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Mothers At 12,14,16


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It dosnt bother me they have kids, it bothers me that the mum and gran are blaming the school.  :)

Yeah, that made me chuckle, parents obviously doing a great job there (Y)

Thats the way school is at the moment though, if your going to teach a bunch of 14 year olds how to have sex they're going to try it, its common sense. The the mother said the school should have tought sex education earlier, doh :) should be the oposite way round I think.

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We should spare a thought for the men who had sex with them, they are the real twats as without them no babies would have popped out! These f**king girls should get some morals and learn to keep their legs closed. Or just wear a sodding condom, ever morons like them should be able to put one on.


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We live in a society of benefits.

Ive said so many times to get rid of benefits for those tossers.

If you can prove u deserve benefits thats fine but the above case is who benefits dont go to

So you'd rather they started starving and went out stealing to provide food for themselves?

How many times have you thought how terrible it is when someone gets their hand off in some countries for stealing a loaf of bread because they're starving?

So we have a benefit system so that these people won't go around stealing 24/7 to stay alive.

Now I'm not saying that our system is great but it seems to me to be a shitload better than most systems. :)

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So you'd rather they started starving and went out stealing to provide food for themselves?

How many times have you thought how terrible it is when someone gets their hand off in some countries for stealing a loaf of bread because they're starving?

So we have a benefit system so that these people won't go around stealing 24/7 to stay alive.

Now I'm not saying that our system is great but it seems to me to be a shitload better than most systems. :)

I wouldn't say that, but some of these people are on benefits because they are damn right lazy and cannot be bothered to get a job, My friends dad said he wouldn't get a job because he wouldn't get as much as he does on benefits! The government have said that if the people who are on benefits get jobs that they will top up their pay so they get the same amount as they did on benfits, yet they are still too Damn lazy to get off their arses and do some work! i know some people want a job but can't and i know people who want money but don't want to work, the government have said they will top up their pay, so whats the excuse?!


Edit: I'm not having a dig at you btw Dave, but the system and lazy arses out there. sorry! x

Edited by Angelfish
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I wouldn't say that, but some of these people are on benefits because they are damn right lazy and cannot be bothered to get a job, My friends dad said he wouldn't get a job because he wouldn't get as much as he does on benefits! The government have said that if the people who are on benefits get jobs that they will top up their pay so they get the same amount as they did on benfits, yet they are still too Damn lazy to get off their arses and do some work! i know some people want a job but can't and i know people who want money but don't want to work, the government have said they will top up their pay, so whats the excuse?!


Edit: I'm not having a dig at you btw Dave, but the system and lazy arses out there. sorry! x

Get the same amount of pay for working all day or sitting on your arse, hmm tough decision.

You shouldn't be able to earn more from benefits then you could by working, it removes the whole incentive to get a job in the first place.

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Get the same amount of pay for working all day or sitting on your arse, hmm tough decision.

You shouldn't be able to earn more from benefits then you could by working, it removes the whole incentive to get a job in the first place.

Got it in one.

Kerrie, those are the problems with the system. :)"

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yeah its pretty fooked up, a mum at twelve :) i love the fact that the dads don't give a f**k either, well as far as we can tell.

yeah its annoying when people like myself and otheres work and getting f**k all money and people do nothing and get more a week.

that said my mate was unemployed for a while and only got £100 a week in total, when you consider he had to pay £50 rent a week + bills and live of it. so it isn't just a case of going on benfits and rake it in.


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So you'd rather they started starving and went out stealing to provide food for themselves?

How many times have you thought how terrible it is when someone gets their hand off in some countries for stealing a loaf of bread because they're starving?

So we have a benefit system so that these people won't go around stealing 24/7 to stay alive.

Now I'm not saying that our system is great but it seems to me to be a shitload better than most systems. :)

Technically their stealing the tax payer 'hard earned' money.

I dont fancy paying to keep them alive as their scum, Id rather give the money to charity.

If they steal they steal societies so f**ked up whatever was to happen it would still be a mess.

Yes the worlds never going to be perfect.

Andmy ideas can be imoral I have worse to say about scum, rapers, murderers, aids carriers etc.. and it invlves africa.

Ill leave you uessing as in theory is the best plan ever but its un ethical, imoral and illegal.

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I wouldn't say that, but some of these people are on benefits because they are damn right lazy and cannot be bothered to get a job, My friends dad said he wouldn't get a job because he wouldn't get as much as he does on benefits! The government have said that if the people who are on benefits get jobs that they will top up their pay so they get the same amount as they did on benfits, yet they are still too Damn lazy to get off their arses and do some work! i know some people want a job but can't and i know people who want money but don't want to work, the government have said they will top up their pay, so whats the excuse?!


Edit: I'm not having a dig at you btw Dave, but the system and lazy arses out there. sorry! x

Tis is where my victorian conceptof the work house comes in.

Back then people could get mone for free but due to war and other things more and more people took these 'benifits'. It created a nation of lazy sods and the economy suffered. To solve the problem workhouses wereset up and the poor would only get benfitis in the form of a roof and food if they agreed to work in these work houses, otherwise they were left to starve and die.

I believe this is a brillant idea and both the Conservatives and Labour have implemented schemes most notably the New Deal whic is a big flop like most Labour iniative.

We need to create a workfarian state rather than a welfarian state, until we do we will beplague with lazy no goods taking tax payers money.

At the same time the law need to be stricter. If onylsomeone could invent a machine to brainwash people as a form of reformation.

I say bringback the vitorian socail values, can and all.

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there's a girl in kmy bisiness studies group at school (chav) who got pregnant at 14.

It's sick. :)

She told everyone that she didn't know who the father was too..so obvioulsy she has 'done it' more than once.


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The whole benefits system does seem to be one big balls up at the moment and probably part of the reason that the chav/ layabout culture seems to be growing rapidly.

Benefits shouldnt be cut altogether though, as sad as it is a lot of these people are never going to find work for one reason or another (stupid, criminal records, 100% bone idle) even if their life depends on it. What will happen is similar to Canada where there is little or no benefits for the unemployed- the streets are FULL of beggers and homeless people. Its horrible there, literally every street corner some dirty begger will come up to you. Id rather have scroungers living in their out of the way council estates (yes i know not everyone that lives on a council estate is scum) than tramps all over the street.

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Andmy ideas can be imoral I have worse to say about scum, rapers, murderers, aids carriers etc.. and it invlves africa.

Let me just for a minute ignore your horrendously in-humane politics, because I'm really curious. What do you have against people who are suffering from a terrible disease?

Back to the politics though... I don't really see why you people are being so hard on these kids. As a few people have already said, that's exactly what they are - kids! Sure, the idea of an 11 year old getting pregnant is pretty f**king wrong by contemporary standards, but I would only feel sorry for the girl. It's hardly like an 11 year old is really going to fully understand all the ramifications of what she's doing when the child was conceived!

I think it's quite disgusting that so many people are rejoicing in ridiculing this family. To me this seems more like a run of very bad luck (or good luck if you've got the right attitude - I'm inclined to think that a child being born to a loving parent should never be considered a bad thing). Really I expect most people lose their virginity south of 16, and many are probably at it like rabbits once they do lose it (if they're able to). After all, it's something new and very fun, of course you're going to do it as often as possible. No matter how careful you are there is no such thing as foolproof contraception - even condoms are only something like 99% effective, and young teenagers are not best known for being sensible with anything, let alone where sex is involved. So, it's easy to see how a small percentage of teenage pregnancies are a totally normal thing. For 3 to happen in one family then seems just like really bad luck to me.

If you want to discuss the problem of teenage pregnancy outside the context of these thre individuals then I think there is certainly a lot of problems with the attitudes of contemporary society. It's not at all fair to sneer at these kids though.

As for the concept of the poorhouse... I really hope you're not serious about that idea. The poorhouses were little better (and sometimes actually worse) than prisons - most people were sent there, not because they were lazy, but because they weren't able to earn enough money to support themselves. Most importantly, once someone was sent somewhere like the poorhouse that was it, the chances of ever working oneself out and getting back into society were slim to none. It's a barbaric concept that I'd hoped we're way beyond today. It's hardly like there's not enough money in this country. You're sitting here complaining that these kids are getting what is frankly a pittance for so many of them in this country, while you have enough money to be able to afford expensive bikes, yet you complain that your money is being taken away to feed people. I don't really see how that arguement holds up. Essentially you want people to starve and live in misery, just so you can have a little extra cream on your overstacked cake.

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You seem to be tarring everyone on benifits with the one brush.

one reason or another (stupid, criminal records, 100% bone idle) even if their life depends on it.

You might want to add... "worked 10 years of his life as lawnmower specialist until company burnt down leaving redundant with no proof of qualifications becomming a carpet layer for another 10 years to provide for family until he gets a nasty knee injury that lands him in hospital every few months"

This is the case with my dad, he has contributed a f**k load more than any whinger on here as far as tax goes and probably the same as most of your parents. He is now on benifits as he is unfit to work and can hardly walk.

I do agree with the lazy ones who can get a job but don't being kicked off! I also don't know how they get it in the furst place.

My dad gets checked once a year, and gets a proper full medical check. How do the ones not ill get away with it?

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Niiiiiice post, beginning to wish I hadn't posted in favour of you in that other thread :)

I've got nothing against children being brought up by loving parents, however I don't think the girlies referred to in this thread are in the best situation for bringing up kids. The fact that children are being brough up without fathers is being linked to a lot of the anti-social behaviour thats going on, and more situations like this are only adding to the problem.

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What a f***ing joke.

£31 000 too f**king much imo, why should they get an easy life for been easy like sunday morning?

fair enough if they had of been raped but they aint and there in anewspaper smiling about it using the taxpayers money to do as the please.

It also disgusts me how older men take advantage of girls etc but it obviously didnt happen with these 3, the babies are ugly there ugly and i bet the daddys arent the best apples on the either.

And shagging at 12 thats just plain nasty, i didnt know what that meant at 12 :)

They could of gone on the pill, its free at some helath care centres and so are condoms, seems stupid why the wouldnt do it, maybe an extreme case of attention seeking? :)"

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..... For 3 to happen in one family then seems just like really bad luck to me....

Not bad luck, but instead undeniable proof of a complete lack of parental guidance from the Mum of the teenagers.

I heard the Mum on radio blaming the government for her girls getting pregnant - the Sex education wasn't strong enough apparantly. I had a good laugh at that!

She should be taking primary responsability for rearing her children that she brought into the world, and giving them the appropriate guidance! I would wager that she's the typical Chav mum that would rather relax in front of the TV than take an interest in her children and where they've got to late at night, hanging around with older youths etc.

The Mum has already got her just desserts. Looking after children is hard work, and you have to put the child before yourself and the activities you'd like to do. Her daughters will be desperate to remain teenagers and live alittle. Guess who's going to have to do the baby sitting to make up for these girls not being mature enough to shoulder full time responsability for their off spring!

Of course the people that suffer the most are the babies themselves.

Have you noticed that those breeding away like mad are at the bottom of the social pyramid? The crazy thing is that having another child means more benefit money, a larger council house, and it all adds up along with the disability benefit, and the black market (cash in hand) work to a standard of living where they enjoy all life's luxeries.

On the other hand, if you try and make something of your life by getting an education, and working full time, you're too saddled by paying back student loans, extortionate mortgages, council tax, stealth taxes to be able to afford living on one persons salary (or working and paying the expensive child care) and also keeping a child!


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