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Bike Nearly Robbed!


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I go to an all boys' school and one day i was walking to school and this random woman came out of her house and called me a'puff', i just ignored her and walked to school. Later that night i went to her house and keyed her taxi (estate) across 4 panels, good and proper (big 'S' shapes all over the panels).

I wanted to keep out of this but that's just frickin' stupid. Talk about Chav logic? Grow up mate.

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racial abuse<a beating?

Why is it racist to call someone from Pakistan a Paki? Calling someone from Britain a Brit isn't racist. Calling someone from a America a Yank isn't racist. Calling someone from India an Indian isn't rascist. (Black people call each other nigger all the time, especially on records, which they know will influence others to do the same, but thats a different kettle of fish)

So WHY is it racist?

I could understand it being racist if you said you are daft BECAUSE you're a Paki, because thats associating a bad thing with a whole race, hence racism, but saying that Paki is racist is like saying that "Your mum" (remember that?) is insulting!

When its not!

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god there are some moronic views in this thread (Y) A bunch of asian kids beat up a white english boy so there are obvious connections between imigration and violent crime- its solid proof folks, now everyone go out and vote in BNP or UKIP or some other equally racist/ bull shit party. I blame it on the tabloids stirring up fear and all the idiots that read that drivel and believe it.

the race/ immigration thing was just one of many stupid points in this thread!

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Why is it racist to call someone from Pakistan a Paki? Calling someone from Britain a Brit isn't racist. Calling someone from a America a Yank isn't racist. Calling someone from India an Indian isn't rascist. (Black people call each other nigger all the time, especially on records, which they know will influence others to do the same, but thats a different kettle of fish)

So WHY is it racist?

I could understand it being racist if you said you are daft BECAUSE you're a Paki, because thats associating a bad thing with a whole race, hence racism, but saying that Paki is racist is like saying that "Your mum" (remember that?) is insulting!

When its not!

But nowadays calling someone a 'paki' isnt just used for people in pakistan, its used for all asian people and some become offended as its often used in racism etc. 'paki' isnt really a short term for 'pakistani' anymore...

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But nowadays calling someone a 'paki' isnt just used for people in pakistan, its used for all asian people and some become offended as its often used in racism etc. 'paki' isnt really a short term for 'pakistani' anymore...

i disagree... asains just look for excuses to get us honky's locked up ;)

the world is sooo f**kin screwed up nowadays.. i wanna be priminister.. the immigration laws would be sorted straight away

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id say it was... asains just look for excuses to get us honky's locked up ;)

Some black guy once called me honky to try and scare me, I don't think he realised how silly a word it is...

And no, I think most people are very aware about how Pakistani's hate Indians and vice-versa, (but thats not racist is it...?) and I don't think all Asian people get called Paki, (especially those from China, Japan, Thailand etc)

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You should have just ignored them. Then what....they might have shouted something, where as you retaliated then they beat you up and now you feel you have to get revenge. Where as if you just ignored them in the first place that could have annoyed them a little because they wanted to find trouble.

Should have just left it.

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C'mon, what white people use the words 'paki' and 'nigger' in non-racist ways. Even using the word 'Yank' implies that you don't like Americans. There's really no need for using words like that. I think black people calling other black people nigger is different. If I called one of my friends a cock (as I do quite often), they wouldn't get offended. Whereas if I called some random guy in the street a cock, I'd probably get a beating. And yes, I'd probably deserve it. You deserved it. Maybe next time you won't be such an arrogant arse?

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C'mon, what white people use the words 'paki' and 'nigger' in non-racist ways.  Even using the word 'Yank' implies that you don't like Americans.  There's really no need for using words like that.  I think black people calling other black people nigger is different.    If I called one of my friends a cock (as I do quite often), they wouldn't get offended.  Whereas if I called some random guy in the street a cock, I'd probably get a beating.  And yes, I'd probably deserve it.  You deserved it.  Maybe next time you won't be such an arrogant arse?

But what I'm getting at is WHY is being called what you are offensive? You call your friend a cock... he isn't actually a cock, he's a human being. A Brit IS a Brit, a Paki is a Paki, so why take offense? Is being a Paki something to be ashamed of and being a Brit not? Ive just been to Tunisia for my honeymoon, and the Arabs call the Pakistanis, Pakis because its shorter. Getting offended over being called something you are is just someone looking for an excuse to vent their anger. If you go to France or something, at some point some one will point out that you are British, and make a joke about that or about British culture, but your not going to come back later on with a bunch of lads and beat them up.

I don't believe race was in this, it was just the group of guys that he chose retaliate against were just looking for someone to beat up, and they were just annoying people to find an excuse to beat them up, and he gave it to them, he did exactly what they wanted him to do. If the guys were British, Chinese, anything, but still had that mentality of starting a fight for the fun of it, they would still havce done it.

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but what if i call my asain friend a paki then ?? is that racism ?

If he is from India and not Pakistan, then he would take offence because the Indians and Pakistanis like fighting wars between each other, but on the whole, a respectable Asian person would just calmly tell you theyre not from Pakistan. Unless they are from Pakistan, then they'd say, "What do you want, Brit?"

Racism is using race to deliberately cause someone distress/harm. Like I said, if someone called me a Brit, I wouldnt have a problem with it, so it doesnt count as racism

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The police do fek all about ABH...

This country suks at the moment, theres no point even trying to stand up for yourself.

2 fights happen...both with one asian lad and one englich lad

a: english lad starts on asian lad. ourcome...racially agrivated attack, and a fair old bollocking

b: asian lad starts on englich lad. ourcome slap on wrists as the police dont want to be too harsh incase the asian lad says the cops are being racist.

its when these rude boys use the fact that they are not white agains white folk...and we cant do anything about it.

get well soon dude....

napalms always pretty funny, petrol and polystyrine! and im sure itdont go out untill it burns its self out.


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A guy I know goes to a school with a lot of muslim boys, after 9/11 the school organised a silence in class, but these boys refused to observe it, in fact they inisted on stamping and chanting and making as much noise as possible, my mate found this so bad he hooked one of them.

He got done for racially aggravated assault. ;) :lol: (Y)

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If he is from India and not Pakistan, then he would take offence because the Indians and Pakistanis like fighting wars between each other, but on the whole, a respectable Asian person would just calmly tell you theyre not from Pakistan. Unless they are from Pakistan, then they'd say, "What do you want, Brit?"

Go on then, pick a random asian guy off the street and call him 'paki' and see what happens. I bet he won't appreciate it!

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to call somebody a 'paki' if you had no background knowledge probably wount be offensive. but the fact is that it is an offensive comment because it has been used as an offensive comment for so long.

you look in the paper your read the headline 'asian boy beats up kid' stereotypical view says stupid paki go home. but surely the racism is so deeply inbedded into peoples minds that even the title has a hint of racism - when do you ever read 'white teenager.... ' etc.

also the fact that you do seem to think of them as some sub standard species shows you why they are so pissed off. they have just as much right to be here as you. i know i would be pissed off if every day of my life i gots seperated yet everybody has exactly the same rights as you or me.

to me you got what you deserve, if some little shit starts giving me shit i wouldn't let it go. then you come on the internet and complain. ;)

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Go on then, pick a random asian guy off the street and call him 'paki' and see what happens.  I bet he won't appreciate it!

No, but he wouldn't appreciate it if I walked up to him and said "Oi" either would he? Most people in Britain wouldn't appreciate it if you walked up to them and said hello, you'd soon get told where to go, so it's a bit of a silly thing to say. You don't just walk up to people and say a single word at them do you?

The anger comes from confusion between Indians and Pakistanies, India is a lot bigger, a lot more Indians come to live in Britain than Pakistanies do, so on the whole you would be talking to an Indian and not a Pakistani and as I've said before Indians don't like Pakistanies and find it an insult to be reffered to as one of them (which is a bit racist of them by your books), but actual Pakistanis don't mind. I was friends with a Pakistani guy in school, and when the conversation came round as to what his dad did for a living he said "He runs a Paki shop in Mottingham." I think he would have been a little confused if I had called him racist for that, don't you?

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Surely you can see the example though dude. I wasn't being 100% serious.

Surely the anger comes from the fact that the word has been used to describe (by various british ignorami) anyone who looks vaguely brown...

OK, another example: I call my friend a saaathern caaahnt. He is southern, he doesn't mind, he is my friend. If someone else who he didn't know called him a southern c**t, he might well be offended. (By the way, this is just an example - don't take it too literally!)

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Surely you can see the example though dude.  I wasn't being 100% serious.

Surely the anger comes from the fact that the word has been used to describe (by various british ignorami) anyone who looks vaguely brown...

OK, another example:  I call my friend a saaathern caaahnt.  He is southern, he doesn't mind, he is my friend.  If someone else who he didn't know called him a southern c**t, he might well be offended.  (By the way, this is just an example - don't take it too literally!)

Your missing my point!!!! You calling him rude words is different than calling him a Southener! Southener in itself isn't racist, so why should calling someone by the ir place of birth be anything to get upset about???

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Where abouts did you go in tunisia andyroo? ive been there a couple of times myself ;) going again in summer aswell great place..

cant really be bothered to go on about why saying 'paki' is racist because i suppose it isnt racist to say that, but because of all the racism around the word 'paki' some people are offended, so i never say it incase someone is offended (why bother?)


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Well when i saw they were staring at me, i started to stare back, thats when they asked me what the f**k am i looking at, so then i shouted, shut up you daft P****, thats when they had the grudge on me, but before then, they have started on my mates tec, but at the end of the day, like the police said, no matter what uve done to them, there was still no need for that.


Yeah, but were they just watching you riding trials?

Either way, for f**ks sake do you realise how childish and un-necessary this whole thing is? If I had a go at every townie wanker who 'stared' at me I'd basically be either beating or being beaten 24/7. Just deal with it. There are twats everywhere. It's easier to just ignore it than to get your head kicked in. To call them a "daft paki" was a bit f**king stupid to put it mildly...

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unlucky, anyone that starts on me i just sit their ignoring them because people around here that act hard go "do you want a punch" etc and if you say yes they just run away from me :/ get well soon

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So you be racist to them they kick you in because you did ! then u think ill go stick expanding foam up his car exuast ?

Sort yourself out other wise you will end up worst !

sam :P

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