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Did Anyone Remember What Day It Is?


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No-one will ever forget what happened!! I remember getting home from school to watch CITV but news was on every channel! Then the whole process of, are Relatives over there okay?! scary shizzle! :D

R.I.P to all the victims and thoughts to relatives of anyone involved. :P

Kerrie, x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x

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9/11's kinda gone the way of the mary celeste for me, so many conspirasy stories now that I dunno what to think.

whenever i see another documentory on it i just get more confused.

anyway, whenever i hear '9/11' i always think of the dude in the shirt and tie falling and spinning for ages after he'd jumped out. poingnent stuff.

Also, what was the deal with the 4th plane that 'apparently' crashed in a feild. however there appeared to be no wreckage at all? or was that an apparent missle that it dropped?

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9/11's kinda gone the way of the mary celeste for me, so many conspirasy stories now that I dunno what to think.

whenever i see another documentory on it i just get more confused.

anyway, whenever i hear '9/11' i always think of the dude in the shirt and tie falling and spinning for ages after he'd jumped out. poingnent stuff.

Also, what was the deal with the 4th plane that 'apparently' crashed in a feild. however there appeared to be no wreckage at all? or was that an apparent missle that it dropped?

In the end 3,000 innocent ammerican died for no fault of there own so why does it matter? we arn't the FBI and we will never know the totall truth its a cover up

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This post is not disrespectfull, but I'd just like to make a point;

Number of people killed on Sept 11th; 2,752

Number of people that died TODAY in africa from starvation; 50,000 (est)

Why is no one commemorating today, because CNN doesn't give a shit. I don't think anyone can even comprehend that 50,000 people died from starvation today, yet for some reason it doesn't even make the news.

Sometimes you need to take events in proportion.

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This post is not disrespectfull, but I'd just like to make a point;

Number of people killed on Sept 11th; 2,752

Number of people that died TODAY in africa from starvation; 50,000 (est)

Why is no one commemorating today, because CNN doesn't give a shit. I don't think anyone can even comprehend that 50,000 people died from starvation today, yet for some reason it doesn't even make the news.

Sometimes you need to take events in proportion.

Yeah but that's different, those people in poverty stricken places cannot be helped, no callous person has decided to kill them. Whereas September the 11th was someone's doing.

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Yeah but that's different, those people in poverty stricken places cannot be helped, no callous person has decided to kill them. Whereas September the 11th was someone's doing.

You are SO nieve it's unreal. People like you make me sick.

f**king tool.

First post of yours i've viewd in months.

1% of americas defence budget would clear world debt, the whole reason these 3rd world countries are still 3rd world is due to the super powers keeping it that way in their own interest, infact, i'm not even going to waste my time on you trying to explain to someone with the mental age of an 8 year old.

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'War on Terror'...

Or "War on Terrrrrrrr" as Georgey Dub-yah calls it.

Anyway, sucks it happened.

Found out on the radio in the bikeshop, didn't understand what the crap they were saying. Thought they meant a plane had dropped some bombs on Pentagon from the news stuff that was feeding through.

Go analytical news.

On the plus side, it had more video footage for BBC News 24 to repeat constantly all day than the London bombing. The amount of times I saw those same 4 clips on the news the day the London bombing happened was ridiculous.

Can't understand how you'd be able to do what the hi-jackers did though. Must've been terrible being on the planes. People always seem to forget that those people on those planes must've known they were going to die like that, instead remembering all the amateur sky-divers.

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You are SO nieve it's unreal. People like you make me sick.

f**king tool.

First post of yours i've viewd in months.

1% of americas defence budget would clear world debt, the whole reason these 3rd world countries are still 3rd world is due to the super powers keeping it that way in their own interest, infact, i'm not even going to waste my time on you trying to explain to someone with the mental age of an 8 year old.

So because I'm nieve and didn't know something you call me a f**king tool and stupid :P Thanks. Proves what a superior being you are doesn't it.

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No offence, and I don't want to lose respect over this...

But am I seriously the only one that...well...doesn't really care?

Meh, people died. So?

Those 3000 people didn't even make the slightest bump on world death figures.

As Alexx said, a lot more people than that die every day.

If we mourned over every person that died, where the hell would we get in life?

Mods : feel free to ban me/delete my post/warn me/whatever.

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This post is not disrespectfull, but I'd just like to make a point;

Number of people killed on Sept 11th; 2,752

Number of people that died TODAY in africa from starvation; 50,000 (est)

Why is no one commemorating today, because CNN doesn't give a shit. I don't think anyone can even comprehend that 50,000 people died from starvation today, yet for some reason it doesn't even make the news.

Sometimes you need to take events in proportion.

So what?! You care that much do you?! sell your twin monitor computer and the rest of your possesions and go and volunteer then...

Oh, it might compromise the comfort of you rcurrent standard of living. Yet you still feel the need to tell everyone ellse where they're wrong. GOBSHITE.


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He never said he cared Danny. I think he was just making a (very valid) point. Millions of people die all over the world. It sucks, but it can't be helped.

I, for one, was not really affected. I knew nobody who was there, so didn't really care. Yeah, it shocked me...big time, but it didn't really affect me as such.

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