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Kieran Morrison

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Is there a need for your current one to be replaced?

Yeah, the brake slave cylinders are completly monged and they give me like alazy piston every 2 weeks and my uncle said that if i get another one i need new cylinders and i have had about 5 or 6 lasy pistons since then.

Should I get the new one? If so, HS33 or HS11?

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Okay I think I will just go for the hs33, its always been the best out of the 2.

Cheers. Anybody used the new ones yet?!


But there is actualy NO difference between the 2 now, yes previous models were VERY different, but now I don't see any reason why anyone would go for a HS33 over the HS11 for trials!

And I very much doubt many people have tried them yet, after all they only got on the tartybikes site yesterday!


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But there is actualy NO difference between the 2 now, yes previous models were VERY different, but now I don't see any reason why anyone would go for a HS33 over the HS11 for trials!

And I very much doubt many people have tried them yet, after all they only got on the tartybikes site yesterday!


Oh yeah, I'm losing track of days, forgot they only came out yesterday.

Okay so HS11 will be stronger than the hs33?

EDIT- I dont like the long lever blades to be honest, im gonna get the hs33

Edited by Kieran Morrison
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Or stop being a f**k fart, the hs11 has a longer lever = more power. EG, 05 Lever with 4 finger lever = more power. same principal. hence why adam from tarty suggests a hs11 for trials. or you you could stop being a dick suck and just properly repair your lazy pistons. you must be doing something wrong to get one every 2 weeks.

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Or stop being a f**k fart, the hs11 has a longer lever = more power. EG, 05 Lever with 4 finger lever = more power. same principal. hence why adam from tarty suggests a hs11 for trials. or you you could stop being a dick suck and just properly repair your lazy pistons. you must be doing something wrong to get one every 2 weeks.

Chill out mate, that's my advice for you.

But seriously fix the brake you have now, Why spend £75 on something that isn't really needed, Just get some new cylinders, Save yourself some dosh!

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just to conferm(spelling?) the only difference is the lever, colour/ finish/ w/e and the lever blade?

No strength difference atall?

As I said, yeah, same functionally. The difference in price is down to the finish.

- Is the HS11 the better brake, if so why?

Okay so HS11 will be stronger than the hs33?

As has been said several times, the brakes are the same, the finishing is the only thing different.

I'll say it again:






cosmetically they are different.

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Or stop being a f**k fart, the hs11 has a longer lever = more power. EG, 05 Lever with 4 finger lever = more power. same principal. hence why adam from tarty suggests a hs11 for trials. or you you could stop being a dick suck and just properly repair your lazy pistons. you must be doing something wrong to get one every 2 weeks.

I'm not doing anything wrong, I'm doing it properly :)

And thanks Rab, and if i do decide to get a new one, ill get the hs11 since everybody is now saying its 16% more powerfull.

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Im sorry but why is there so many people being idiots?

There is no need to be so negative.

People need to relise that kieran is only 13, we were all annoying shits at that age and some people are still acting it!

Mark you work at tarty so your bound to get this question so many times so i can understand why your pissed off to be honest, but for everyone else shut the f**k up if you have no reason to post on this topic why bother?

Kieran, just fix your cylinders or get rob to, theres no need to get one unless your a jumped up douch who must have all the latest things

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Mark you work at tarty so your bound to get this question so many times so i can understand why your pissed off to be honest,

I'm not "pissed off", I'm just pointing out that the answers to almost every question that people are asking about these brakes is easily available either in the thread about them in the News section, or on the website. It states fairly explicitly that the brakes are the same, it also states that the longer lever on the HS11 gives you more power than the 2-finger blade on the HS33. I wrote the product description to cover almost every aspect of the new brakes, and we're adding to it as we learn more about them ourselves (e.g. having taken a HS11 completely apart earlier on). Other than that, all the information people want is incredibly easy to come across, so a bit of reading will help people learn a lot about the new brakes. We knew people would want to know about them, that's why we've been as comprehensive as possible in trying to give information about them.

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Im sorry but why is there so many people being idiots?

There is no need to be so negative.

People need to relise that kieran is only 13, we were all annoying shits at that age and some people are still acting it!

Mark you work at tarty so your bound to get this question so many times so i can understand why your pissed off to be honest, but for everyone else shut the f**k up if you have no reason to post on this topic why bother?

Kieran, just fix your cylinders or get rob to, theres no need to get one unless your a jumped up douch who must have all the latest things

Cheers, yeah Rab said in the topic he would get some new ones :D

Rab see when you come up can you fully fix my brake? Yours was insane mine is terrible for heatsink yellow standards.

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il do my best with your brake mate, im thinking a standard lever blade might be the idea, that czar one you have feels horrid. get some new cylinders or second hand ones and il get it sorted

I got some spare slaves for you kieran- pm me your address and il get them sent up asap

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I got some spare slaves for you kieran- pm me your address and il get them sent up asap

Okay I'll PM you just now, thanks alot! :D

il do my best with your brake mate, im thinking a standard lever blade might be the idea, that czar one you have feels horrid. get some new cylinders or second hand ones and il get it sorted

Would a standard lever blade make a difference? I'm gonna buy a new tpa aswell as mine isnt working just now, ill buy the metal ones.

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