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hey guys,

i am getting loads of new stuff for my bike soon and one thing im not too sure on is tyres.

any one got any suggestions? i am thinking more of creepy crawlers or echo tyres. good/bad points?

by the way if it helps, i ride more static then rolling/streety

thanks guys,


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Creepy crawlers are ace tyres grip to anything but dont roll anywhere, Echo tyres are just the same as the Monty tyres there nice tyres despite what people say not as grippy but allow you to roll more then 2 foot :) go for the creepys in my opinion but it's upto you it's your bike have it how you want it not how other people want it! :)


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theyve stopped selling echo tyres now...i think selectbikes sell front ones though.

creepy crawlys would be your best bet i think or monty however ive got monty tires and we i dip for big sidehops it creases really badly or wen i do a gap and lnd a little sideways it creases bad!

but then agen when i was ridin creepy crawlys i neva found myself ridin really. i was allways sat down fixing puctures. everything i did got me a pucture.(I AM NOT A HEAVEY..... :rolleyes: :P )

TRY ALL TYRES are pretty good although the grip wears down really really quick.

your choice


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I find that creapy crawlers wear down too quickly but the wear life on the try-all ones seem to be alot better but they just cost so much.



Since when :sick: creepys last for aaaaages and there alot cheeper then the try-all tyres!

Try-all just over price alot of the smaller things in there production line and when it gets to the point of making a set of tyres cost as much as they do there gonna lose out to the companies that are sliing better tyres for cheap!

Maxxis all the way on 20" and 26" no doubt about that!


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Since when :sick: creepys last for aaaaages and there alot cheeper then the try-all tyres!

Try-all just over price alot of the smaller things in there production line and when it gets to the point of making a set of tyres cost as much as they do there gonna lose out to the companies that are sliing better tyres for cheap!

Maxxis all the way on 20" and 26" no doubt about that!


its true ;)

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