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Gearing question 25t 24t


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My drive setup works on the basis of strong bottom bracket, strong cranks and a beefy chain. At the moment those are all well and good but I can't seem to get a decent 22t sprocket to suit. I have recently moved to BMX cranks and have been finding them pretty fine and was running a Animal sprocket. Nothing has really changed apart from the new Animal sprockets are even more so cnc'd and keep snapping when I am giving them some pasty at moves (just from pedaling hard).

At the moment my options seem to be

  • Find a decent 22t sprocket (I have found a profile one from america but he's only got one left so as a long term plan that's not really ideal).
  • move to a different style of cranks but then I can't use my hefty chain as it's too wide for them.
  • Move 25T and run a solid sprocket, always have options to replace it and can also run a bmx halfring bash.

The above is sort of irrelevant to the question I want to know so it's there if anyone wonders why.

I am currently on 22-17 gear ratio, What is the equivalent gear ratio for 25t or 24t?


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There's no way your chain will fit the Arcade one.

For future reference, if you need to work out a new chainring size when you're changing the rear to a set size: Divide the size of your old front chainring by your old rear sprocket, then multiply that answer by the size of your new rear sprocket. If you're doing a new front then just swap it around so you're dividing the rear by the old front chainring tooth number, then multiply by the new front tooth number.

Using your toddler-specific gear ratio of 22:17 and changing that up to a 25t (most likely size you'll get in BMX size):

17/22 = 0.7727272727...

0.7727272727... * 25 = 19.318

So basically, 25:19 would be the closest. One thing you might need to do is run that through a chainstay length calculator to see if it's going to f**k with your wheel positioning much. If you go here (http://eehouse.org/fixin/formfmu.php) you'll see that you're probably going to have to run a half link to get it in the same rough area as 22:17.

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