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All Your Injuries!


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Not a bad thing then.... :D

No, not particularly.

It just means that, that part of my head is nowhere near as strong as it was before.

So i'm not allowed to do any contact sports like football or rugby ever again :(

Edited by Horndean Trials
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I remember going for a little ride before going to an art exibition where some of my work was and got a shin dig thought nothing of it. By the time i got there you could see the blood through my jeans and my sock/shoe was getting full haha.

Only a few people noticed i was happy.

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Well, not trials related but this is what I managed falling off my bmx in February this year:

1st day in hospital


A couple of days later


3 weeks of so later after my operation


Broke my nose, jaw, 2 cheek bones, the little ring in the back of my neck at the very tip of my spinal cord,

and then there was my forehead. Which I completely smashed to bits, (was the reason for the operation).

Hope you like :D

I was about to ask if your landing was in front of speeding truck, but i guess tarmac can do it's share of damage as well.

Feels a bit unfair though. I managed to take a nosedive from total of about 17feet into the flat of the local pool, and the result was a 1 minute blackout, a concussion and i broke my right pinky.

Still, i'm thinking a new helmet would be a good investment right about now, just in case.

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Well I've been relatively lucky in comparison to some of you guys! But the most memorable one for me was when I first started trials riding.

I was out on the street just getting used to pedal hopping (lurching) up and down curbs and across grids, just to get used to it. I was trying this one hop over a grid when my foot slipped off my pedal. The pedal spun round and stuck in my knee, clean through my trousers and left 4 deep puncture marks in my knee cap. I remember lying on the floor thinking I had shattered my knee cap with blood all down my leg, I could barely walk. Thankfully it wasn't and I was back riding the week after.

Not as bad as some other injuries on here, but I learnt my lesson not to ride in the wet again!! Haha!

I'le try to get some pictures up of the scars. Still got them 6-7 years on.

sort of the same,was trianing with ebtc (essex bike trials club) and just messin around on the carpark,and decided to do a tuck in the rain and my left foot just slide of and took a massive chunk of skin of me shin.quite stingy.still got scar from it :o .thanks

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I was about to ask if your landing was in front of speeding truck, but i guess tarmac can do it's share of damage as well.

Feels a bit unfair though. I managed to take a nosedive from total of about 17feet into the flat of the local pool, and the result was a 1 minute blackout, a concussion and i broke my right pinky.

Still, i'm thinking a new helmet would be a good investment right about now, just in case.

Hmm, yeah, I guess I was a little bit unlucky because I know of many people who have also conjured up some beautiful face plants but with injuries I pretty much own them all put together.

I guess it's quite cool though looking back at it because I could of easily died. Obviously god was on my side that day :)

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Hmm, yeah, I guess I was a little bit unlucky because I know of many people who have also conjured up some beautiful face plants but with injuries I pretty much own them all put together.

I guess it's quite cool though looking back at it because I could of easily died. Obviously god was on my side that day :)


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Couple of months ago I slipped a pedal on a gap and got not exactly an epic injury, just the normal skin-off-the-shin. However when I peeled the strip of skin off which had been dislodged, part of a tattoo i've got on my shin came with it.

Moral of the story - shinpads are cheaper then getting it re-inked!

who says tattoos are for life

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Going down a hill.. helmet was clipped to my bag, it swung round and pulled on the front brake lever...

straight over the bars, skidded along tarmac on my left arm. Cut all my palm, little finger all the way up, wrist, elbow, and shoulder. That stung for a while :P

but the most painful I've done has to be when I did a drop gap... about 4 1/2 feet high. hands slipped off bars (sweat & rubber doesn't mix well). Landed on two wheels and crown jewels slammed straight into the frame :giggle:

Makes me cringe thinking about it

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