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Things You Hate

Mr Motivator

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1: Easter coming early (meant I had way too much coursework to do this term)

2: Exam revision (didn't like it at GCSE, it's no better at uni)

3: My next door neighbours who seem to forget that its the exam period and slam doors at 4am

4: Crap lecture notes

5: Narrow minded people

6: Not being able to see my girlfriend enough due to uni work

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1. Idiots

2. Bigots

3. Spelling erors

4. People who can't graspe the concept of irony

5. Young people

6. Fake Emos

7. The educational system

8. The current decline in social standards

9. Politics

10. Nicotine

11. Caffeine addiction

12. The media bandwagon known as the 'Chav Epidemic'

13. Idiots

14. Obese, lazy people

15. Depressing articles in The Telegraph each day

16. Organised religion

17. Idiots

18. Aid in the form of monies to third-world countries that goes straight to the pockets of the wealthy. Same old. Same old?

19. My faltering mental health

20. Fluxetine, amitriptyline and the like.

21. Idiots

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3. Spelling erors

4. People who can't graspe the concept of irony


Ah well, on with the hate:

  • Tomatoes
  • When the garage across the road stops stocking the 4 for £1 offer on chocolate
  • The fact that I feel morally obliged to buy CDs rather than download them for free
  • People who care how high they can sidehop
  • Michael Portillo and Oliver Letwin
  • My chocolate addiction
  • People who can sidehop properly
  • Falling off
  • The new White Stripes album (I don't hate it, but I hate the way it's not what it could have been)
  • Not really getting any better at trials in years...
  • When you need some sellotape, and you don't have any
  • The lack of a wide Mavic rim
  • Butter
  • Loud music that isn't mine

And that'll do for now :P

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Haha nipple. (N)


1. Smokers

2. Most of the people on Big Brother



3. Poeple who confuse me. :- :P

Edited by JT!
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1. Most chavs (some can be alright)

2. Homophobics :P

3. Girls (so confusing)

4. When my bike breaks

5. College work

6. Skaters that don't say sorry when it's thier fault when they skate into you

7. R&B shite

8. The sea (someone I used to hang about with drowned last saturday (N) )

9. Old people

10. The poilce

Nice one urbanpoet, didn't see that 1 atall

Edited by merlin_rider
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Er, JT - look at UrbanPoet's #4...

Whooopsy Doodle. :"> (N)

I think i'm going to go back to mine and add one more. :P

Edited by JT!
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1. 99% Of things I can pick fault with.

2. Living with my annoying fault pickingness.

3. Most things.

4. Sneezing.

5. Knowing I will fail all of my AS Levels because I stopped caring after about 3 months and started to doss as it was absolute shite.

6. Knowing I'm going to most likely fail Politics when it's the only subject I enjoy and I know I can get an A and I like my teacher so I feel like I'm failing him aswell as myself.

7. The apprenticeship I applied for not bothering to make any correspondence with me what so ever.

8. Wankers.

9. Tossers.

10. Myself.

11. Wet turds.

12. Turd in general getting stuck in your arse hair.

13. My dog which now has me trained to open a door for him that's right next to the computer.

14. Lists.

15. Numbers with "."s after them.

16. Knowing how to spell a word but having a dumb moment and spelling it completely wrong. Eg. Skellington. Instead of Skeleton. f**k knows what was going on there.

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1. My sister

1. Ebay (just got sniped on the most gorgeous bass I have ever seen)

1. People that hear one song of an artist or genre and dismiss them/it as shit.

1. People that think bass guitar is 'easy'.

1. Cars (trying to work out why your parents want you to have one, won't pay for it, but know you can't afford it.)

1. Not being able to get Red Alert 2 to work over the internet with certain people.

1. My sister

1. The 'f**k off' crane just over the road from my house building even more flats that won't sell, in 1 year 6 blocks of flats have been built, they are overprised and not selling. It pisses me off.

1. Being tired

1. Being tired before a 2 hour science exam because you couldn't sleep last night because it was f**king hot.

1. Exams

1. Revision

1. My sister

Seems about it for now.


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