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Fire the pc up this morning at half 8 yeah as posti woke me up. Phase change unit was cooling my lovley p4 to a mint -35c @incredible clock speed...anyways

Windows picks up 8 new updates, it dl'd them and instaled did the restart just after finshing doing a virus check. Restart and bang more stuff, SP2 update. So SP3 is coming into the consumer market...my sp2 is on 2.13v now yay.

Watched a vid, namely Tim form Pashley and windows media wants to do an update to media 10.

Also msn has just been updated after i just did media player.

Oh well...so yeah just be warrend thes erae big updates mind. I got an 8mb line and it still took a bit of time...but it's been worth it.

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SP is short for Service Pack. XP is full of holes or once was. SPm 1 came out rapidly and now SP2 is pretty much std requirment. There is a SP3 out but we've just chnage dsystems at work so we'll probs get it in the next few weeks. Though i may just have a look on limewire heheh.

Windows are bringing out a new OS thats an Opertaing System. XP, 98, 98se, etc etc are OS. It's ment to be the ebst, fastes etc etc yet to date

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Umm it can get a bit more technical then that. SP 1 or 2 or even 3 aint gonan patch and stop xp doing what it does bets, oh no.

Minessewaper in cojunction with Norton and AGV will though.

Minessweaper is made by IBm it's hacker proffe. yet to be hacked and cracked only by 2 who built the system at IBM.

it's costly and i have it and yet to had any problems.

You'll also be wandering what the hell phase cooling is i bet

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XP is shit. End of. plus its a fact its the most unstable operating system out

Im sorry but my pc can't play a video longer than 4 minutes without it media player crashing. Then if I try to play it again, it'll work for a bit, then the whole pc just loses the will to live and crashes :@

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f**k off Pete. You do not have a phase change unit cooling your computer. Do you just how cold -35 is?!

I doubt the chip would even be within its optimum performance threshold at that temperature.

....what is the point in this thread? It doesn't really serve any purpose. It's just you trying to brag about a non-existant super-cool system that you have.

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1st they aint mate.

Sp2 is Sp2 right. you have to have a corp version of XP pro to get any extra Serivce packs. hense were getting sp3 in the next few weeks but SP corp wise is being let out at the moment and it's better than SP2.

Media 10 is again corp and a tester it looks for there new os.. I've just beenwtaching my team aemrican ''f**k yeah!!'' dvd in it and no problems and my cpu stayed at -35 all the way through it..so you've soemthing very wrong mate.

Most xp based system i've seen have low poered cpu' so thats you first point of claling, plus memory..512mb your okay but get a gig. it's mear pocket money so go get it. All bord now take upto 4gig ecc..again this is cheap as. Most games now call for a min of 1 gig but all gamers are going for 2gig

You'v probs not had it insatled prperly as well. Dell, HP, Time, PB are just a few to name and shame at there shabby asain instals. It should take a good 2 hours and that time is mainly it formatting the HD.

if it's done right it should boot flipping fast and run perfect. mine boots in form start up in under 8 seconds..mind it's overclocked alright but even on stock it was well under 15 sec with std HSF. Now im phase cooling abby, cpu is at -35 under normal load and idle she about -50...full load gaming, prime95, 3dmark, mem test all at same time she's about -12 last week i did this.

Thats still uber cold.

Anyway you've probs got a ton of prosses in the back ground running and conflicting software ie media and quwick time etc. also spywere you've probs got a bit of even if you say you aint. Minesweaper is the only thing spywear hasn't cracked and IBM shell out $10K a day just to keep ahaed of spywhere. Mind the cost for minesweaper alone justifes there spending hehe.

Best os is win 3.1. I did a count to 1 million in 8.45 seconds, xp i did 18.75. Xp being a bit of an ass hole but 3.1 is rock solid. Can be made torun all of today requriement fine. 98 se grabs my heart too. it;s about the lowest all sofatwera dn hardwera manafacture have to ocnform to just aboiut they do. I hit 6ghz stable running prime for 18 hours one with that on a p4 prescte but they run hot hotter than they should and on phase temps where worrying..14c..phase at the ehad no cpu is -70c okay so thats over 200w off the cpu in heat

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Go search goggle. if it's wanted i can post some direct links to site and forums with all the info you need.

it;s big phase chnage, can have single, twina dn tripple unit or cascades for the nuter one..taling -100c and more here and cooling dual cpu and dual card ie sli system alone with the nb on the bord.

So if you wana doute go forth but i can give you pics, links, specs data etc etc...

My timing to reply may be slow a si have a life to live and thing to do Geroge but i will always have the evidence to kick you down again mate. Or come to plymouth and check it out or holland for the computer show of phases

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Umm why would i make my self very open for you to ether reguest the proff or come see it and have a go your self...answer that you bitch??

I did the same with me shops but no longer do i just say when your in one of em and i happen to be there and your passing coment. it's taken a few by sotmr and i've loved it.

Go gogle for extream promethia (sp) mach II unit is the best to start with as beginer cost just under £500 for it all and it last forever...i've cilly1 unit. Bit more grunt

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Umm why would i make my self very open for you to ether reguest the proff or come see it and have a go your self...answer that you bitch??

I did the same with me shops but no longer do i just say when your in one of em and i happen to be there and your passing coment. it's taken a few by sotmr and i've loved it.

Go gogle for extream promethia (sp) mach II unit is the best to start with as beginer cost just under £500 for it all and it last forever...i've  cilly1 unit. Bit more grunt

Hold on, did I call you any name at all? No reason to call me a "bitch".

Mods, please close this thread. It's full of utter bullsh*t. This man knows absolutely nothing about computers.

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....what is the point in this thread? It doesn't really serve any purpose.

i coudn't agree more!, i believe that this forum is called a "trials forum".....and what does this have to do with trials?!

anyway i don't mean to be a tit but.... this topic is pointless it helps no one with any thing! so don't do it!

sorry to nag!


Edited by ollie
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it was to say look all with windows xp there is one hell of a huge update out there waiting for you.

Along wqith SP3 coming out to you lot soon but we cos im a company get it before you.

Phase is the extream side of cooling you processor be it amd or intle what ever modelit can be done. alows massive overclock and i love it.

I must know what im talking about beinmgs im going back to uni and to get acopeted on this coirse where it is not in the uk you have to have experince and some knoleg so there you go.

Oh sidehop i'll give you ring latter, plan for next weekend if you game

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Fire the pc up this morning at half 8 yeah as posti woke me up. Phase change unit was cooling my lovley p4 to a mint -35c @incredible clock speed...anyways

Windows picks up 8 new updates, it dl'd them and instaled did the restart just after finshing doing a virus check. Restart and bang more stuff, SP2 update. So SP3 is coming into the consumer market...my sp2 is on 2.13v now yay.

Watched a vid, namely Tim form Pashley and windows media wants to do an update to media 10.

Also msn has just been updated after i just did media player.

Oh well...so yeah just be warrend thes erae big updates mind. I got an 8mb line and it still took a bit of time...but it's been worth it.

I can't understand a f**king thing you say. Please just talk normally.

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Why do I have the feeling that you're either? :

a ) Bullshitting

b ) Copying this off a legit modding forum, complete with sh*te spelling

c ) See a ).

Well it cant be B, usual spelling erros. Mmmm A comes into mind... (Y)

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XP is shit. End of. plus its a fact its the most unstable operating system out

Im sorry but my pc can't play a video longer than 4 minutes without it media player crashing. Then if I try to play it again, it'll work for a bit, then the whole pc just loses the will to live and crashes :@

Your computer has serious issues then because its definately the most stable ms OS to date.

f**k off Pete. You do not have a phase change unit cooling your computer. Do you just how cold -35 is?!

I doubt the chip would even be within its optimum performance threshold at that temperature.

....what is the point in this thread? It doesn't really serve any purpose. It's just you trying to brag about a non-existant super-cool system that you have.

Here here

Sp2 is Sp2 right. you have to have a corp version of XP pro to get any extra Serivce packs. hense were getting sp3 in the next few weeks but SP corp wise is being let out at the moment and it's better than SP2.

Media 10 is again corp and a tester it looks for there new os.. I've just beenwtaching my team aemrican ''f**k yeah!!'' dvd in it and no problems and my cpu stayed at -35 all the way through it..so you've soemthing very wrong mate.

Best os is win 3.1. I did a count to 1 million in 8.45 seconds, xp i did 18.75. Xp being a bit of an ass hole but 3.1 is rock solid.

Well for starters sp3 wont be out for months and months. They say it will be released before vista but vista isnt due until christmas 2006. Yes ms released 8 updates recently which will be included in a sp3 but we aint gonna see it anytime soon.

WMP 10 is available to everyone and has been for some time. Windows media player 11 is available to ms beta testers.

And the final point is just bullshit.

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