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I was thinking about this but would it mess the seals up?

And i am going to try out any liquid i can find in the kitchen and then leave my brake outside overnight and record the results.

Doesn't mess them up instantly, over a long period of time.

And that might not be smart, depends what liquids you have in your kitchen

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Most people seem to use water and maybe put antifreeze in there

Magura royal blood, I don't like that much

If you mixed oil and water wouldn't they seperate?

Proberly. I Think the water is lighter than oil so the oil will sink.

Doesn't mess them up instantly, over a long period of time.

And that might not be smart, depends what liquids you have in your kitchen

Cleaners, not too strong, alcohols and just going to explore.

Im going to have a pre 05 brake as the test guinne-pig .

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Ok call me crazy, but i was having a ponder after i filled the washers on my car today, wouldn't screen wash be ok? It's designed not to freeze, can be mixed with water happily and as far as i know has nothing corrosive in it?

Clue is in the name... screen wash This means it will probably be alkaline. If it has like, a Ph of about 5/6, it probably wouldn't do anything... but lower than that and I wouldn't chance it.

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Ok call me crazy, but i was having a ponder after i filled the washers on my car today, wouldn't screen wash be ok? It's designed not to freeze, can be mixed with water happily and as far as i know has nothing corrosive in it?

I'm not entirely sure here, so don't quote me, but I thought the main ingredient of screenwash was isopropyl alcohol, in which case I wouldn't have thought it's very good for the seals.

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My Anti-freeze bleed was awesome till it started to break down.

I mixed about 50/50 Anti-freeze/Water.

Bleed lasted around 6 months, only froze once and that was in like -15c super dry cold.

I am going to try pure anti-freeze next time I think... still got a pre-05 Magura setup.

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Out of interest, does anyone know what type of elastomer the HS33 seals are made of (ie, what base, nitrile, flourocarbon etc...) I've been doing some work with various seals and fluid compatibilty at work. Also, what are Hope seals?

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