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Stress, While Riding


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ok, this is really getting me down.

I go out riding, and cant do anything I used to be able to do, then it starts to stress me out, then I just end up riding worse than ever.

Everytime I ride I seem to get into this spiral, and its really pushing me towards just giving up all together.

For some reason I cant gap as far as I could, cant get up as High as a used to, and most other aspects of riding arte just going down.

Ive tried taking a break, didnt work, tried riding more, didnt work.

this is really anoying me, as its pushing me into just giving up all hope and quiting, and I dont really want to.

What do you do when everytime you ride, its a bad day, and this gets you stressed, and you just end up riding worse, and the worse you get, the more stressed you et, and the more stressed you get, the worse you ride.

Help, im stuck in a real bad circle......

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I got a BMX, and also started riding differently. Just approaching stuff differently.

2 months ago, I was riding trials better than I ever had before. Did gaps bigger than ever, ups bigger than ever - all was well. Then I got a puncture and had to ride my BMX a bit. I haven't ridden the trials bike since.

Go figure...

Anyway, it's just a case of trying something else, or just trying to do what you're doing differentl. Travel helped me a lot.

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I always feel like that.

I go out all hyped up then within about 15 minutes i've lost all interest in riding so just get really pissed off with myself.

I either go home and just chill with a beer listening to music or if i'm riding somewhere away from home then i'll just sit there and watch/ spectate :P

I have my bad days and good days, but at the moment it's just the bad days that seem to be showing their face :D :rolleyes:

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Shame you're in a spiral of dissapointment . I guess it's largely personal as to how you deal with it and find motivation .

What helped me was simply to take it less seriously , actually laughing at myself for investing so much time , money and effort and still failing pathetic sidehops :"> .

You're your own harshest critic , we all wanna ride like the Belaeys and Hermances of this world , but even on a bad day like you describe above , you're still soooo much better than you'd believed possible when you started . ( remember ? When it was like , fun 'n stuff ? )

Hope you remember how good you are .

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When you go out ridiing dont have any expectations. That way your never dissapointed. (Y)

But seriously this is what I do and I dont get stressed out much at all. If I cant do something that I know I can, after the first few go's of failing I will just go away and try something totally different to freshen up and then come back.

Riding the same place all the time wont help either. If you are riding the same place alot of the time then always try and come up with new lines or use different techniques to get up things you have riden a million times before, it keeps things interesting.

e.g if there is only a tiny wall, try it switch and things like that.

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We (ricky and i) noticed that you were pretty competitive with bren, maybe just try and relax, take things at your own speed.

If you're trying to constantly keep up with him, or anyone else, it becomes much more serious and a lot less fun.

I was in the same situation with a rider here, but i just rode for my enjoyment and progressed much faster.

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Hi, i was like this a few months ago, i think that, when you could "up" and gap really high and far, you cant do it now, but you can do slightly smaller things now but with ALOT more control and technique.

Like say you could backwheel 36", but with no control what so ever, now you can only do 30" but very smoothly and with lots of control.

Its hard to explain, but just keep going at it and it will come mate.

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I got a BMX, and also started riding differently.  Just approaching stuff differently.

2 months ago, I was riding trials better than I ever had before.  Did gaps bigger than ever, ups bigger than ever - all was well.  Then I got a puncture and had to ride my BMX a bit.  I haven't ridden the trials bike since.

Go figure...

Anyway, it's just a case of trying something else, or just trying to do what you're doing differentl.  Travel helped me a lot.

Mark's right.

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just stick at it....... i always feel like that, i decide to but something new for my bike so i have to use it, you always like using new things. thats why im getting a KOT.... need a change.

seriously things will go your way and you'll be riding better than ever.


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I've had this happen, the only way i got out of was to ride totally different places. Like i used to ride pretty much everyday before i went to uni, then when i got there i didnt have my bike for about 5 or 6 weeks. I got back on the bike and i was such shite ( the echo stem didnt help ) but anyway... i was riding street all the time and it was just pissing me off how i couldnt do things i know deep down i could make. So i just totally switched and started to bum natural rarely rode street i think in about 2 months i rode street once or twice. It totally changed my perspective as you dont need huge moves or owt to atleast do some lines on natural. Anyway now im sort of 50/50 between natural and street, from riding the natural i regained everything i had lost ( without even practicing it ) and now im surpassing my own expectations most the time. Just do something different, ride natural solid and you will regain everything. Atleast thats what i think anyway

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Theres alot of valid points there.

Like as endo hopper says, take it as a lught, less serriously.

But if youve been with us when we ride, if we took it any more laid back, we just might as well lef tthe bikes at home.

I guess I do try and compete with bren, but thats because we used to be pretty similar riders, and were almaost as good as each other, and allways were.

We both had our stronger suits, but recently hes been improving greatly, and so has everyone around me, but im still stuck trying old moves, and failing.

There was a point where I could easily out gap, up and sidehop Bren, but now hes way ahead of me, and I just cant keep up.

Ive done the BMX thing, and it didnt help, or even interest me. We have crap BMX facilities around here, and the BMXers are all drug smoking townies, or just pricks.

If your not instantly as good as them, you cant ride in the park.

Ive tried new places, and still, see somethign I think I can do, and just cant get near it.

And as for taking days off, I havent riden properly in a while, and when I do I get soo stressed, I just dont ride for weeks.

Ah this is anoying. My bike is only 7 months old, so I dont really need a new one.

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the best way to over co0me this mate is take a few days off the bike.

you will be back to full fitness and more desire to ride. every now and again you just need that day or 2 rest then the hunger for riding again will make you want to do things different and perfect existing moves.


iv found it helps loads. sometimes work gets on top of me and then go out on the bike after and it literally makes my day. i can do something then sit in front of it and think to myself well thats quite sick regarding the crap day iv had. it can be quite satisfying too. but i do get what you mean i have been through it too (Y) :- it happens to most of us, just some people may not like to come out with it. but i think you have started quite a kool topic (Y)

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just take it by the day, if you started upping 28" at the start and can do 32" smoothly on your last move its been worth it.

as alot of people have said, when your getting stressed at gapping, try some flowing lines on a curb.

you dont have to go massive to have fun riding your bike.

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just take it by the day, if you started upping 28" at the start and can do 32" smoothly on your last move its been worth it.

as alot of people have said, when your getting stressed at gapping, try some flowing lines on a curb.

you dont have to go massive to have fun riding your bike.

(Y) (Y) :- :D :) Totally agree with you there mate


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Trials_pimp your situation is currently the same as mine, i don't seem to be improving much at all and i find myself doing the same things over and over again. Also, i cant do things that i have done loads of times before so i fell like quitting. I put my explanation down to riding the same places over and over again, its so repetitive and leaves you feeling shitty and bored all the time. I have ridden out of town a few times, and every time has been amazing i improve loads in one days riding than i would in my own town in a month. Recently i have learnt how to wheel swap properly and i have got good at them now, also i learnt how to improve generally all of my riding but the past two or three days i haven't been riding good at all. Its seems that everything i learnt was only a temporary high and now i am making up for it. It annoys me so much. I have my 6 week school holiday very soon so i shall be on the train as much as possible, otherwise i will waste away on the same old crap riding spots. Stick with it though, riding can be good (Y)

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MENTALITY -The use of the brain, it's a forgotten subject. The placebo effect.

It's the brain that controls everything, and very few people do really know how strong the brain really is. I say that if you convince the brain enough, you can see a pink dragon if you like to, its just all about being strong enough mentally a guy told me. That was when i was doing moto trials. He said "If I have a pain in my back. I don't think if there's something wrong with it. I think of my life, if something isn't the way it should be, what is stressing me, that is most likely the problem" The brain makes it into a pain. That is child stuff for the brain. There are so many hidden powers in there that you should try to use. People use far from all their strength normally. There have been mothers who have lifted cars because the children were laying under it. If you set your brain to it 110% you will get a lot more out of it then normally (anything really). I guess you use like 70% of your true strength, even though you try to use em all! The use of the brain is also like 12% or summit ridiculous low like that.

So when your going at stuff in trials you should concentrate on using ALL of your hidden powers in you to get that little extra. Maybe you can even like sidehop 10" higher! Mental blocks... If you don't trust in yourself you will never make it. Sometimes I can see that in the eyes of other rider's if they are going to make it up or not. When you're going at something you can't think, "I don't think I'll make it up". You have to commit 110% and think "I'm making it up here!!!" No matter WHAT! ABSOLUTELY committed is what you have to be! You will see this everywhere, for example in weight lifting, do you think the guy going for 600 pounds in bench press thinks "This is so heavy I'm not going to make it!" No, he is thinking more like: "aaargh this is going up no matter what! I'm giving it ALL, I got ARGHH!" AND he gets it up, you think it stops there? No! Then when he have gotten it up he shouts/thinks, "that was easy!" Why? Because if you have the right attitude, the right way of thinking, if you convince the brain enough you can do anything!

Some have mental blocks in like "oh I can't ride in rain, I can't ride when it's slippery" or something like that. If you think that you will automatically stink in it even though you might actually be good at it. What you should do is to try to get rid of all your mental blocks, instead of saying to yourself "I suck when it's slippery". You say "I'm actually quite good when it's slippery". Of course "slippery" is just an example; it can be about everything really, gaps, side hops, braking.

Fear is a mental block, if your afraid when your doing something you can't concentrate properly, you have to eliminate all fear! You should be aware of the danger but you should not be afraid. How to do it? Well that's mostly for you to find out, the best thing is not to think at all! Don't think of the danger, just do it! I have another saying that is "Gravity? No respect!" This have helped me a lot, I don't want to do 40 inches side hop and 7 feet drops, what is that? That is nearly flat! I want to do 70inch side hops and 30 feet drops! Therefore I train and have a dream of getting unmanly springiness and physique (I wear a superman bracelet on my arm). I love to fly! Jumping down 15 feet to legs on grass is just a laugh for me. Some times I wonder what would have happened if I didn't believe in myself falling the 15 feet. It would probably turn out ugly! "20 feet you might think "That is a super human!" But it may only be that he has belief in himself and knows what he`s doing, nothing else" He knows it will turn out well, that is nothing!! The human body is capable of so much more than you actually think.

So what to do while riding a section (or whatever)? You should not think at all, don't think at the consequences, the danger, if your gonna make it or not, just ride. When coming to hard parts like a big side hop or gap, concentrate a bit more to use all those extra powers to get up, maybe a bit more on techniques but they should come automatically. But the thing that is really vital and have sooo much to say is how much you struggle to get up, one dab is one point so you should NOT dab! Give it some real effort, jump around like a freaking monkey if you have to, but do not put that foot down! Here is no point of being lazy, do WHATEVER you can to not set that foot down (THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT). Giving that little extra effort (or huge) to not put a foot down could have everything to say, you might end up at 20th place instead of first! But it isn't just in competitions you do this. It's whenever! If you put down a foot in training, you will probably put a foot down when it counts as well, because that's what you're used to.

Bruce Lee once said "You should do it with real effort, not anger, but with feelings"

But what should you have in mind in general when riding trials? A lot of guys have the wrong thoughts when riding, thinking stuff like "I'm gonna show em", And when failing at stuff (they could never do at first place) they say "OH oh my god! THIS IS SO F***ING BAD ¤#%#%"#"#%#" ARGH DAMMIT WHY THE F*** ?=!! ! THIS SUCK!!" This is a very bad thing. You make yourself angry/unstable and not capable of riding. When riding you should only have one thought and that is to ride! Keeping in mind from before, always struggle hard to NOT put that foot down. If you do fail do a little "dammit" or nothing at all, you failed, it isn't lethal. Just think of what you did wrong and leave it behind you. There's nothing more to do, it have happened and you just have to forget it. JUST RIDE AND GIVE IT EFFORT!

Remember that if you want to be good, you really have to work for it. You didn't come out of your mom with a trials bike in your hands! (Even then you would most likely suck without training) When I'm training on touch hops, I may be doing 5 touch hops in a row with ease and still not be happy with the result. I maybe didn't get the height I want.

So I hope you understand how the brain works now.. Remember, I do not say thinking right away it will make you do 60" side hops. Fitness is a huge part of it. But that will be in another article. But it will help you to become a better rider. Not just bike trials, but it can help you in everything you do.

In short:

- Be sure you make it!

- 110% dedicated!

- Reach out for all those hidden powers and use them!!

- Get rid of any mental blocks. Be positive!!

- Get a goal to work towards. You have to have an ambition, this is REALLY important!!

- You should not think while riding a section (or whatever), if you get into trouble, then stop and think (keeping in mind you do from before always struggle hard to NOT put that foot down)

- Just ride and give it effort!

- The placebo effect, if you just believe it enough, the mind makes it real.

You have probably had a dream that you were so sure were real. The brain is capable of so much. I have dreamt that I was flying across mountains. I have made up a landscape in my mind, a landscape with millions of trees; there are rivers, snow, little branches, waves, and different unknown people. It's just so strong.

- Thomas Remvik Aasen


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yea what he just said. No i know people get stressed and so do i sometimes, just remember we all ride as a release from day to day life and a time to hang with all of our mates. if your getting angry and upset then maybe you dont feel like you want to ride anymore, if you want to do it stick at it and ride it through

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the best way to over co0me this mate is take a few days off the bike.

you will be back to full fitness and more desire to ride. every now and again you just need that day or 2 rest then the hunger for riding again will make you want to do things different and perfect existing moves.

Thats one that ive tried alot.

Ive gone months withour ridng, thinking ill be more up for it and riding well when I get back on.

No Dice.......

No matter how long/short I leave it, I just end up riding the same.

The last Time I can remember having a good days riding was the DJ 1 year aniversary ride.

Im going to try the riding alone thing, as Ive never really done that, as I hated it.

But im going to find a day after work this week, plug in the Ipod with some noce aggressive music, and ride.

There is a guy round here, he rides alone all the time, even at 3am, and it improves his riding to no end.

Ill let you know who it goes.

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Just have a bit of a break from trials

I think the best second option is to go riding onto some new stuff...new zone, natural...something that is a bit more challenging your balance than just big gaps and big square steps...that is where you can really play and enjoy yourself without having to go big... (N)

I wish I had more natural around...for those days...

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