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Clean - Flipp (Plus Extras!)

Mark W

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Just that he does shit loads of manuals and 360s and has no brakes most of the time makes it feel like an inspired/bmx video, dont get me wrong i love bmx videos, just not people riding big bmx's with maguras.

Well that shouldn't be too much of an issue in that most of those "big BMXs" have Avids, Hopes or Shimanos, don't they?

Many BMXers have brakes closer to a Magura than "big BMXs" - some even use Heatsinks!

Seriously - just lay this "argument" to rest. It's boring and gets no-one anywhere.

Yes, I put pointedly put the word "argument" in inverted commas. Take note of that.

Now - I'll go ride my BMX, you go ride your unicycle and lets try to forget this unpleasantness.

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Well that shouldn't be too much of an issue in that most of those "big BMXs" have Avids, Hopes or Shimanos, don't they?

Many BMXers have brakes closer to a Magura than "big BMXs" - some even use Heatsinks!

Seriously - just lay this "argument" to rest. It's boring and gets no-one anywhere.

Yes, I put pointedly put the word "argument" in inverted commas. Take note of that.

Now - I'll go ride my BMX, you go ride your unicycle and lets try to forget this unpleasantness.

You woke up on the wrong side of the bed or summet? No wonder I got told youre a freak haha.

In no way did I say anything offensive, I said I enjoyed the video, think you took the fact I said big BMX to heart a little bit :giggle:

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Yes, I most definitely did take it to heart, because it's people like you saying things like this that is rending trials.

There's the whole "bigger picture" scenario to consider that is much more pertinent, but even if you entirely remove that from the equation and go for pure, simple selfishness, it makes it very difficult for riders like me that like to do a bit of everything to enjoy riding to the fullest.

You tell the "big BMXers" that "they're not trials", which they may or may not care about but understandably resent the baseless rejection so don't want to ride with you, so people in the middle have to ride with one side or the other.

Very rarely do you get to ride with both, or other people that equally enjoy doing manually spin lines as sessioning a sidehop wall. In fact, I think I can count the number of riders I've met like that on one hand.

I know several "big BMXers" that are quite offended when they're told that they can't be a part of your secret little club called "trials", and others that acknowledge that the last time they did a sidehop was 2008 and couldn't care less if they ride what you consider to be "trials" or not.

Personally, I'm one of the latter. I couldn't give two hoots if you think I deserve to reside in the "trials" domain or not, but I despise watching the loud-fingered's warmongering.

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Yes, I most definitely did take it to heart, because it's people like you saying things like this that is rending trials.

There's the whole "bigger picture" scenario to consider that is much more pertinent, but even if you entirely remove that from the equation and go for pure, simple selfishness, it makes it very difficult for riders like me that like to do a bit of everything to enjoy riding to the fullest.

You tell the "big BMXers" that "they're not trials", which they may or may not care about but understandably resent the baseless rejection so don't want to ride with you, so people in the middle have to ride with one side or the other.

Very rarely do you get to ride with both, or other people that equally enjoy doing manually spin lines as sessioning a sidehop wall. In fact, I think I can count the number of riders I've met like that on one hand.

I know several "big BMXers" that are quite offended when they're told that they can't be a part of your secret little club called "trials", and others that acknowledge that the last time they did a sidehop was 2008 and couldn't care less if they ride what you consider to be "trials" or not.

Personally, I'm one of the latter. I couldn't give two hoots if you think I deserve to reside in the "trials" domain or not, but I despise watching the loud-fingered's warmongering.

What the hell is wrong with you lmao, me saying that i dont like inspired videos isnt gonna stop you doing whatever you want is it? build a bridge.

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