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Finally...koxx Video From Me


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That was sick...andrew t , youve done it again, made another great video.

Roll on koxx days 06 video :unsure:"

Editing was subtle, but effective and music choice was spot on id say..

all in all, 10/10 for effort, and 10/10 for the video, tis top class

Was nice too see footage that hadnt been saw before aswell(Y)


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I've been wondering when this'd be up, I thought it was gonna be out yesterday so I thought you were joking about releasing it so quickly, haha.

Sweet video, was good to see more Kenny Balaey, I think he's probably one of the more under-represented Koxx riders. Despite being an absolute beast :unsure:

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Very nice but not as good as the Nopogo Koxxdays vid imo.

Still well worth the download :unsure:

Now we want the rest, im sure you must have more footage left to edit into a new cool vid

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that was awesome. loved the different angles on stuff, "the joy of filming at koxx days" HAHAHA. what was that about right at the end? looked like a laugh :unsure:"

thats just what it was like, hardest shit to film ever was that paris day...people just walk in front of you all the time- if you notice i barely have anyone in front of me in most of my shots, I had to be a dickhead to do it (watch the other vids, im in like all of them with my baby blue sweatshirt (Y) ) .

In terms of other footage, i have enough to make another 20 minute video easily...but the next month is going to be hell as I am graduating uni and have to get my shit together so unfortunately don't expect too much- soz about that :(

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:( :) :P <<< hehe, thanks for that awsome vid, glad you took your time in making it unlike some of the other vids

Eidted so well and getting some great angles while filming (Y)

Best koxx days vid easy, deffinatly one of my fav vids ever too

Best bit was benito going up the escelator :unsure:

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