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New Vinco, What You Think?


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Hehe, I love people's different perceptions of trials! To me the wierd bikes and lycra is where trials has come from, and (probably without the lycra) is where it will always have a hold for a long time to come. The UK seems to have a very unique scene where 'shit bmx' is king and those who ride observed trials (the act of completing sections without putting your feet down in the most efficient manor) are thought of as freaks! Meh.

As for the Vinco, it's certainly another break from the norm and looks rather well thought out. I'm still unsure of the value of super high BB's other than ground clearance when rolling over large round rocks in UCI comps... How do they ride when attempting hooks, taps, gaps etc?


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I seem to rememer that when the tarty proto came out people said it was easier for hooks because you had more clearance for your feet to the wall and that sidehops were esier because you were higher up to begin with.

Might be mis-remembering though, my memory is extremely shady. :lol:

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Looks good, but is there a full pic of it, those 3 are a bit close up.  :turned:

Nope, well, not on OTN where the pics have been taken from.

Just a little question... Could we see the whole thing please :S

(the whole bike i mean!)

Cheers, Sam


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hey. I hate to inform you all but this is not actually the 'new' vinco. it is in fact a custom model that Koxx don't plan on producing for the public. I only no this as my mate has ordered a vinco and rang them yesterday to find out whether this is the bike he would get. so yeh this isn't the new vinco, the current vinco model is the one that is on the koxx website and i don't think they plan on replacing it soon


don't shout at me if i'm wrong this is just what i'm told

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if you look through the koxx range i think only the Caisso hasnt been attempted copied

I think Onza have slightly made the new T-mag into a 20", silver version of the Caisso... But i doubt it was an intentional copy!

I love the new Vinco frame, getting back on topic! It's sweet as. Just like the older version, i can't decide which i like more though :turned: But im sure they would have changed it if it weren't for good!!



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