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Birdys Spraying Services

Ben Gosden

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I am posting this for a friend, he does an excellent job at spraying frames and has had alot of experience and learnt straight from his dad who was once a professional with a spray gun. my friend will spray almost all bits and bobs you can imagine on a bike and wants to take spraying further and start to earn money through it so he has created this page where you can contact him on and check his prices:


I highly recommend him he has done many bits for me and all the local bmxers. You will be pleased with the end result! :)

I will get some pics of previous frames etc that he has done and add them to this topics at some point in the week.

Thanks for your time give him a go;)

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Considering he's supposed to be advertising a "professional" service at the same sort of money as an experienced powder coaters, the massive lack of decent images of examples of his work is seriously weak.

That aside, anyone who pays £55 + postage to get a trials frame and fork sprayed is a mug anyway.

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"Full frame - £35

Forks - £25 £20"

Considering most people won't live next door, you'll need to get the parts to/from him too.

If the guy genuinely knows what he's doing then I wish him all the best in this, but at the moment it just comes across as some kid who's sprayed his own frame and thinks he can make a few quid doing other people's too. Whenever you're trying to sell something (be it parts or a service) then you need to put across a clean, professional image and this doesn't do that yet. With a little work this could be a really good promotional tool for him, but as it stands it just looks incredibly half-arsed at best.

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There are means and ways of getting parts to and from him except the post and as for his gear etc he has all the tools of the trade as his dad has tought him and passed on his equipment and they have a garage that they have specially suited for spraying purposes's. P.s I understand where you are coming from with the unprofessional "theme" and clearly he will learn and improve on this but atm he is just growing his roots and giving it a go. Some where in the above some one has quoted "some kid who's sprayed his own frame and thinks he can make a few quid doing other people's too." well this isnt the case as i did mention within the original post that he has done many parts beforehand and im going to upload image's in the week.

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This isn't a good start to his business venture I think people would rather go to somebody closer to their home ie a professional business or someone they know through word of mouth, it's not what you know but who you know (Y)

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yeah well fair doose on that comment but still worth a try and plus you cant hear form word of mouth when he hasnt been given the chance to get out there properly yet. This has still proven helpful as people have liked his page and are contacting him.

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Considering he's supposed to be advertising a "professional" service at the same sort of money as an experienced powder coaters, the massive lack of decent images of examples of his work is seriously weak.

That aside, anyone who pays £55 + postage to get a trials frame and fork sprayed is a mug anyway.

Mine cost £250 Just sayin'.

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Aha no but the subject has changed through the comments into the price for a powdercoating frames which in his case is the same as the price for a usuall spray on a frame!.

The price is not £55, its £35 for a frame and yeah indeed you could simple buy yourself some spray paint and do it yourself but Birdys spraying services offers a professional liable quality and as for you being able to get frames done profesional for £15 then you have found yourself some bargains as they most likely are able to get hold of the equipment and paint for a cheap price where as BSS goes the extra distance and spends muney on quality primare,paint,laquar etc.

Birdys spraying services are going to have to pay the full amount for there quality paint etc as at this moment they do not have an official consistant supplier therefull can not cut the prices too low. You may consider the prices slightly higher than you would want to pay but yet BSS have to replace there equipment as and when they are able to get the equipment supplied at a lower price then yes of course there prices will then be lowered.

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It was £100 for the custom green paint.

Then 2 differnet primers, grey paint, laquer thinners and labour.

to be honest i think thats fair.

cost me £50 for custom green paint and primer and clear coat and did it myself came out better than most people thought you got your pants pulled down

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£35 to professionally paint a frame sounds pretty cheap to me. Is that including prep work?

Fair play to the guy, the prices seem more than fair (in fact they seem unsustainable on a professional level unless he's doing batches of each colour or it doesn't include prep), but I'm not sure trials is the right market for it. We all abuse our bikes and regularly scratch them, so most trials riders aren't prepared to pay the money for a professional paint-job. We're also mostly young students and on the whole are pretty broke. If I've got a few quid to spend on bike stuff it goes on the moving oily bits to keep my bike working!

Maybe he should be looking to target roadies and XC riders? They tend to be a bit older (and therefore understand how much things cost in the real world, so they're less likely to go "but I could rattle-can it my self for a tenner!"), and they have a bit more money, as well as keeping their frames longer, and scratching them less often. I'd imagine they'd be a much better target market, and much more willing to pay out decent money for a good job. If he does decided to target them, then he needs to listen to Lukes advice and get the promotion looking a bit more high end. People with money tend to be fussier over a companies image than us broke students are ;)

As someone currently starting to set up a business I wish him the best of luck, unfortunately for the same reason I have no money, so I won't be getting anything done by him!

Edited by RobinJI
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