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Short Sight And Swimming


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I want to go swimming but I have contact lenses. I just wonder what other people in this situation do.

I could wear my glasses but they might fall off in the pool.

I could wear goggles and contact lenses but they usually let water in eventually and getting swimming water on my lenses isn't an option.

What do, guys?

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A strap could work, if I bought one.

My sight's pretty bad. It'd be a fair nuisance not to wear glasses.

The other thing about goggles is they make seeing under water a lot easier. Goggles would be great, any contact lens users got advice for that?

Prescription goggles! Great idea!

Edited by Revolver
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Well if you're bimbling, your face never goes in the water, if you're training for front crawl sprinting, your face gonna get wet. Can't keep your eyes shut for an entire race. :P

EDIT: Plus swimming underwater is fun.

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Strictly bimble means walking: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/bimble But I hear it being used a lot now for climbing/swimming/cyling. Basically doing it in a leisurely manner for the sake of doing it.

I do not like swimming with poos. That's why I went first thng in the morning when I wasdoing it a lot. the water was clean, fresh and cold. Later one it gets warmed up by people and I didn't like it warm.

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I wear contacts + goggles or sometimes just contacts (and keep my eyes shut when they're underwater). Why are you so scared about getting the contacts wet? If you take them out soon afterwards and stick them into solution there's no real danger of infection.

Seriously though, contacts and goggles is perfect. They might let water in after 10-20 minutes, but all you do is stop for 2 seconds and let the water out? Which is the same for anyone - contacts or no contacts?

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I could wear my glasses but they might fall off in the pool.

Would water's refractive index stop this working? It would also look pretty funny.

I go without, but would say decent goggles and contacts.

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I've a pair of nikes with rubber gaskets which hold water out for about twenty min?

Also 'acquired' some 'Aqua Sphere' ones which are menat to be amazing but don't quite fit my eye socket, seem to touch my bushy brow and that ruins the seal.

Anyway, I'd keep an 'oldish' pair for swimming in just incase as JT! said you cause them to wear out faster or in worst case, develop an eye infection form shit water and have to bin the lenses

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