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Paste Your Clipboard


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1) That's not funny. Abdul's probably littered in front of them in several bits.

2) This thread is stupid because people will find 'cool' stuff to paste that'll make them look good, regardless of whether or not it was what was actually on their clipboard.

3) I have to go to work now.

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1) That's not funny. Abdul's probably littered in front of them in several bits.

2) This thread is stupid because people will find 'cool' stuff to paste that'll make them look good, regardless of whether or not it was what was actually on their clipboard.

3) I have to go to work now.

Well, me and daaaahnhilla, were talking about this, I went to start this same thread about a week ago. Pasted and I had a picture of a black mans giant knob copied. So I decided not to as I knew it would get a "You only did that to look cool" reaction. (N)

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1) That's not funny. Abdul's probably littered in front of them in several bits.

2) This thread is stupid because people will find 'cool' stuff to paste that'll make them look good, regardless of whether or not it was what was actually on their clipboard.

3) I have to go to work now.

My, that's quite a coincidence you had that copied!

Nice to see you've corrected your sig too, I was going to point out it was wrong, but didn't bother. (N)

Mine would be:

5th edited bit.divx (a file)


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Predicting Earthquakes

Despite years of research, the use of advanced seismic recording equipment, and the efforts of many dedicated scientists, the task of predicting earthquakes is still, largely, a matter of informed guess work. In the past there have been many earthquakes that led to massive loss of life and property, and they all struck with little or no warning. Japan has probably the most advanced earthquake detection system in the world, yet was caught completely unawares by the Kobe Earthquake of 1995.

Predicting quakes means the accurate prediction of earthquakes that will happen soon, rather than at some vague time during the next ten, fifty or hundred years.

Long term and general predictions can be made by looking at the earthquake history of an area. It is easy to say for certain that there will be a minor earthquake in California this week, possibly even today, because by looking at the records for the last few decades you can see that there are hundreds of tremors every year; thousands if including the minor ones. This will not tell us when the next major one will occur. There is a good chance that there will be a major earthquake in Mexico during the next 50 years, and that Britain is most unlikely to be hit by a damaging quake in the next two or three hundred years. Such information is useful on a long term scale but of no help when trying to predict the immediate future and save lives and property.

Accurate short term predictions are the goal of today's researchers. The Japanese and Americans have invested heavily in computer technology to constantly monitor and analyze seismic activity. Every year over 150,000 earthquakes are recorded world wide. As much detail as possible is gathered from the world wide network of seismometers, which, incidentally, were set up to monitor nuclear testing not earthquakes.

Dilatancy Theory

Most of the prediction research is centered around the theory of Dilatancy. It has been noticed that when a rock is stressed it begins to expand; to dilate. This is caused by micro-cracks and fractures in the rock opening up and becoming larger. This only seems to start when a rock is roughly half way toward its breaking point.

The hope is that patterns of activity can be identified which can be associated with the build up of significant earthquakes. There has been some success with these methods, especially in relation to volcanic eruptions such as that of Mount St.Helens, USA, but accurate predictions are still not possible.

Animal Behaviour

The Chinese have been looking at how Animal behaviour is affected by an earthquake. It has long been known that animals, birds and insects seem to change their behaviour patterns before an earthquake. In December 1974 Chinese scientists began to receive reports of snakes coming out of hibernation and freezing to death on the cold ground. This activity was followed by a series of minor tremors at the end of the month. During January 1975 they received even more reports of strange animal behaviour. Much of this concerned larger animals such as cattle and horses which had become restless, refused to enter buildings or seemed frightened for no obvious reason. In February that year a major earthquake struck. The epicentre was in Haicheng, the area from which most of the animal reports had been received.

It is known that some animals are very sensitive to sound, temperature, touch, light intensity and even magnetic fields, this may explain why the seem able to detect the slight seismic activity before an earthquake. It has been queried that they are sensitive to the electrical and magnetic disturbances which form the basis of the Dilatancy theory .

Other prediction methods

There are other prediction methods, including religious beliefs and psychic powers. To date, neither of these methods has been able to demonstrate any more success than the more universally accepted scientific methods of observation and measurement. Many of the claimed successes of such techniques have been based on public ignorance and wide generalizations. Anyone can safely predict an earthquake if you know where they occur, and give a wide enough time span.

Do we really want accurate predictions?

Sufficient warning would allow for the safe evacuation of the population, gas and water supplies could be cut before pipes were ruptured, and emergency services need never be caught by surprise again. This would aid areas such as Kobe or Sumatra in which large numbers of people were effected.

It is unlikely that general predictions will ever be more accurate than within a year or two, this time scale serves no purpose when it comes to evacuation and similar precautions. A city cannot be left deserted for years whilst the population waits for an upcoming disaster that may not happen. What would happen to the development of the area during that time? Would business want to invest in something which might be destroyed? Would it be possible to get earthquake insurance when the insurance companies know they will have to pay out, and how many people would want to take out a mortgage on a home likely to be destroyed? It is because of problems like these, and the fear of false alarms making the whole warning system a waste of time, that some people have suggested that warnings should never be released until a totally fail proof system has been developed.

Acctually my clipboard... now if someone hadn't made this stupid topic you wouldn't have been bored suffering that... Im with Sameer on this one, hes usually right and look at his avatar!

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