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Wheel Swaps

Luke Drewery

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Try letting the tyre pressure do the work and key tip...

Let the brakes off completely

I found by doing that I could do it instantly as did some of my friends!

Give it a go!

Yeah Chris taught me how to wheelswap a while ago, I couldn't get it and found my front wheel was coming down too fast. It all changed though when Chris suggested i preload and then release BOTH brakes. It worked almost instantly and i can do them quite well now.

Try it! Hope this helps,


Edited by G-Jordan
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Yeah... surely you need some kind of anchor?

The technique works surprisingly well and really throws you forward as well as up onto the object.

You have your front brake on as your setting up but when you're preloading (just before exploading upwards) you release both brakes . If you get the timing right it makes for a much better wheelswap (well for me anyway) and there are no problems with not having an 'anchor'. I have used it many a time whilst riding natural.

try it :) .


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both brakes off would only work on natural if:

you had your engagement sorted so you dont roll back

you have your balance all ready so no correctional hops

you love being a sketchy b*****d

i love the whole front brake only, unless on a slope and the front is hooked over (my forks seem to be flexing a lot more than they used to) then i just keep both on till im all balanced then last second switch to front brake only. Eitherway.. it works

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My technique seems a little different to most peoples. Steve bell (Endofreak) showed me it a few years back when he was living in london and its just stuck ever since. Alot of my mates just use brute force and try to get more bounce from there tyres.

Heres what i do :S

Get my front wheel on the obsticle with my front brake on fully and my rear brake just slightly on.

I then find the right enagaement point in my hub (One is usually way to high and one is way to low)

Then i kinda hop with the brakes off for a spilt second (Much like a backhop) and try to roll the front wheel on the pallets/wall. Its got me up pretty big stuff i'll try to do a video or something.

Longer bikes will always help with this move but thats pretty obivous :(

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you need to see Iolo doing them, he can get super high! (higher than bar hight to back wheel)

I dont know how he does then, but I do them like this:

*front wheel on object, brake on.

*turn the bike so I am as close to the wall as possible (to my left, being right foot forward)

*balance without hopping for the sheer cheek

*quickly crouch down so your chest is on the bars

* throw all your weight up and forward (your pedals will turn as you dont have the back brake on, this is fine)

*grab a bit of brake, and get on the object

Although I seem to be getting worse at these recently

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Sorry to bring this back from the dead . . .

I was just wondering why having the rear brake off makes such a difference? Is it a compression thing or  . . . . . . ?

I would say it allowes the rear end of the bike to flex more and would be eaiser for getting up (N)

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when the back brake is off you get flex from the forks which added along with tyre bounce helps loads in getting some extra height. Also helps with getting you up on to the object as it gives a little forward momentum ive found. Another great thing.. only one brake on, less arm pump in a comp.

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Ok guys, cheers for the replies (N)

Came in today, found a pracel from tartybikes containing my kool chain, fitted it, then went out and pulled my biggest wheelswap which was about 4" over wheel height (didnt measure it exactly) so im chuffed!

I found the most helpful tip was to compress the tyres more...

Edited by scunnytrials
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