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Just a heads up to anyone wanting to watch 112, It's on at 6pm on Espn instead of 2Am cause of the time difference in Abu Dhabi (Y)

I made the mistake of missing the whole even when then came to England in November >_<

nice one buddy, totally forgot about abu dhabi

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nice one buddy, totally forgot about abu dhabi

Didn't want people making the same mistake as me haha (N)

Don't read if you havn't seen it yet, I can't work out how to do spoilers on the new tf...





Dissapointed really, other than Edgar winning the title that was an awful Ppv. Lost all respect for Anderson Silva and think he should have to face some kind of re-percusions for that massive display of disrespect, no need for it. He could have finished that fight in the first few seconds of the very first f**king round, But instead he made Demian Maia Look like a fanny. Twat.

Munoz vs Was good, I loved the shot on the ground where you saw Kendalls head bounces like a f**king ball :lol:

Sooooooooooo happy someones taken theat belt from Penn, I actually had Edgar picked for that fiht via decision, OR Bj via Tko/Submission in round 1/2. Pretty lose predictions but it's harder to go wrong haha (A)

What did we think then guiiiiz?

Oh oh oh, anyone know what Danas announcment is next week on Tuf? I have a feeling it's;




Titos quit cause he needs neck surgery, and Rich franklins filling in for him and fighting lidell. Although everyone that DOES know the truth has signed a NDA so it's all hush hush still, but thats what the rumours are saying.

That or someone from team lidells Been using steroids and cocaine according to the webz

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  • 3 weeks later...

well, im ashamed to say i didnt see the first clash of shogun and machida but heard that many believe shogun pipped it. So on that note, i think shogun has it this time! lol not gonna bet on it though.

and as for kos and daley........i hope, hope, hope its daley and i think hes got every chance but again i think its a lil like the gsp vs hardy fight, kos wouldnt stand and bang (unless retarded, which he may well be with that hair) so i think he will do a boring gsp and keep taking daley down, be the right thing for him to do but overall crap entertainment.

daley for the win via sweet head smashing KO mid part of second round after been taken down a few times in the first, surviving and then getting a feel of kos's game plan, avoiding take downs and leaving kos not much choice , but to stand.

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Theirs been a lot of shit talking between Daley/Koscheck leading upto this, and from what I've read he reckons hes going to stand with Daley :lol: Hes by the best striker in his division, 18 wins by Ko is a pretty big achievement, Sure Koschekcs hands are pretty good but it's be suicide to try and trade with him. If his arrogance gets the better of him, hes getting ktfo on Saturday. Even if Koscheck tries to take it to the ground, Daleys take down defence and sprawl have drastically improved so It's going to be interesting i think.

I think if Machida/Shogun goes to a decision, Shoguns won. The Judges are going to have to be soooo careful in scoring it as not to provoke any more controversy. I can see Shogun winning via tko in the 2nd, 4th or it going to a decision. I personally think Shogun won the last one, but it was a close fight that was difficult to call imo. Should be interesting, I'm not sure whether to expect a completely different fight, or exactly the same as the last one. Hopefully it's gonna be different though (Y)

Praying Kimbo gets his head taken off, I can't explain how much i despise that guy.

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I have tried watching it, but was bored of watching men and hill-billies (ice man chuck) humping each other.

If you want to see a fight, start one.

I wouldn't usually comment on things like this, but the fact that you regard mma as men humping each other is a massive indicator that you should not start a fight, because if you cant recognise what good fighting looks like, you'll get a nasty surprise if you actually get into one.

And how does wanting to watch a combat sport even relate to starting a fight for enjoyment? You're an idiot.

On a more educated note, Shogun proved a point. I know it's very early to say but I think Machida is done I don't think he'll be the type to come back strong from being beaten and competition will certainly see him in a different light now, i.e not unbeatable.

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I wouldn't usually comment on things like this, but the fact that you regard mma as men humping each other is a massive indicator that you should not start a fight, because if you cant recognise what good fighting looks like, you'll get a nasty surprise if you actually get into one.

And how does wanting to watch a combat sport even relate to starting a fight for enjoyment? You're an idiot.

On a more educated note, Shogun proved a point. I know it's very early to say but I think Machida is done I don't think he'll be the type to come back strong from being beaten and competition will certainly see him in a different light now, i.e not unbeatable.

Deffinatly proved a point, it doesn't get much more decisive than that haha. Some of the stuff people on Sherdog are coming up with is gold. 'It was a lucky punch, Machida was picking him apart until then' ' It was an illegal blow to the back of the head that rocked him' 'Lyoto was injured before the fight' :lol: Theirs also an amazing Cecile Peoples quote somewhere about how it shouldn't have been stopped when it was:|..

Had to admire Shoguns class when he realised Machida was Ko'd, and got of him before it was stopped.

Paul daley incident.. Not really much to say on that one is there. It was unsportsmanlike, but he was provoked. Still no excue though. SHould he have been cut? Meh, I'm not completely sold on it. I think Dana should have given it a few days to calm down and if he still felt that way, then so be it.

Lol at the Kimbo Fight. Hes an embarresment, Thank god he got cut after that fight.

I'm not sure about Lyoto been done to be honest, I still think he has a pretty bright future in the ufc and wouldn't be suprised if he was in title contention again one day. I don't think he'll ever be seen in the same light though, he was picked apart in both fights and that shows other fighters how to beat him.

Theirs been rumours Randys next for the title shot. That would just be such a big mistake it's untrue. I don't like counting randy out of anything because i always look like a fool, but i just don't think at 46 years old he can stand with the elite of the lhw division anymore :(

Hope Rampage is next for the title shot, although that depends how 114 goes down. Hopefully, Evans is going to sleep. But i wouldn't be so sure about it.

Anyone else been watching tuf?

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  • 3 weeks later...

want to but im shattered! was meant ot be workin behind a bar at a hardcore rave from 10-6 tonight but i got round the corner, heard the music and thought f**k that haha, so i text the bloke sayin id been in a car accident lol.

im gonna wake up and chill in bed watchin it!

rampage and rashad is a real tough call!

bisping to win and i hope hathaway does to! that will get him some major props!

enjoy it mate

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  • 2 weeks later...

am i the only one who thinks that, that wouldnt knock most people out? even in slo mo it just doesnt even look like it jolts his head.

his nose must be the off button lol.

feel bad for the legend though!

i got hit so hard in the jaw earlier at football and it didnt even hurt, and the first thing i said was 'shit that didnt even hurt! i should be a fighter' haha

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Back in the day, Chuck was known for having an Iron jaw and being almost impossible to knock out. In the first fight with Rampage he took some f**king hard shots, and just carried on striking with him. He's just taken too much punishment to be a fighter any more, that chins made of glass and as soon as that gets tapped it's lights out for Iceman unfortunatly. It was kind of a bitter sweet for me, I didn't want either of them to lose because they're 2 of my favourites and also 2 of the all time greats that helped make the ufc, and mma what it is today. Chucks had a good innings, but sadly his times up. I'd love for him to keep fighting if it was possible to go back to vintage Chuck throwing crazy unorthadox combinations and knocking guys the f**k out, but sadly hes just gonna end up laying on his back now, and no one wants to see that. Especially not of someone like Chuck. Hopefully he'll be part of the Ufc for a long time to come, although in what capacity I don't know... Either way, guys a legend and deserves all the respect in the world, Props to Chuck (Y)

I f**king loved Barry Vs Cro-cop, Such a good display of sportsmanship and some crazy old school stuff being thrown by Mirko, just goes to show hes far from done and can still stand and bang with the best of them. Pats no joke, One of the best strikers in the HW division but he just needs to work on that ground game of his. I think Mirko deserved that Sub of the night bonus purely because he asked for it, as someone said on Tuf a few weeks back 'Closed mouths don't get fed'

All in all a decent card really, shame about Chuck though (N) 116 is going to be f**kING SICK.

Carwin via KO at 3.45 of the first round, you heard it here first folks...

...Or maybe thats wishful thinking. I see Carwin taking this via rnd 1/2(t)ko, or Lesnar via lay and pray decision/Mammoth smothering...



Edit: Gif has very little relevence, I just <3 watching Frank Mirs face get smashed to pieces.

Edited by Adam-Griffin
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When Chuck is attacking he's wide open. He got away with it for a while but not any more.

I thought that was a great event with loads of excellent fights.

The Danzig Wiman fight stoppage was a joke. The ref has to look after the fighters safety but he didn't even check to see if he was out cold.

I think the ref got it spot on in the Condit MacDonald fight MacDonald was winning the fight but he got his arse kicked at the end and even said that himself. He look really good though and since he's only 20 it looks like he's got a long career ahead of him and a lot of potential.

The Barry Crocop fight is why I love cage fighting. The respect those two warriors showed each other amazes me. Its not about being thugs and getting nasty its about showing off your skills and testing yourself against others. This is what make the sport great for me.

Franklin is a hero a lot of people would be crying like a bitch with a broken arm but he carried on fighting and stuck round for an interview. Liddell looked pretty good to me but his major flaw of over committing lost him the fight. You need to evolve and change things up to stay on the top and Liddell hasn't I hope he gets to fight Ortiz and I don't think he's done.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Literally cannot wait for tomorow, can't remember being this excited for a card since I started watching.

On a 'none ufc yet still mma' note; Anyone watch Werdum vs Emilienko :o ?

ye man! MASSIVE fight tomo! its def gonna end in a knock out, just not sure which way. I wanna see them stand, but brock would lose so hes gona get him down and lay on him and tap his face until the ref stops it.

ye fedor fight was a shock but he hurt him and then got over confident and set him self up for a sub. school boy error which can only make him a better fighter i believe. He will destroy the next person, as he wont be so stupid and learn from his mistakes

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I have literally no idea how tomorrows gonna end, But i can't see it going all 5 rounds haha... I like carwin, alot. But i think hes been over hyped by the Ufc and isn't as good as they make him out to be. Still very good though, and has quite possibly the heaviest hands in the game. If one lands, it's night night Mr Lesnar imo.. I think brocks wrestling is probably better, but Shane's Tdd is top notch! I think Brock might of under estimated shanes wrestling, and as a result of that i don't think hes done much training of his back which i think might also play a part.. I just have no idea what to think about this one, I think size will play a big part as will brocks year off. Shanes going to be coming in at about 288lbs according to his twitter and lesnar 265lbs, but who'll use it better?

Carwin via rnd 1/rnd 2 (T)KO or Lesnar via TKO GnP rnd 1/ rnd 2- But i have no idea..

I don't think Werdum was actually rocked, I just think he had a brilliant game plan. Fedor actually began to buy into the hype that he was this unstoppable robot that couldn't be beaten and as a result, he foolishly jumped into the gaurd of a 3rd degree Brazilian Jiu jitsu black belt whos a multiple ADCC Chamion. If he'd of been a little bit more patient, he'd of quite easily outstruck him ont he feet. What a beautiful submission it was though! The way he executed it was just perfect!

Glad he lost, never been a Fedor fan personally. Not to say i don't appreciate his achievements!

Props to Leben for stepping up and replacing Wanderlei on such short notice too!

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That was school boy error by Fedor. The thing I like about him is the fact that he just looks likes someone's dad and doesn't look like one of the top heavy weights in the world ha ha ha.

Carwin will knock Brocks socks off in the first round nothing else can happen.

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