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The Gym Thread...


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cardio how, i just cant do it. i somehow when i first started at the gym(bear in mind i was probably not far off 17 stone at this time(was almost 18 stone at one point)) i was able to do 40 minutes cardio everytime i went to the gym, and do weights afterwards(wrong way round, but i was a noob with me 8kg dumbell curls)

now i just cant do it, its gets sooo boring, can happily go and do weights for as long as humanly possible, but give me a 3/4 of a mile or so on the treadmill, and im ready to call it a day.

really need to start as well. got a few lbs of fat to shed before the summer.

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treadmills and bikes are really boring and really the best thing to do for cardio is to go out and cycle or do something like that, did you get an xc bike when you were talking about getting one before? I got a banshee at christmas and i've covered about 400-500 miles already and i'm really enjoying using it for both exercise and downhill fun.

or you have a enduro bike or something don't you? surely you must do afair bit of cardio riding that if your properly greenlaning or whatever, I used to ride abit of motocross and I'd be really knackered after a decent days racing.

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treadmills and bikes are really boring and really the best thing to do for cardio is to go out and cycle or do something like that, did you get an xc bike when you were talking about getting one before? I got a banshee at christmas and i've covered about 400-500 miles already and i'm really enjoying using it for both exercise and downhill fun.

or you have a enduro bike or something don't you? surely you must do afair bit of cardio riding that if your properly greenlaning or whatever, I used to ride abit of motocross and I'd be really knackered after a decent days racing.

never got an xc bike,im still going to, but its just that getting meself a new car sorted takes priority.

and yes ive got an enduro bike, but this time of year espesh,it only gets used every other sunday at most. although i do have to agree its rather a good workout.

may start trying to run a mile or two a night once i get home from work. cant see it being that hard to do,its just sticking to it thats the hard thing

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I havn't got round to my weights since Tuesday, I've been really busy and stuf, and I don't know if I'll manage at all this week, my shoulder has gone pop again today. b*****d cold weather, it always goes in the cold.

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Right I'm looking for a/some supplements that will increase my muscle size paired with a good work out,now the work out I have but the supplements I don't (hence why I'm asking for them) Now I've heard that creatine is good so I'm getting some of that tomorrow just till I find out more. So can anybody recommend supplements that actually worked and possibly where to get them from, too tired to read through god knows how many pages searching for it + I'm watching Rise of the foot soldiers.


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whats your diet like?

how long have you been training?

how often do you train?

a good protein is the most important thing you can buy, optimum nutrition gold standard ( strawberry or banana cream are to die for ).

bcaa's, creatine, weight gainers are good.

but you can take all the supplements in the world, if your diet isnt right you wont put on muscle mate, simple.

wana be big... EAT EAT AND EAT SOME MORE!

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Been training properly for 4 weeks now,but on and off for a year before that. My diet mainly consists of pasta, chicken, potatoes, and my favourite is loads of salmon and cucumber in a baguette, I'm eating constantly all day but still aren't putting anything on. I train every other day 4 days a week.

Edited by zoo
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also you have to keep in mind, it takes years to put on muscle if you train naturally.

dont expect anything major by starting to take supps, you will notice a difference after a year, also you might not see it you will make little changed and get bigger slightly but because you look at yourself regularly you wont see it.

take pics and measure if your serious and see how far you can get in a year.

i put on around 6-8 kgs in the last 8-9 months but looking in the mirror i wouldnt notice. body fat stayed the same.

its hard work with steroids let alone without...

work hard and stay motivated is the only was forward.

after you turn 21 a whole new world opens up if your willing and serious about building muscle

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also you have to keep in mind, it takes years to put on muscle if you train naturally.

dont expect anything major by starting to take supps, you will notice a difference after a year, also you might not see it you will make little changed and get bigger slightly but because you look at yourself regularly you wont see it.

take pics and measure if your serious and see how far you can get in a year.

i put on around 6-8 kgs in the last 8-9 months but looking in the mirror i wouldnt notice. body fat stayed the same.

its hard work with steroids let alone without...

work hard and stay motivated is the only was forward.

after you turn 21 a whole new world opens up if your willing and serious about building muscle

Can you explain this?

Still fresh from The Machinist, it became necessary for Bale to bulk up to match the powerful physique of Batman. He was given a deadline of six months to do this. Bale recalled it as far from a simple accomplishment: “…when it actually came to building muscle, I was useless. I couldn’t do one push up the first day. All of the muscles were gone, so I had a real tough time rebuilding all of that.” With the help of a personal trainer, Bale succeeded in meeting the deadline, gaining exactly one hundred pounds (45kg) in six months. He then worked toward building muscle.

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dude some people have jobs, families and other stuff going on.

i havent got time 2 spend 3-4 hours in the gym everyday and havent got the energy!

dont compare actors to day to day life people! he probably lived to train till he got to the weight needed for the film, i train as a hobby and cant do what he does because i have other things going on

dont care what you say actors have good paid jobs can afford what they want, diet will be only the best for them thats why they can build musce quickly. ( and theres always steroids which no actor is going to admit to taking )

fact! you wont be able to put on the same as a million pound paid actor! not possible mate

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Still fresh from The Machinist, it became necessary for Bale to bulk up to match the powerful physique of Batman. He was given a deadline of six months to do this. Bale recalled it as far from a simple accomplishment: “…when it actually came to building muscle, I was useless. I couldn’t do one push up the first day. All of the muscles were gone, so I had a real tough time rebuilding all of that.” With the help of a personal trainer, Bale succeeded in meeting the deadline, gaining exactly one hundred pounds (45kg) in six months. He then worked toward building muscle.

1) muscle/size memory. your body will soon go back to the way it was(relatively speaking, not talking when you make huge differences here), like when your a comfy 80kgs, have been for a year, you go skiing for a week, drop to 76kgs, then when you go back to your old diet, you return to 80 kgs pretty quickly.

2)bale gained 45 kg in 6 months, thats all it says, in fact it actually says even less than that, in the bit "he then worked towards building muscle" meaning a fair chunk of his weight gain was fat.technically speaking 45kg in 6 months, is a case of eating 1800 calories more than your body needs, which isnt a lot when your break it down.

3) in bales post machinist state, his body would of been itching to gain weight.so the first few kg would of come stupid easy.possibly talking a kg a day of weight to start with.

4)bale was payed thousands and thousands of pounds to do this. if i was given £200,000, a fully equipped gym,and my own personal nutritionist for 24 hours a day. id make a hell of a lot better progress than i would working full time, eating the crap which mother sticks in the cupboard for me.

talking about my progress, first 2 weeks of me cut went real well, however ive now got a week off work, so am lazing around, and eating a lot more out of boredom, still plan is 13 stone 7 by the end of may somehow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just read the GDA of protein for an adult male, 55g.

55g, im on somewhere around 3-4 times that at the moment.

cuts going pretty well to be fair, not dropping any noticeable strength, bodyfats dropping nicely.

got 1 week left, then im back at college, but im gunna try and not pig out at college, gunna go for the no fry ups, no chip shop, no kebab, no chocolate, no crisps rule, just keep it to sandwiches for lunch, drink a load of water, whatevers for tea. and try and not hit the boozer too much.

anything for forearms, part from hammer curls, and wrist curls? might make meself a wrist roller out of a broomstick at some point this week, but im stuck for freeweight based exercises for forearms.

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