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That's pretty anoying you putting that up, don't see why you need to ruin it for people, but everyone seems to be telling everyone so suppose it doesn't really matter...


The thing to remember is, it's tripe.

I'm sure 8 year old boys love Pothead, but I prefer Stephen King or the like... Decent stories, with meaning, not stupid names and bent spells.

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Anything released in the past few years under the Harry Potter brand (yes, it is a brand now, with merchandising to the max!) isn't realeased purely on the basis that the previous 'novels' were good, as if, or that JK Rowling is such a prolific writer, she isn't. No, the latest book is a direct result of her increasing greed. You won't catch her writing any new non Potter books any time soon, put it that way. She's just milking the fat Potter cash-cow for as long as she can and all you suckers out there, waiting for the next big Potter release evrerytime, deserve to have your money taken off you. Losers. :)

Go out and discover some good literature yourself, don't just buy what you're sold on the TV.

Of course all of you Potter-heads who read this were all into Harry Potter waaaaaay before it was ever popular, weren't you?........


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Of course all of you Potter-heads who read this were all into Harry Potter waaaaaay before it was ever popular, weren't you?........


I was :"> Got the first one waaay before any hype. Jeez that was a long time ago! The same year furbies were released! Havent got the new one yet, I will probably borrow it from my sister.

I like them because they arent tense or anything and are just an easy, flowing read. Something to relax to.

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Meemph too! I've been a Potter fan for aaaaages.... way before the hype.... :)

Liss xxx

Urrr, no.

I've loved it since I was young....which is actually about 4/5 years ago....

4/5 years ago wasn't before all the hype.

I first picked up a Harry Potter book the summer i finished year 3, that's what, 8 years ago, when I was ooh, 8!

That was before the hype.

And yeah, I've read all the books so far (haven't been assed with the new one yet but i'm sure i will eventually), purely because they're something vaguely Ok to read.

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Urrr, no.

4/5 years ago wasn't before all the hype.

I first picked up a Harry Potter book the summer i finished year 3, that's what, 8 years ago, when I was ooh, 8!

That was before the hype.

And yeah, I've read all the books so far (haven't been assed with the new one yet but i'm sure i will eventually), purely because they're something vaguely Ok to read.

OLD SKOOOL, I've never read them, I guess they're ok for little kids and stuff. But I don't see how anyone can find them interesting, I've seen 2 of the films, I even went the cinema with my brother and mum to watch one. My god I feel disgusted.

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The thing to remember is, it's tripe.

I'm sure 8 year old boys love Pothead, but I prefer Stephen King or the like... Decent stories, with meaning, not stupid names and bent spells.

The thing to remember is Stephen King is not good literature. :)

Anything released in the past few years under the Harry Potter brand (yes, it is a brand now, with merchandising to the max!) isn't realeased purely on the basis that the previous 'novels' were good, as if, or that JK Rowling is such a prolific writer, she isn't. No, the latest book is a direct result of her increasing greed. You won't catch her writing any new non Potter books any time soon, put it that way. She's just milking the fat Potter cash-cow for as long as she can and all you suckers out there, waiting for the next big Potter release evrerytime, deserve to have your money taken off you. Losers.  (Y)

Go out and discover some good literature yourself, don't just buy what you're sold on the TV.

Of course all of you Potter-heads who read this were all into Harry Potter waaaaaay before it was ever popular, weren't you?........


Well, she's said there will be 7, after she's written 7 it's all over.

Also what about stephen king, rights a book or two a year doesn't he?

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The difference to note is that a large amount of King's books are about different things, i.e. not just eeking out a weak story just to try and capitalise on merchandise and so on. His stories are typically unrelated, which takes more skill to write than just "Harry and that other guy from the last book went to the place they said they should" or whatever.

Either way, I find King's stuff to be largely shit to, so meh. More of a non-fiction person, but thar we go.

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Oh aye? What sort of non fiction?

Straw Dogs did it for me, read most of The Templar Revelation before that was stolen back by my brother :lol: But just sorta stuff like that...

I'm well into autobiographies though. I just kinda like the way that you can sorta learn a lot from them, plus they're usually pretty interesting anyway. Still like fiction stuff though :blink:

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