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That New Tgi.tv Or Whatever Site


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Theres alot of new vids about, and I cant wacth them, as they are hosted on that site, but for some reason it wonr work for me.

The site and all the banners load, but no contents, and no matter how many times I refresh, or try the links on the side, its the saem, just blank


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Not liking the sound of

Our server has broken down under the weight of all our users or should i say lechers?

To keep the service on-line we'll have to take some new steps.

Stay tuned for the official announcement in about 12 hours.

Recent DOWNTIME mybe site shutdown?

Thu, 06/10/2005 - 11:07

Ah finally something to write about.

Recently the tv.isg.si comunity outgrew our resources.

We have to pay 1.520,27 USD every month for our internet optical line (bandwidth costs money $$$) but that is fine with us owners and we will gladly pay to still have uncensored service. But now our main server can't take the load anymore. We have taken some counter measures to ensure we can still provide this service for free. But soon we won't be able to keep up with the expenses for this uncensored tv.isg.si project. Now we are in a dilemma. What to do?

Charge for our services per month?

Ive not had any problems with firefox myself. What browser and what version of it are you using?

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Yeah, I noticed the "SERVER DOWNTIME" link thing... sketchy.

Seems to have slipped past everyone, despite the fact that it seems highly likely Tv.isg is going to disappear, at least as a free hosting site?

Ah well, ignorance is bliss.

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