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I got some ideas for android Apps

Accidentally I started JavaScript (...) but it will do for building websites.

Im beginner, but I was flying with JavaScript and I understood easily, and I have a pretty good math knowledge( from a harder education system).


what do you think about this webpage? would it be a good start?

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If you want to make android apps there are some simpler ways as tomturd says, but if you want to make anything decent or with decent functionality you will need to learn Java for Android. Shortcuts will mean you take longer to learn the good stuff.

Scripting and structured languages are very different to object orientated languages in terms of development. A lot of people find it harder to learn OO languages if they learn structured code first.

Java theory is the same for Android, however the lifecycle, environment and libraries are very different. Android is easy to learn as a first language and I think its more fun because phones have so many features to access.

I would start directly with android, get eclipse and setup android sdk plug your phone in and run a hello world, then go back and do the java tutorials and try to juggle both so that you can relate the information across.

Google documentation is brilliant, browse through the tutorials and familiarise yourself with all the components in the left hand bar just so you know what is possible in android development.


Once you have followed a couple of tutorials you can look further at the meaning of the Java syntax and OO theory. The course below is the sort to follow, it teaches the theory each concept becomes like a lego brick that you can stick with other parts to solve problems. The course you showed is also similar, but the end bit is missing so may only be helpful up to a point.


If you are interested in game programming there are better routes.

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Objective C

As far as I am aware you can only program on a mac to iPhones.

I read about some other options but they are only half solutions :/

If you are interested in game programming there are better routes.

I am intrested in App making, because I have some ideas for them, my problem with the games that I am not that artistic to make one :/

Edited by UKHippY
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Yep, what ooo said. Although.. I would argue, that the extra skills you might learn using something like trigger.io are at least transferrable to web stuff, and Java is a lot harder to get into. Depends how serious you are, if you're just dabbling, I'd go for trigger.io - it'll be easier to get something up and running. but If you actually intend on releasing something on the play store, then do it properly (Java).

And yep you need a Mac to develop for iOS, that's why I bought one, although I havent done any iPhone development yet. My brain isn't ready to learn new languages yet. Its still recovering from the shock of 4 years of java - which I hated towards the end.

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thenewboston has some great tutorials for beginners just getting into it, if you do want to have a go at android apps, I would suggest learning a few of the basics before starting. It saves a lot of confusion! I would have a look at some e books and thenewboston tutorials (they're on YouTube), they gave me a great start. As a fellow Java programmer whom is just starting android, feel free to pm me for any help!

Okay, i will!

altough what ooo gave me, the Google one is brilliant, I can understand and learn it quickly (I have a good sense for it [=I dont know how to get a gf]) and so far I am going to stick with that, and if I am getting too confused, I am going to check that link too

I dont want to start multiple tutorials at the same time, that would confuse me pretty well :/

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Object orientated programming is very different to web technologies. Learn how to think like a programmer first. Thinking like a computer can be difficult and you need to understand why you're writing something rather than how you write something. Learn your fundamentals like variables, arrays and strings then picking up any programming language will be become far simpler - it will make more sense.

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