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Snapped Curtis Forks


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rity snapped my curtis forks today at the steerer/crown interface :)

they are 6months old, jonpace had them originally, and i got them around a month ago

since i got them, i havent really used them a huge amount, havent had time :) and jon says he hasnt been rough with them at all

it seems as though the failure is more of a material one rather than workmanship as its not at the actual weld, its reasonably close though, although i found a crack at the top of the disc mount

as far as im aware of, they are the normal versions, not the thickened steerer ones, but i may be wrong-if jon replies to this he can clarify

anyways im really confused how they have failed so soon, they are advertised(and many say) that they are among the toughest forks out, yet i manage to mess them up in no time(im almost 13 stone and over 6ft-but i think many of us are around that)

i dont do big stuff, i havent front bumped with them, no hooks and i can only do 2 front hops on the rare ocasion i try :"> i have only really done very small gaps to front wheel-not even a bike length, i admit im not silly smooth but im also not ultra rough on the front wheel, usually its the backwheel stuff i struggle to stay smooth on. this weekend i have been riding skatepark stuff, but it was mainly just rolling around as all i could do was blunt things and spin around :">

i run a 185 avid disc upfront which may be part of the reason behind the disc mount cracking as my last forks-idenity tuning forks-cracked above the mount too which received the ame sort of streses as these

this isnt a dig at curtis bikes, i still think they make some of the best parts around, and i like thier stuff, but it seems a common problem wih most peoples forks, usually alloy ones though

i have no doubt they will replace them free of charge, and id love to try some more

other than the topic question, my other question is: have lots of others had a similar problem? i know of a few people who destroy forks regularly, but they ride large stuff as far as i know of

anyways any constructive comments would be of help, ive tried to be as detailled as possible!

cheers, paul

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Thats not good just get yourself to a bike shop and pick up a nice set of pashelys.

Gaz :D  :D  :D"

Problem being, he's also cracked a set of Pashley forks on the lower leg.

I think Paul's just unlucky, he very rarely uses his front wheel anyway, so why should he break two pairs of forks within a month of each other?! (Y)

My only advice is to lose some weight, you fat shit! :P

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didnt those forks used to belong to james porter and have already had a replacement steerer put in once before :D"

if thats the case then its kinda understandable why they broke, jon didnt make me aware of them being 3rdhand though, so ill have to ask him

im guessing that they wont be fixed due to the crack on the left leg (Y)

My only advice is to lose some weight, you fat shit!

yeah thats an idea :D

Thats not good just get yourself to a bike shop and pick up a nice set of pashelys.

i dont think identity tuning forks are the same as pashleys, they are infact slightly larger tubing from what i could tell visually-may be wrong though. pashleys are useless to me anyway, i need a disc mount-no way am i going back to a rim brake at the front!!!

strangely the main thing that pisses me off is the fact im cracking the disc mounts at the welds, i didnt hurt myself luckily, it was actually kinda funny, its a pity they dont make it 1 piece with the leg, may cure the problem for a bit longer

ill post some pics once i work out how to get them up, ive never tried before

EDIT: jon says he got them new, they werent porters

Edited by pauloliver
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not a happy bunny......

curtis wont replace forks, gary says there is no warranty on them at all, and they arent repairable-apparently thats the first he has heard of his forks cracking at the disc mounts too

its f**kin ridiculous, im not buying another pair-way too expensive and im sure there must be better ones out so ermm any ideas? ive been advised the new fatties and echo urbans but im a bit worried about using alloy forks if i can screw over steel ones so easily.... perhaps i shud try suspension out again (Y)

EDIT: o yeah and gary didnt even seem to give a shit, he didnt even sound shocked.....

Edited by pauloliver
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Paul from Southampton snapped his curtis forks at the crown a couple of weeks ago. For anyone who's seen Paul ride, he's one of the smoothest riders around who doesn't tap much and doesn't do anything which would snap forks (he spends most of his time with the front wheel in the air manualing to be fair!). Against some advice he received, he's gone for another set, this time with the reinforcment around the steerer. He had to pay full price for them though...good ol' Curtis and their confidence in their products (Y)" .


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not a happy bunny......

curtis wont replace forks, gary says there is no warranty on them at all, and they arent repairable-apparently thats the first he has heard of his forks cracking at the disc mounts too

its f**kin ridiculous, im not buying another pair-way too expensive and im sure there must be better ones out so ermm any ideas? ive been advised the new fatties and echo urbans but im a bit worried about using alloy forks if i can screw over steel ones so easily.... perhaps i shud try suspension out again :angry:

EDIT: o yeah and gary didnt even seem to give a shit, he didnt even sound shocked.....

Probably because someone will have told them. (N)"

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Probably because someone will have told them. (Y)"

eh? you mean told them that they were secondhand? doesnt make a diference-he claims they have never offered a warranty on them as that would be silly? seems a bit sus really....

i assume the frames are repaired whoever owns them-at least they last a bit longer :S

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