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More f**king Bombs


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3 bombs I believe it was.

1 of these was absolutely f**kign selfish. The person had a bomb in his car and purposly crashed it into a hotel wall, as people crowded around him to see if hes safe etc he detonated the friggin bomb, what a selfish c**t.

when will this shit end...

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If you want to get upset by what I`am saying then know this, I have black friends who are ok, and deal with some Indians (not american indians/cowboys) but amongst any community are bad eggs that enjoy upsetting the karma I.E- we have "Combat 19" or whatever its called.


Anyway this is what narked me this week.

Some lady from a muslim centre said "if we weren`t racist we would not be being attacked"

I have a major hang up about two areas in Stoke-on-Trent, Hanley Park and Shelton. And thats apart from the Town Centre now being full of refugees.

Hanley Park was a Victorian Park (real nice) and they built a skate park, but the local indian/pakistani youths thought that having us up there skating in what we were told numerous time "Is There Park & this park is in There Town"

So how did they deal with it? they destroyed the skate park, now the park is patrolled by security to stop them vandalizing the place.

If you are white and go near these areas you are abused, and they dare say its our fault.

This week the police shot a guy who wasn`t involved with the bombings, if someone points a gun at you and shouts "STOP" what would you do?

He ran indicating his guilt so they lovingly shot him five times, I love british justice, when it works that is.

Edited by lego
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Now what Anal Teflon said was very funny , but

1 : He didn't resort to blaming any ethnic / political group .

2 : Albeit jokingly , he found fault with himself , as opposed to seeking elsewhere.

Now if Bush et al could similary look at the bigger picture , and look at themselves as honestly , seeking the root cause of their troubles , they might find where the problem really lies . Therefore , Mr. Anal Teflon unwittingly stated a deeply insightful philosophical truth .

Edited by Endohopper
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To be honest, I think that all sylum seekers should be thrown out of the counrty, i dont care what anyone says, i just think they are making england very very crowded, some are very violent and some may work, but i still think they should all be refussed to coming into OUR country,

I know these people wernt sylum seekers that done the bombing, they were english born and bred, but their perents wernt, they were from a diffrent country.

Maybe i just dont understand what "coloured" people are like, i dont see very many in carlisle.

Dont quote me on this, its just what i think.

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is it just me that says ooo shit thats really bad, so sad for the people hurt and families involved............whats for breakfast, where are we riding today, whats on telly.


When I heard about the bombings I just wanted to see what had happened. I wasn't bothered one bit. I wasn't scared or worried.

I went to london a few weeks ago with my mate and the way I see it if they want to bomb london they can just go right ahead they will be bombing mostly their own. White people are the minority now.

People argue that they are just normal people trying to run away from problems. Well thats totally f**ked up They obviously arnt civilised enough to sort their problems out they have basically just move their problems here.

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3 bombs I believe it was.

1 of these was absolutely f**kign selfish. The person had a bomb in his car and purposly crashed it into a hotel wall, as people crowded around him to see if hes safe etc he detonated the friggin bomb, what a selfish c**t.

when will this shit end...

when terror isnt inflicted as a result of their actions?

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Give every white person a gun, let's sort it out ourselves. *Bangs on desk* RAAAAAWR. I don't like giving my opinions, I could really say what I think. But the backlash would be tremendous. Now where did I leave my gas chamber. :)

hmmm that wouldn't be too good now would it? Imagin giving all the scallies and dick heads guns? I just say boot the f**kers out and thorw a load of scallies out with them.

Scallie = Chav in wolley back speak.

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hmmm that wouldn't be too good now would it? Imagin giving all the scallies and dick heads guns? I just say boot the f**kers out and thorw a load of scallies out with them.

Scallie = Chav in wolley back speak.

Ay, well, give white people who ain't f**ktards guns then. Or just give me lots of guns and the right to kill folk :)

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is it just me that says ooo shit thats really bad, so sad for the people hurt and families involved............whats for breakfast, where are we riding today, whats on telly.


Ditto, I really dont care, in actual fact I turned to my mate the other day and said "Im glad I don't live in London" Its f**ked up, I dont thinks its right, but like shit am I getting involved!

As for Anal, yes "we" are now the minority, Its cause we have pushover laws/correctness, british are f**kwits!


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This week the police shot a guy who wasn`t involved with the bombings, if someone points a gun at you and shouts "STOP" what would you do?

He ran indicating his guilt so they lovingly shot him five times, I love british justice, when it works that is.

Their policy is not to shout "Stop", but if they see someone who looks like a suspect suicide bomber (someone, say, carrying a rucksack wearing a large coat who is running towards a tube train) they are told to shoot to kill. One person dying is better than them detonating a bomb and killing loads of people.

to be honest, im not going to be racist on here cause i will get benned for another year :)

But if you ever meet me, beleive me, I am VERY racist :lol:

Wow, you're the f**king coolest. I wish I could meet you in person just so I could bask in your amazingness.

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I am racist, and I'm not ashamed to say. I have black friends, as I consider them normal. Terrorist Muslims and Asylum seekers are animals. The illegal ones anyway. They come over, bomb us and rape our benefit system (That only benefits fraudsters, lay-abouts, bums and foreigners).

Feel free to bum me after that comment but thats how I am / feel so balls to anyone that doesnt like my opinion!

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, so I voiced mine :turned:

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I am racist, and I'm not ashamed to say. I have black friends, as I consider them normal. Terrorist Muslims and Asylum seekers are animals. The illegal ones anyway. They come over, bomb us and rape our benefit system (That only benefits fraudsters, lay-abouts, bums and foreigners).

Feel free to bum me after that comment but thats how I am / feel so balls to anyone that doesnt like my opinion!

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, so I voiced mine :turned:

But you're not rascist; you said you have black friends, so you cant be.

If you despise someone because of what they have done and they happen to be of a different race, it doesnt make you a rascist...

It would be silly to say you can't hate someone for what they've done purely because they are from a different race

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yeah i feel really comfortable about all this, my parents and my little brother have all booked a holiday to Sharm El Sheikh and will be leaving on the 5th August, im not terribly happy about them going and my momma is concerned a little as well seeing as its only 7 miles away from their booked hotel.

The thing is they dont want to loose out on about 3 and a half grand because of this bomb attack thing and the home office have said its safe to go, unless the home office say no its not safe for them to go there then they wont get a single penny back and would have just wasted a lot of money.

I dunno really its a little worrying to say the least im glad im not going though.

stu :turned:

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I am racist, and I'm not ashamed to say. I have black friends, as I consider them normal. Terrorist Muslims and Asylum seekers are animals. The illegal ones anyway. They come over, bomb us and rape our benefit system (That only benefits fraudsters, lay-abouts, bums and foreigners).

Feel free to bum me after that comment but thats how I am / feel so balls to anyone that doesnt like my opinion!

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, so I voiced mine :turned:


People are getting killed in their own countries so they come over to the Uk or to any other country to get away from what is going on in their homeland and they are animals. How does that even make sense?

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Nicely avoided the next bit there didn't you?

"(THE ILLEGAL ONES ANYWAY)" The genuine ones are fine, it's the benfit scamming ones that gang raped my friend, they are animals, I don't care what anyone says.

So all illegal asylum seekers gang rape people and claim benifits?

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I'm just going by what i've seen.

It's the way the human brain works, except for when you are putting together an arguement to call me racist. Think about it:

If we go over to Turkey to watch a football match, England are known as "Soccer Louts". Now sure we aren't all rioting beer drinking wankers, but that's how we're seen. It's how it is. Until I meet a nice illegal immigrant I will brand them all the same, sorry but that's how I am. I DO disciminate until it is proven that the discriminee (Real word?!) is not what I think he / she is.

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