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Chain enquiry.. KMC 510/610/HX... Motorcycle chains


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Hello all

Today i had a bad experience of snapping my chain and we all know how painful and scary it can be.

I recently fitted a KMC 610HX on my bike around 7 weeks ago when i upgraded to ffw. The chain was joined by the pin as recommended by many on here and the chain tension was set precise like on the tarty tech video.

I have found it rather unusual to snap in such a short period of time.

Now the next bit.

Back in April i fitted a KMC 510HX in blue as it was the only choice i had n wanted to get back on my bike soon as. The chain was connected with the old style split links in 3 pieces (safe as houses them). At the time i was running a pro2. The chain had lasted me up until november where i had changed it to a 610 for ffw set up.

I just find it rather weird between both chains etc.

Do i go back to a 610hx or 510hx? Or is there even an alternative on the market.

Do people prefer joining a join by pin or split link?

My final question is has anyone ever ran a motorcycle chain? I know Mr Watson n someone else from hull run em as when i bought a curve frame off Damon it came with one. (What pitch is the motorcycle chain? How does it compare to a KMC?



EDIT: Seen gusset do one called the tank which looks pretty beefy n strong for my kind of riding lol.

Edited by Andeee
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Those big chains are 3/16th and there huge . I ran the kmc k910 version . And previously the gusset tank chain 3/16th version. They are practically unbreakable and don't stretch either . I have a brand new one I bought to fit on my zoo but it doesn't fit as the tightness pulls the rim too far towards the frame so the tire rubs on the chain stay yoke . An extra link makes it too long . If your running horizontal dropouts like many frames nowadays then you'll need to check it they fit if you decide you want that peace of mind .... Oh and they weigh a ton :)

I use the 510hx and so far so good . Kmc 710 before was good too . Never snapped but stretched a good half inch over 4 months use .

You might have just landed funny on it and damaged a link for your chain to break so quick . I check mine before every ride just to make sure .

Choice is yours dude

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Hello all

Today i had a bad experience of snapping my chain and we all know how painful and scary it can be.

I recently fitted a KMC 610HX on my bike around 7 weeks ago when i upgraded to ffw. The chain was joined by the pin as recommended by many on here and the chain tension was set precise like on the tarty tech video.

I have found it rather unusual to snap in such a short period of time.

Now the next bit.

Back in April i fitted a KMC 510HX in blue as it was the only choice i had n wanted to get back on my bike soon as. The chain was connected with the old style split links in 3 pieces (safe as houses them). At the time i was running a pro2. The chain had lasted me up until november where i had changed it to a 610 for ffw set up.

I just find it rather weird between both chains etc.

Do i go back to a 610hx or 510hx? Or is there even an alternative on the market.

Do people prefer joining a join by pin or split link?

My final question is has anyone ever ran a motorcycle chain? I know Mr Watson n someone else from hull run em as when i bought a curve frame off Damon it came with one. (What pitch is the motorcycle chain? How does it compare to a KMC?



my mate snapped his chain on his t-rex at a motorcross event, we went round the pits asking for a 50cc chain, he bought one for a fiver, and he rid it like that for 6 months, then he sold the bike to our mate, and i believe its still on now

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He has a point.

If you ride smoother, and dont stomp on your cranks then your chain will last longer. I'm not saying you do, but the fact you snapped two of the most popular chains out right now suggests somethings wrong, Mine alone has lasted 5 months, and the one before that nearly a year and its still sat in my tool box.

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wasn't a gag, if you're really snapping chains, then could you be stomping the pedals? If you're not getting your weight in just the right place you could be putting more force through the pedals to compensate. I'd look into it if I were you, would be beneficial for your riding in the future, more so than just getting a bigger chain.

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*your, and you've used that before...

Swivell on this ©

To Kidney and Ali I weigh 14.9 stone come on give us big boys a break. Were not all light as feathers and wear skinny jeans or even dress like one direction for a ride.

Edited by Andeee
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Weight doesn't play a part I'd imagine, you can only put as much force through the chain as your legs allow you to (well, to an extent. I know technique plays a huge part)
If you dont put this power down smoothly, your chains will snap quicker.

Edited by Echo Lite 09
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I ride how i want to ride. I don't copy peoples styles thats just too mainstream! Whether you are smooth or a basher. I just ride.

Some lads haven't got a pair to give there bike a bit of beef once in a while.

I don't see why saving weight on your chain is a good idea lol, your body weight is above it anyway so your not going to feel it or ride any better

if anything your riding will be worse because your scared of snapping it haha

Either way i would much prefer to have something thats safe as houses and is going to last.

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Weight doesn't play a part I'd imagine, you can only put as much force through the chain as your legs allow you to (well, to an extent. I know technique plays a huge part)

If you dont put this power down smoothly, your chains will snap quicker.

But if you're doing a sidehop and don't jump as much and just rely on stomping the pedals, then that's a few extra stone the bike is trying move.

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I ride how i want to ride. I don't copy peoples styles thats just too mainstream! Whether you are smooth or a basher. I just ride.

Some lads haven't got a pair to give there bike a bit of beef once in a while.

So you're telling me big comp riders don't put any power into their moves?

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But if you're doing a sidehop and don't jump as much and just rely on stomping the pedals, then that's a few extra stone the bike is trying move.

That is true.

Anyway, the only way you will make your chains last is to alter your technique Andy. Or buy a stronger one.

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