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Argh this programme is really wank, this woman keeps going on about chavs being working class, that they have no money and that people pick on them. Their not working class, they just act like they are. That woman presenter is annoying me too, she just keeps inturrupting the people she interviews, and then starts crying when she doesnt get her way.

The day a group of 10 trials riders come up to me and attack me for looking at them is they day i apologise to chavs for hating them, but i dont thik thats ever gonna happen. It gets stupid now how often that i, or my friends get abuse from a chav group. ive had enough of them.

*by chav i mean over-cocky youth who will do his/her best to make trouble, not neccessarily someone who dresses like one

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just watched the first two parts...

the bloke she was interviewing with the glasses at like 30mins into the programme speaketh the truth, he was saying that 'most' chavs cause violence, wear cheap crap and just go around getting in the way and being annoying and the woman presenting was getting well annoyed because she must know its true and didnt know what to say back :P

Lady sovereign (sp?) is a 4 foot 6 spawn of satan

haha that made me laugh

do these people not experience what we see in town centres? and just around our streets, groups of chavs that will just tell you to f*ck off for no apparent reason, try to fight you, try to steal things from you??

how can they even wonder why people hate them so much? (N)

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I hate that woman with a passion!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why has no one mentioned what a manace to socitiy they are, they beat people up for no reason make lives such as our own shite!!!!!!!!!!

i hate them all i want them all to die a really horrible painful death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Davetrials
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totally disagree with what one of the women said

she said that if they want to go around and supe up there cars and go racing about who are they harming?

well i dont know....how about all the people they kill on the roads?

do they not hear about these stupid iditos or even see these chavs driving there cars about down small roads going way over the speed limit easily trying to kill people (N) or racing up and down streets trying to crash

yeh i think theyve missed the point completely its making it out that chavs arent doing anything wrong and that they are good, that woman is such a to**er.

thus making my hatred for chavs grow stronger, i wish all the 'proper' chavs that go around and cause trouble and are just low life scum would just hurry up and die, im sure they wont be missed

Edited by Bondy
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That completly missed the point.

Middle class people aspire to be chavs?




Someone needs to do a real documentary. One which is'nt presented by a dumb shit who claims to be a chav, when actually knows f**k all about chavs.

Also, when she interviewed those hugely famous people. She showed a complete lack of respect, or interest in what they had to say.

Another thing. When the f**k did middle class and working class come into chavs?

That program pissed me off. It completly missed the point.

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what a waste of hour and I am glad to see that I am not the only one that thinks working class = chavs!!

vanessa feltz can f**k off too

the bloke she was interviewing with the glasses at like 30mins into the programme speaketh the truth,

yeah he was right and the woman didn't know what the fook to say


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Lol she dent have a clue that guy was making all the right facts and she just cut in and started mumbling again.

WHo is she, shes a twat, she not a chav in the slighest, girls aloud are not chavs



Girls aloud?


Ok, so Cheryl Tweedy or what's her face going to a night club and punching the toilet attendant isn't chav?

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