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Water bleed help!


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So I've just bought some of the 2011 HS33 and I know you can bath bleed the 05's. Question is has anyone tried to bath bleed the 2011 ones. I'm assuming technique is the same and since they're new I should be able to flush them out easier.

Cheers chaps!!

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Nooooo they're not a pain in the arse to bath bleed. I've done it loaaaads of times.

The only difference is that you have to undo the nut that goes into the lever and sits in the hose (really hard to explain it). Like you where going to remove the hose from the lever totally: BUT only undo the bolt so 3 threads are showing.

Then remove the little plastic plug that's on the lever and just do the usual thing. :)

Edited by williams
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Right then. 2011's. One important rule, do it in a big vessel, like a sink, and make sure you keep the entire thing underwater until you have completely reassembled the brake.

Assuming you have flushed through and are ready to water bleed, here's what to do.

REMEMBER: keep it all under water

Wind the tpa all the way out

Completely unscrew the hose from the lever body

Using a syringe and barbed fitting, pre fill the hose from the slave end until no air bubbles come out. If you have to repeat it, do it until it's completely air free.

Take the plug out of the lever, and pump the lever until no air comes out of the end. Use the cover/uncover method, it does work

Screw the hose back into the lever leaving the port uncovered

Force through some more water just to make sure its completely air free.

Once you have done this, tighten the hose up fully into lever, and put the screw back into the slave, and insert the plug back in

Lift your now amazingly bled fully working brake out of the water

Your brake should now work awesomely well and bite like a mofo

Edited by bing
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Worth to mention is that if you have a 4-finger 2011 brake with good condition slaves, they are going to be soooooo fast compared to 05's. It's like pulling the lever blade without a spring or anything in there that has resistance. It's amazing! :D

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Well ive just reassembled and chopped off the half inch of hose that had no fluid in it and it seems fine (currently with magura blood in it). if its cack then its going in the bath. I got the 4 finger levered version so when I've got time i'll get it bled with the finest council pop I can find!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I've just bought some of the 2011 HS33 and I know you can bath bleed the 05's. Question is has anyone tried to bath bleed the 2011 ones. I'm assuming technique is the same and since they're new I should be able to flush them out easier.

Cheers chaps!!

i waterbled mine and it did it really well, but i had 05 slaves on mine

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