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War Films

Dr. Nick Riviera

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The Pacific is out later this year. Spielberg and Hanks again and is pretty much Band of Brothers but in the Pacific. Can't wait! Also Bridge on the River Kwai, haven't survivors said that films no where near accurate?

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Saving Private Ryan.

Black Hawk Down.


Enemy At The Gates.


Band Of Brothers.

The Alamo.

behind Enemy Lines.

K-19 The Widow Maker.

Brave Heart.

All the Rambo's.

Hotel Rawanda.

The Rising Sun.

Blood Diamond.

Good Morning, Vietnam.


The Great Escape.

The Thin Red Line.

Pearl Harbour.

Letters From Iwa Jima.


We Were Soldiers.

I had to check Wikipedia because I couldnt remember them all. There is more.

I saw this other one that was about these Germans about to eliminate these Yankies in the snow, but the Yanks do a runner and meet up with a Pommy piolet and they make their way through the German lines and get rescued some how (The Pom dies).

I cant rember how it ends, I wish I could.

I like these movies because they are war movies (suprisingly) and they have killing and explosions and fighting.

Why else would I like them?

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Just noticed that, My apologies and a hasty edit.

Also, did you know that mosquito squadron was mostly rec-cut footage from 633?

I did yes, most of the end (where they bomb the valley thing) is the same. I picked up on that when I watched a the disc box set I picked up from Asda for £4.... it had A Bridge To Far, 633 and Mosquito Squadron in it.

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Downfall was decent too, couldnt take hitlers speech seriousy though after seeing all the mock up ones on youtube though ha.

Anyone seen heartbreak ridge with clint? Normally like his stuff and was only £3 at hmv just havent got round to watching it yet.

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I can't say I've watched many war films really, none that are particularly notable anyway.

Recently though I've watched Defiance and Valkyrie which were both excellent films. I definitely recommend them.

Defiance actually gave me a lump in my throat at one point, pretty emotive stuff. :$

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All about Band of Brothers for me - even if it is more of a series than a film. Really captures the emotions of it all, and how hard the war actually was.

Apart from that:

-Saving Private Ryan

-Full Metal Jacket

-Dambusters (of course...)

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captain corellis mandolin

to end all wars

the killing fields

charlotte gray

the english patient


deer hunter

merry christmas mr lawrence

All good films, Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence still makes me well up at the last scene , even though I know whats coming.

Edited by Christophe'
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  • 3 months later...
I'm adding Inglourious Basterds to this list :)

I'm downloading that now, Looks great! Never really had tha much interest in war films until lately, Watched Behind enemy line 1,2 and 3 yesterday; All of which are awesome.

Got Bravo 2 Zero, Sniper 1 2 and 3, Black hawk down, Saving private ryan, band of brothers, we were soldiers, 633 squadron, shcindlers list and Thin red line downloading now, also just finished watching the pianist which was gooooooooooooooood.

I r Obsessed :(

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