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Higher Rise Bars make a difference?


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So I'm riding a basically Stock 2010 Zoot, and I'm coming from BMX and I've having a little bit of a hard time getting my hops as high as they were on my BMX and levelling them out and stuff like that. Basically, controlling the front end seems to be a lot trickier than it should be, so I find it harder to lift the wheel, and when I roll off curbs I can't hold the wheel high enough for long enough for me to drop properly, which is obviously worrying me, because it means I can't progress onto different things.

Anyway, my question is, would higher rise bars help? Because obviously on a BMX the rise is pretty huge, and that kinda helps lift the front end, obviously the rest of the geometry is different, I was just thinking that a high rise might make it easier to lift the front and control, and make it similar to a BMX.
I was thinking of getting the Inspired Arcade bars as soon as I have the money, but I don't really wanna be spending any money if I'm not going to notice a difference, so some advice/help would be really cool

Cheers guys!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still ride bmx and I find going from bmx to trials takes abit getting used to. Even with my dodgy arm, my bmx just floats of the ground, but my trials bike feels like a pig (until I get used to it). I put it down to the wheelbase.

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