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Bionic B5R Lite Mod


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Bionic B5R prototype serie. It means there is a defect on the disc brake mount position. This can be solved easily by filing and facing the mounts. Double Hope Tech Trial disc brakes :) The bike is fairly light although I don't have a blance to weigh it. Could be lighter with lighter cranks and pedals too.


Bonz rear disc hub with Try-All No War rim ground for aestheticand Try-All Lite rear tire.


Echo SL headset and Try-All disc forks.


Echo TR disc hub on Trialtech square Hole front rim. Ground for aesthetic. Kenda Lite tire.


Monty 160mm x 25° stem (difficult to find) and Try-All Karbon bars!I have been riding this bike for a few months and have just been changing the stem for a shorter one . I can't believe how this makes the bike much more enjoyable to ride.


Echo SL freewheel, Echo TR cranks (cheap but great it seems), Trialtech Lite Sport bottom bracket (with Echo bolts) and Echo Lite platform pedals. All with a Trialtech Z610 HX 3/32" chain.


Previous frame and summer street bike. Echo Lite 2011 with Try-All forks and double HS33 (Coust pads). The geo is longer so it's a bit more streety feeling.


Karbon bars and Echo TR levers on maggies bodies... :P

Tell me what you think!

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Both looks bloody nice si, but why two mods?? Surely just riding one would be easier??

Ah well I got the Echo first but as I found it really too long (maybe because of the steering set up I had too), I changed for this frame which was offered to me. I also like double HS33 more on mod but with discs you can ride in the rain which I also love. So that is why I have two. Let's say I have one for summer and one for rainy days...

How did you get the TR levers on the maggie bodies?

Also what's the geo of the bionic? looks lush! :)

I just swapped the levers. These are not using some push pins like the new Echos. I just bolted them on!

And that's true I forgot to put the geometry:

Wheelbase is 1000, BB height is +80, Chainstay length is 350, and Headtube angle is 72!

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considering you have another 20inch i take it you are getting on alright with mod? do you prefer it to your stock? how do sidehops and gaps feel compared to the stock? Book look really nice by the way (Y)

Yes I am really loving mod more than stock at the moment. Maybe that will change but when I first got it I had a bad set up on the steering parts (Monty 175 stem and Trialtech high rise bars) and coming from riding stock for 5 years didn't help to get used to it. So I switched every now and then between stock and mod for more or less than 4 months but last month I have only been riding mod and I found I could seriously push myself more (in the sense I could feel better at trying things like new techniques or new heights without bothering too much about falling down or getting hurt) so I was really more self-confident on the bike and the other day I went back on stock and I simply hated it!!

Mod is so flickable and light and nice, it's seriously awesome. The only down thing about mod riding is that when you come from stock bike you are smaller in front of obstacles so it is much more difficult to be confident on heights. So I just trained on walls I knew perfectly to pass the height limit and start having fun! Just fun! And I had forgotten what it was to enjoy your bike for the way it rides more than performance wise.

Concerning techniques, Sidehops are different. I found that that I was pedal kicking far too much and that it was giving me a weird motion during the hop. I just bend more now and puch the cranks and pedals a bit less and I am now well adapted. Gaps are different in the way that every moves in 20" riding needs much more engagement. So you really need to force yourself more. Gaps to front are a bit more difficult as you are shorter on the bike and so as the gaps look bigger from the top of your front wheel. But it's different of course, different in a good way!

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Exactly the same right now just getting back on mod my self when you are setting up next to a wall it looks soo much bigger on the mod but its all in the mind,

Prefer your echo to the bionic i think the b5r is too short and you have to have a really long stem on it to compensate for that.

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That bionic!, it's looks amazing

How did you get the TR levers on the maggie bodies?

Also what's the geo of the bionic? looks lush! :)

I think they are made so they can fit that brake.

The only other way is maybe he drilled the hole which connects the lever to the body out so he can use different levers?

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That bionic!, it's looks amazing

I think they are made so they can fit that brake.

The only other way is maybe he drilled the hole which connects the lever to the body out so he can use different levers?

I didn't drill anything and I already answered man. I just fitted them as standard...

Thanks for all the positive comments

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