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Are You Healthy?


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Right now,I've reached a point in my life where I think I need to consider looking after myself. I've been a party animal to the max in the recent years,and I feel it's starting to take its toll on me. Drinking over the limit every friday and saturday,smoking when drunk. Things like that,and I just feel shite! Lungs are a mess,skin is a mess and I just feel drained.How is everyone else feeling?Does everyone else get enough sleep,water etc?Good diet?I'd like to try and change.Rant over... :">

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I feel like I am pretty healthy, i dont drink (shut up guys :huh: ), smoke or take drugs, I go for runs and ride regually.

I dont eat as healthly as I could though and I need to drink more. Other than my injuries, I cant complain.

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cough  cough.. :P"


I am pretty healthy! I don't drink often, don't smoke, don't take drugs. I probably don't get enough sleep though. I drink way too much lucozade sport :P I have a good meal every lunch (cheap work canteen :P ) i struggle to eat good on the evening though because I will finish work and then go ride and only have time for a sandwich. Trying to eat more fruit, but still eat a world of chocolate and sweets

I am healthier than all my friends who don't ride :huh: but my body probably hurts more!


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I've been pretty good to myself this year, I really wanted to start eating healthy and thought it would be a load of hassle, but it really isn't hard at all.

The most difficult one was to stop smoking, I just went straight cold turkey but after a week or two I realised how I didn't need to smoke at all, it really doesn't make evenings that much better. So that must have helped a bit.

You shouldn't worry too much about the drinking, maybe if you're a regular beer drinker just get onto the clear spirits or something, Beer's pretty damn unhealthy and if you're like me, leaves you feeling pretty shite in the morning. Double Vodka and RedBull or Coke or Lemonade is pretty snazzy, usually not much more expensive (and occasionally cheaper depending on the pub). But it will do the same job and if you know your limits you don't really need to drink much at all. Even just getting pretty tipsy is alot better than getting hammered and you remember the whole evening :P

Then there's the food and drink. They say you're supposed to have like 2 litres of water a day (say 4 pint glasses) which isn't actually that much, I just take a bottle of water with me to school and have it right next to me in lessons or at a computer and I'll just drink it. Fill it up at the fountain and carry on. Drinking lots of water really clears the body out so keep it up. If you're a regular fizzy drinker, don't bother with them, stop drinking them for a couple of weeks and then having a sip makes you realise how they're not really hydrating you at all . . .

Food wise, they say you're supposed to have 5 portions of different fruit and veg a day. I've been eating Muesli, with youghurt and Banana in the mornings, put some honey on top and you've got a damn tasty breakfast which is good 'n' healthy (with lotsa fibre too). Even just a bowl of cereal is pretty awesome on it's own, have a banana or apple with it and a glass of orange juice and that's 2 portions of fruit already - pretty simple eh?

Lunchtimes, a few sandwichs does the job nicely, plonk some lettuce or cucumber or something with a bit of cheese (I dunno what you like but I'm sure you can find something healthy) with some chicken or ham and you're getting some veg and a bit of protein from the meat (albeit not very much, but you should get a hefty amount at dinner times anyways). OR you can get to Tesco or Morrisons etc and buy one of those packs of Salad, usually along the lines of 'Sweet and Crunchy' it costs about £1 and you get two salads with it. Add some cheese, some Ham and a bit of dressing and you've got a tasty lunch :huh:

I'd say I was pretty lucky nowadays, as I basically choose what I have for dinner which means you can adjust your diet whenever you like, though I'm sure your parents wouldn't deny making you a quick and easy but healthy dinner! But all you really need to have is protein (meat), veg and some carbohydrates (from say Rice, Pasta Potatoes etc). So Chicken Stir-Fries do the job really nicely I think as they're a piece of piss to make whilst being pretty tasty if add some soy sauce and some herbs or something. They're are loads of meals which are really healthy, have a gander on Google and see what you can find. Try to eat at around 6 oclock too, as it means that your body can digest all the food and make the most of it.

Hmm, that should do the job, get your ass to a gym too if you're feeling uber unhealthy. Leave the chocolate and crisps alone too.

Edit: 'kin hell, all these people posted in the same time it took me to write that post. Plus I'm sure there are people on here that really do know their stuff, I've not really got much of an idea but the diet/way of life I've been having recently certainly isn't making me feel unhealthy. :P

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I dont smoke, never have never will, dont take drugs, again never have never will, rarely drink, dont get as much sleep as i think i should, dont drink enough water, i feel i get enough exercise although i do need to start riding again really to keep that up, i feel pretty healthy just drained all the time..overall i feel okish

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Alcohol is instantly turned into fat, hence beer bellies, and also why 16 year old tarty girls are all fat too.

The kind of fat made by alcohol is the last reserve, the hardest fat to get rid of from your body. When excercising, your body will tell you to stop and eat something long before you come close to using up the fat stores created by alcohol.

Nicotine in cigarettes reprograms your nervous system to respond to nicotine, instead of the chemical your brain uses to send signals along your nervous system. This means the nevous system will respond a lot less quickly to your brains normal chemical, causing delayed reactions, and less stamina. This effect is with your for the rest of your life, and the more you nervous system depends on nicotine, the worse it gets.

Canabis does a similar thing to brain cells, changing the chemical required by the cell to be activated, causing permenant damage, leading to amnesia.

Have a nice day! :huh:

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Alcohol is instantly turned into fat, hence beer bellies, and also why 16 year old tarty girls are all fat too.

The kind of fat made by alcohol is the last reserve, the hardest fat to get rid of from your body. When excercising, your body will tell you to stop and eat something long before you come close to using up the fat stores created by alcohol.

Nicotine in cigarettes reprograms your nervous system to respond to nicotine, instead of the chemical your brain uses to send signals along your nervous system. This means the nevous system will respond a lot less quickly to your brains normal chemical, causing delayed reactions, and less stamina. This effect is with your for the rest of your life, and the more you nervous system depends on nicotine, the worse it gets.

Canabis does a similar thing to brain cells, changing the chemical required by the cell to be activated, causing permenant damage, leading to amnesia.

Have a nice day!  :huh:

That'd work better than any anti-smoking campaign I think! At least on the younger folk, thanks for that though, that's enough to put me off doing all that kinda crap for a good long while ...

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Anyone watch that celeb detox programe that was extreme and thats whats needed to purify yourself 100%

Im fit and healthly, could do with not drinking but I dont drink to the point of stupidity just so Im merry Im naturally hyperactive so drink isnt needed that much also could eat heltheir but while my blood pressure and calestorl are normal and I can eat all day and not put on weight im fine.

Im fit and active, too active maybe.

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yo, i reccon im prettey healthy, i dont do drugs, i dont smoke and i dont drink much alcohol.

i reccon i dont get enough sleep and i dont drink water quite enough.

also, through riding (i think), i had big problems with my back and now my knees are starting to give in :P :huh: maybe they are just bedding in to me doing a few different style moves and changing my style a bit? i dunno :P

anyways, id say im prettey healthy apart from the knees, lack of sleep and de-hydration, lol :P



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Canabis does a similar thing to brain cells, changing the chemical required by the cell to be activated, causing permenant damage, leading to amnesia.

Didnt realise you were a scientist working on the project *sigh*

Theres so much shit about cannabis its untrue, I dont really like drinking that much and I only smoke socially which is rare but I do love a nice joint with freinds its just so calming and relaxing but yeh whatever floats your boat

and frank is talks out of his arse with all his rubbish


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That'd work better than any anti-smoking campaign I think! At least on the younger folk, thanks for that though, that's enough to put me off doing all that kinda crap for a good long while ...
Possibly, but unfortunately, the Government isn't allowed to spout crap on the TV :P"

Anyway... I think I'm quite healthy with what I eat and do. But I eat chocolate all the time. Yesterday was the first day in several weeks that I didn't eat a chocolate bar. Only got through the day with the help from caramel Snack-a-Jacks... :huh:

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Didnt realise you were a scientist working on the project *sigh*

Theres so much shit about cannabis its untrue, I dont really like drinking that much and  I only smoke socially which is rare but I do love a nice joint with freinds its just so calming and relaxing but yeh whatever floats your boat

and frank is talks out of his arse with all his rubbish


Believe what you want mate, its your body and i couldnt give a flying monkeys testicle what you do with it, but im sure the governments health warnings are in place for more reasons than just because they are a bunch of old party poopers.

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Believe what you want mate, its your body and i couldnt give a flying monkeys testicle what you do with it, but im sure the governments health warnings are in place for more reasons than just because they are a bunch of old party poopers.

Can you link to me some of these health warnings? and not assumptions

not having a go like though just curious


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My mother in law is in her second year studying to become a radiographer on top of her degree in micro biology, and its part of her course to know this sort of stuff. She just tells me stuff like that as she learns it, and I pay attention because im sitting there eating all her food.

My stepdad has been in medicine all his life, and is a chiropodist, and although it doesnt sound like that has anything to do with it, it does. Someone who is fat is putting more pressure on their feet, so he needs to work out what they are doing that makes them fat to then stop the pains in their feet. Smoking causes problems with feet because, like i said the nervous system is affected by nicotine, and your feet, being the furthest thing away from your brain are heavily affected.

Like I say, believe what you want, but you are told this stuff because they are genuinely concerned for peoples health. The government could make loads of money on taxing canabis if it was sold legally, but they don't.

Anyway, you make your own mind up

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I would say im healthy i eat well (thanks mum/dad for cooking)

and ride regulary and do drink enough water. but i do eat a lot of cakes and stuff and sometimes go like 5 days with out leaving the house.

but yer

ecodan :huh: .

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My mother in law is in her second year studying to become a radiographer on top of her degree in micro biology, and its part of her course to know this sort of stuff. She just tells me stuff like that as she learns it, and I pay attention because im sitting there eating all her food.

My stepdad has been in medicine all his life, and is a chiropodist, and although it doesnt sound like that has anything to do with it, it does. Someone who is fat is putting more pressure on their feet, so he needs to work out what they are doing that makes them fat to then stop the pains in their feet. Smoking causes problems with feet because, like i said the nervous system is affected by nicotine, and your feet, being the furthest thing away from your brain are heavily affected.

Like I say, believe what you want, but you are told this stuff because they are genuinely concerned for peoples health. The government could make loads of money on taxing canabis if it was sold legally, but they don't.

Anyway, you make your own mind up

whats nictotine got to do with cannabis?

and if they did legalise it would put the pharmaceutical out of businness and they know it, Ive talked to people with MS and other medical reasons who consume cannabis and they dont claim benefits, they dont take the crap the doctors give them and they can live there lives pain free why should they be discriminated against because of there shitty way the government runs (Y) (money)


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whats nictotine got to do with cannabis?

and if they did legalise  it would put the pharmaceutical out of businness and they know it, Ive talked to people with MS and other medical reasons who consume cannabis and they dont claim benefits, they dont take the crap the doctors give them and they can live there lives pain free why should they be discriminated against because of there shitty way the government runs  (Y) (money)


The medicinal use of Cannabis is a completely different issue. People in pain get a lot of relief from morphine or heroin. So perhaps we should legalise that? Similarly there are medicinal uses for just about any "street" drug around. You say you've talked to people who claim to need marijuana because it helps their illness? What about the people who develop schizophrenia from overuse of cannabis? I don't have any real problem with people using cannabis if they want to, but people who claim it's some amazing wonder-drug with no side-effects are annoying. The biggest side-effect is that they're stoners...

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I dont do drugs or spoke but im a regular social drinker. I take my vitamins to keep me alive aswell hehe.

But my diet sucks. I usually only have 2 meals a day and one of them is 4 weetabix every morning heh so not a lot goes into me. Everything elce is usually microwaved or fryed (although tonight i am cooking a proper curry which is always good :()

I keep meaning to get fit and ride more and maybe even the gym (Y) but never really got round to it. Ow well maybe one day :D

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