting off a little fly-out jump or something. It'll probably be shit on a mod though 'cos when you slip the pedals on a whip, you're basically destroyed on a BMX, and that's with a seat. Slipping the pedals on a whip on a mod would be the worst...

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Brakeless footjam whips take a bit of doing, but with a brake they're easy as hell. Just learn them to get the timing right, then start experimenting off a little fly-out jump or something. It'll probably be shit on a mod though 'cos when you slip the pedals on a whip, you're basically destroyed on a BMX, and that's with a seat. Slipping the pedals on a whip on a mod would be the worst...

Brakeless footjam whips, I find, still aren't all that bad compared to with brakes. This is on flat ground though, mind. Since your foot acts as the brake anyway ultimately. I guess it may take a few minutes to adjust from using a front brake to just jamming full-on with your foot, but I do love how the trick is like an oasis in a vast desert of tough moves and tricks.

Whiplashes, on the other hand, which I've been trying, are pretty damn frustrating haha. Can't imagine doing whoppers any time soon anyhow! Some day though! :)

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It's more that getting into them and holding them is harder without a front brake, plus when you jump back in you're not going from a nice, stable platform. It's easier to have your weight a little too far forward and have the front wheel sorta Switzerland Squeaker out from under you which doesn't happen with a brake.

This is all on banks and stuff by the way, just 'cos you have to actually jump into it properly rather than the way you do it on flat...

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Whereas, if you're trying footjam tailwhips... man, they're actually one of the easiest 'flatland' tricks there are out there... Hence why it's so commonly and heavily incorporated into Street BMXers' riding and other types of riding like for some trials riders. Fun fact: It's less scary to learn than barspins, and personally I find 'jam whips easier. :)

I was learning to do them on my trials bike, but when ever I fell I would get my foot jammed (no pun intended) in the forks and I buckled my wheel.

So I decided to stick to doing trials on my trials bike (funny that).

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